Chapter Five : The Flea and The Acrobat

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"What was Will saying, again?" Mike asks. The group was currently seated in the Wheelers basement. This place had seemed to become a second home for you over the past couple of days. You were seated next to Eleven on the comfy couch.

"Like home..." You reply. "But dark?" Mike questions again. "And empty." Lucas says, letting out a sigh.

"Empty and cold.. Wait did he say cold?"

"Does that really matter right now, Dustin? But I can't be too sure.. The radio signal kept going in and out."

"It's like riddles in the dark," Mike says in exasperation.

"Like home... Like, his home??" Dustin questions, leaning his hand onto his face, deep in thought. "Or maybe like Hawkins." Lucas adds on.

"Upside down." You all look towards the girl seated next to you at her words. "What'd she say?" Lucas says, not hearing her clearly from the distance between the two. "Upside down." You reply to him. All of a sudden, Mike gets up, a lightbulb above his head.

"Upside down." He says in recognition, walking over to the flipped over D&D board. "When El showed us where will was, she flipped the board upside down, remember?"

"No." You deadpanned to the small child.

"Upside down... Dark. Empty." He continues on, ignoring you completely. "Do you understand what he's talking about?" You ask to your brother. "No..." He responds, a curious look on his face.

"Guys! Come on, it was the day that Y/n wasn't here. Just think about it. When El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?" You all nod slowly.

"Yeah. And he wasn't there." Lucas says, saying what everyone else was thinking. "But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if... He was on the other side." He suddenly flips the board right side up, giving the three of you a visualization of what he was talking about.

"What if this is Hawkins and..." He flips the board over. "This is where Will is?"

"Upside down..." You say, suddenly getting it. "Like the Vale of Shadows?" Dustin asks, making his way over to where Mike was standing, you and Lucas making your way over as well.

Dustin goes to get Mikes D&D manual, plopping the heavy book down onto the table and flipping towards a certain page.

"The Vale of Shadows, a dimension that is a reflection or echo of this world. It is a place of decay and death. A place of monsters. It's right next to you, and you don't even see it. An alternate dimension."

"Well that's charming..." You say sarcastically, biting your lip in confusion. "How exactly do you get to this strange dimension...?" You ask, turning your head over to your brother. "You cast shadow walk." Dustin says matter of factly, to which you hit him upside the head.

"In real life, dummy!" Lucas says. "We can't shadow walk but... Maybe she can." You say, walking up to her before grasping her hand gently and rubbing soft circles into her skin. "Do you know how to get there? To the Upside down?"


It was the next day... The day of Wills funeral. This felt so wrong to you, you knew he was alive, and his mother deserved to know. It wasn't your place to say something about it to her, though. Will would be able to tell her in person once you found him.

You were currently in your room, trying to get ready. You had a nice silk black dress that you were wearing, a fancy white flower hair piece on the side of your face. You had decided to actually try with your hair, putting it up nicely into a hairstyle you only used for special occasions, makeup only light and natural. Taking one last look of yourself in your bathroom mirror, you take your letterman that you never wore out of the closet and lie it onto your arm. You knew it was cold outside, and being without a jacket would be a stupid idea. You then head out to the living room where your brother and mom waited for you.

Fly Me To The Moon (steve harrington x reader) (Under Hiatus, to be updated soonWhere stories live. Discover now