20. Guilty

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As he stared at the mirror, Taehyun thought to himself, 

'How am I so lucky?' Like, damn! His boyfriend literally let him move in with him just because he saw nightmares, Taehyun felt so loved and blessed, for the first time in forever.

He was securing the stupid cut on his wrist, and in a blink of an eye, when his eyes shifted back to the mirror, he saw the raven's ethereal face, approaching him.

"Palli, Taehyun. Practice starts in fifteen minutes," Unlike his words, it didn't look like Beomgyu was in a rush, He planted a soft kiss on Taehyun's shoulder before swiftly sliding his veiny hands under Taehyun's jersey, massaging his sides,

"You don't look like you're in a rush-- Hyung~" Taehyun whined when Beomgyu's hand tugged onto his waistband,

But he jumped out of his bubble before snapping into reality, pushing Beomgyu away as he turned to him.

"Not now, okay? We don't know where this would end," Taehyun grinned, tousling the raven's hair before picking up his bag to go, Beomgyu tagging along like he was a lost puppy.


"Water break!" 

The boys hurried over to the benches and sipped on water, Taehyun huffed out, panting heavily after practice. Next to him sat Jake, and he nudged the boy. 

"Taehyunie, Do you remember when we had that--" And, blah, blah, blah. It might be rude but Taehyun couldn't help but stare at his boyfriend, Well, it was so much better than listening to whatever Jakey was telling him. Taehyun's having a lot in his mind lately, To make his situation worse, When he was moving out of the house, He found a letter his mom had written to him. 

Dear Taehyunnie, 

My baby boy, I'm writing this to you, and maybe, when I'm gone, You will find this. Did you? Well, Taehyun, Like Eomma always tells you, Think twice before doing something that you will think is regretful. It's currently midnight, and you are in Kai's, having a sleepover but Eomma got this weird feeling today, I feel like I'd lose you. I can feel it, I know. My baby, My world, No matter what, Your mom and dad will always be with you. I know youre mad at us for not spending time with you. I know you wish to have a company. I'm sorry, aegi-ya~ I love you so much and I know you will find a boy who will love you even when you're at your worst. I love you. 

From, Your Eomma 

He cried and cried and cried, reading every single word of it, written by his mom. He wanted to yell so loud and tell his mom that she never failed him. And Beomgyu wasn't with him to give a kiss on his lips to calm him down, and that is what bothered Taehyun. Ever since Beomgyu came into his life, he feels like he can't live without him and he feels pathetic for that.

Like, fuck! It's not been a month since they were together but Taehyun has understood that he is super clingy, He loves attention and he seeks warmth, Like a small baby. He was embarrassed, but there wasn't Beomgyu to tell him that it wasn't something embarrassing. He wished to be protected and loved by Beomgyu all his life but a voice inside of him always reminded him of one thing, 

'You are a burden to him!' 

And that made him nervous as fuck. 

"You aren't listening to me, are you? It's okay though." Taehyun flinched, Jake was giggling beside him and he could only mutter a sorry. 

He overhead Jeongin's and Beomgyu's conversation, 

"Yah, It's been so long since you partied, Wanna come over to my place?" Heesueng butts in, 

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