Not Just Bloodlust Chapter 11

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Not Just Bloodlust xxx



He must be going to see Layla because he sounded really impatient like he wanted to be somewhere else not talking to me.

Anyway, I went back to sit under the tree to find that Miley was gone, when I looked around the grounds I saw it was deserted, only the few rebels that were bunking. Most people couldn’t afford to miss class because they have missed it sooo many times before that they need to catch up and get a good grade.

God The Time Went REALLY QUICK!!!!

******Unknown P.O.V*******

He was near I could feel his presents; it felt cold and sent shivers down my spine.

I moved forward a couple of steps; I saw a figure in front of me now.  I knew it was him. The cold blooded creature, it’s coming for me!!!


Chapter 11 (Miley's P.O.V)

I was really disappointed when he had a phone call, he looked really annoyed too as he walked out from under the tree. I waited for about 10 minutes, ‘til I got bored and walked off to put something’s in my locker...

On my way there I saw Brianna coming out of the gym looking flustered, I was about to ask her why when I felt a hand on my shoulder and because I had been to Martial arts and self-defence classes, I was trained to be alert!

As soon as I feel the hand coming into contact with my shoulder I quickly grabbed hold of it and twisted around to face the person, while I did the person let out a screech because I was twisting their wrist around too!!

I was faced with Joe the Jerk/Player of the school but as soon as I saw his pained yet slightly constipated look on his face, I burst out laugh; this was a LMAO moment...hahahahaha!!!

“Awww did I hurt u?” I asked with a pouty voice and expression but that just made him mad!!

His went sooo red he looked like a tomato, I thought he was going to punch me but he didn’t. He just pushed me against the row of the blue lockers; that were already pretty bashed up away so it wouldn’t stand out very much.  In the process of my back shamming against the lockers, my head also going with the same motion as my body making my head slammed too!!! By now,  he had come up right close to me; close as in nearly touching noses close!!!

He slowly leant down to the side of my face. At this point I had positioned myself so it would only take a little kick, to knee him right where the sun don’t shine....

And I did right after he said “Don’t ever do that again or I will kill you!!”

Did he really think a death threat would stop me...!??

I was a trained in Martial arts, I could kick his ass anytime, anywhere!!!!

I left him on floor holding his crotch and was that a tear I saw (LOL). I carried on to my next class which was chemistry with Mr Andrews.

I enjoyed Chemistry but it was always too easy, some days it’s like...

C4H10 + Cl  = C4H9Cl

Which is a challenge but most of the days are like this...

H2O   --->  H + O2 

Water  ---> Hydrogen + Oxygen

And trust me that is sooo easy when u have done it so many times like I have!!!

I got to the class, sat in my normal seat at the back and put my earphones in listening to Katy Perry: E.T!!! Epic Song!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2011 ⏰

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