Chapter Six : E Pluribus Unum

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"The gate." You, Steve, and Dustin all say together, looking to each other with the same terrified expressions. You all head down the stairs, antsy to get out of this place to find help before anyone could find you. "I don't understand, you've seen this before??" Robin questions from behind you.

"Well, not exactly." You respond. "Then what, exactly??"

"All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin says for you. "Really bad." Steve agrees. "Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad!" Dustin says from the front.

"And you know about this, how???"

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica questions, interrupting Robins. Steve looks down at the floor where the man once was to see that he was, in fact, not there anymore. All of a sudden an alarm starts blaring from out of no where, making you all freeze in panic.

"Shit." Steve says, going to the door before opening it to see what was going on. "Steve, what the hell are you doing?? Close the damn door!" You say, slamming the door shut for him before pointing to the stairs.

"Go go go go!" He yells to the others to follow your orders, everyone ushering to get up the stairway. "Move, let's move!" You say, pushing your way through the crowd to take the lead, opening the door to the gate as a way of escape. Everyone in the room turns towards you in surprise, but you ignore them, rushing to the door closest to you that led down to the machine.

You push any body getting in the way of you and your friends seemingly only escape passage, only stopping when you nearly fell off a cliff the machine was shooting from.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT!" Dustin screams from beside you before Steve starts towards another way.

"This way!" He yells to everyone, now taking the lead. He takes everyone behind the stairs, spotting a way out before pulling some barrels down to slow the Russians down.

"Come on!" He yells to everyone, finally rushing into the door he was leading you to, slamming it behind him. "Y/n!" He yells to you before you could help the kids get into the air duct located in the room. You go to him without hesitation, putting your whole body weight against the door.

"Robin, watch after them!" You call to the girl, who nods in understanding, ushering Erica into the vent before going in herself. "Dustin go!" You call to the boy who was hovering by the exit.

"No, come on!"

"Just get out of here!" Steve calls to him. "No! I won't leave you!"

"DUSTIN!!! GO!!!"

"Go get some help, man!" Steve yells in agreement. "Y/n, I love you!"

"I love you too now GO!!!"

"I won't forget you!"

"GO!!!" You and Steve both yell, to which he regretfully goes into the vent, closing the lid behind him. "I'm going to let this go." You say to him, to which he looks to you with a terrified expression.


"They want in, we'll let them in! Just cover for me!" You say, before he could protest you jump back, letting the soldiers fall to the floor from the momentum.

"Hey there." Is all you say before disarming one of the men, grabbing the gun from him before he could react, it was five against one but you could take those odds.

You immediately shoot the gun to another one of the soldiers, the bullets momentum knocking it straight out of his hand. He comes at you, throwing a punch which you dodge before throwing a roundhouse kick at his stomach, knocking the wind out of him, making him collapse to the floor.

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