6. Happy... Birthday?

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4. 04 pm, March 13th
Basketball Court

Fortunately, Taehyun didn't miss today's practice, 

"Yo, Didn't Cap scold you or sumn?" Jay nudges the boy and Taehyun shakes his head a no, hesitantly, 

"No, why?" 

"Uh, he was so mad at you the other day." Jake butts in and Taehyun pouts, then scratches the back of his neck as he shrugged. 

The coach was apparently there for the practice today and it went well, 

They played a practice match, and the boys did great as always, but in the midst of all the chaos, Beomgyu approached Taehyun. 


"Hyung? What is it?" Taehyun sipped on some water as he doubted the older, Beomgyu pouted, 

"The note? I found it. Do you want me to meet you—" 

"A note..?" Taehyun asked out of curiosity. 

"The note, Taehyun. The note you wrote in red?" Beomgyu accentuated each and every word, 

"Hyung, But I—" 

The door creaked open and Kai peeked through it, with a small smile. 

"Hey coach Park, Uh.. I came here to get Taehyun.. For... For a- music... Uhh, a music m... meeting!" Kai pondered before saying. 

"Taehyun, some smiley boy with a perfect nose wants you. You may leave," Coach Park who always was a funny dude sneered. 

"Hyung.. I gotta go, You see, Kai needs me..." Taehyun ran out with Kai, as Kai grabbed his wrist and enthusiastically dragged him out. 

They stopped in front of the changing room and Taehyun, dumbfounded, stared at his best friend. 

"What was that?" 

"It's March 13th! Beomgyu Hyung's birthday, God, didn't you know? Even Jeongin Hyung ditched practice today! The Basketball team is gonna be here and," He opened the door to find about twenty of Beomgyu's friends, Including YeonBin. "Everyone's here." 

"Oh, damn." Taehyun heaves a sigh before entering. 

"Oh, and, Don't mind if Beomgyu Hyung flirts with you, Because I kinda wrote a note to him and put it in his bag but I think he may have thought it's you." 

"Oh!? So the red note thing he told?? Kai, are you kidding me??" Kai sheepishly smiled and dragged Taehyun to the oldest two, 

The room was decorated with mostly basketball-y stuff and was almost a red... Room... Yeah. 

"Hey, Hyungs!!" Taehyun greeted the couple and Yeonjun hugged the smaller one, And Soobin ruffled his fluffy hair. 

Taehyun looked around and saw a few massive boxes of gifts and he pouted, irresistibly cute according to Yeonjun, who was basically the caretaker of the Maknaez. 

"I don't have a gift for him though..." Taehyun mumbled and Yeonjun, being the soft-hearted he is pulled Taehyun closer to his side and smiled in a 'Hyung' way. 

For what? 

No apparent reason. 

"It doesn't matter, He'll forgive you, just cause youre cute~" Taehyun looked at Yeonjun with a disgusted look and shoved him away, quickly moving to Soobin only to link his arms with him. 

"Such a disgrace, you are, Yeonjun Hyung! Flirt!" Taehyun exclaims dramatically and Yeonjun pouts, finding his next target; Kai. 

"Soobinie-Hyung~ What do I do?? I've got nothing to give him!!" Taehyun stomps his feet but before Soobin could answer, Kai beams loudly, 

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