Chapter Seven - The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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You burst through the disgusting, snake skin like portal that screamed 'bad ideas' and land hard on the ground with a grunt. You look around, your panic stricken mind looking wildly for Steve. In that moment, you didn't care about what he said or what you said, you only cared that he might be dead in this moment.

You hear Nancy land beside you, Eddie and Robin close behind. You immediately get up from the disgusting ground after hearing an ear piercing scream that made your heart drop and soar.


He was still alive.

But not for long.

You worked fast, eyes scouring the area, and immediately see an unmoving body a few meters from where you were currently and run over to investigate, the others not far behind. Nancy assesses the situation, grabbing one of the oars that belonged to the old rickety boat that was a few feet from Steve as she passed by it.

You allow Eddie to take the other one, working quickly to get into the boat and step on the side of it with your combat boot, pulling up at the weary wood with all the strength you could muster, and it finally gave up, sending you flying back but accomplishing exactly what you wanted.

A weapon.

Not as effective as your axe would be in this very moment, but hey sharp wood would fair pretty well for the time being. You finally turn around to face Steve, and wince at the sight. He was covered in bites from one of the many evil creatures surrounding him.

They were shaped like bats, and it was as if their skin was flipped inside out. Their tails had to be at least two feet long and their teeth were exactly like the demogorgons. Thankfully, they didn't seem to be too big, but a pack of them like this could prove to be a struggle to get rid of.

Nancy didn't waste any time, immediately hitting one of the bats that was biting Steve's middle hard with her oar, making it skid across the hard ground, wince and double back in pain.

"Hey there." She said softly, immediately working to hit the other bat-like creature that was on Steve's other side. You immediately walk over to Steve's head, seeing how a bat had wrapped itself around his neck and cutting off air.

"Quick! Hold it hold it hold it!" Nancy screams at Robin, who immediately stepped on the creature to stop it from moving, allowing you to bend down and start unwrapping its tail from around his neck. Nancy started hitting the creature fiercely in the face as you worked as fast as you could.

The thing had somehow tangled itself around his neck, making it insanely difficult to take it off, especially with the slimy complexion. Once you see you weren't making progress just yet, you force your hand down the tight space the thing had created that prevented Steve from breathing. It would at least allow him a bit of air while you worked. Steve gasped loudly, finally able to breathe at least a little bit.

You hear Eddie shout encouraging words from behind you, but you pay no mind, scooting closer to Steves head and propping it onto your knees so you could reach under and start to unwrap the thing from him.

You work hastily, your process was working surprisingly well before you feel Nancy back off suddenly, and soon you see, or rather feel, why. You bite your lip, you were so close to freeing him.

It was then that you felt many tiny teeth sink into your shoulder, and you let out a cry of pain, but you ignore it and the feeling of blood and flesh leaving your body as the thing fed on the nutrients you were providing it.

You could hear bats starting to swarm everywhere, more attacking Nancy, Robin releasing her foot from the bat choking Steve to go help her and leaving you to slide over to it before it could start choking Steve again and undo all the progress you had made.

Fly Me To The Moon (steve harrington x reader) (Under Hiatus, to be updated soonWhere stories live. Discover now