Chapter Two : The Weirdo on Mapel Street

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The group made their way back to Mikes house, as it was the most suitable home to keep the small girl in for the time being.

Said girl rode on the back of your bike. You felt so bad for her, she was so scared and the boys weren't helping at all. Finally, you all arrived at the Wheelers house, sneaking into the basement successfully with the child on your back.

Once you silently closed the door behind you, the poor kid was bombarded with questions from the boys.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?"
"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"
"Did you run away?"
"Are you in some kind of trouble?"
"Is that blood?!"

"Seriously guys stop it! You're scaring the poor thing!" You exclaimed, clambering down the wooden steps to join the crew. Once you were down, you sat her down gently onto the couch and plopped down next to her, rubbing soft circles on her shoulder blade.

"Do you have a name sweety?" You ask kindly. "She won't answer you, I bet you she's deaf," Dustin says, clapping loudly in front of her face to which she flinches back. "Huh. Not deaf."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock! Jesus, Henderson, she's just scared and cold and you're only making it worse." You say, annoyed at your brothers antics. A sudden clap of thunder shakes the house, and she flinched back.

"Hey, hey it's ok, here... These are clean, okay?" Mike says, giving her a new fresh pair of clothes for her to put on.

...Upon which she reaches to the hem of her shirt, about to strip. "NONONO!!" The three boys all exclaim, pulling it back down.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god-"

"Dustin shut up!" You say, rolling your eyes. "You guys are so immature. Come on sweety," you say, putting your hand in hers and leading her to the bathroom at the end of the basement.

"Teenage boys are idiots at this age. Ignore them."

"Idiots?" She asks you, confused. "Yeah. Not smart like us girls," you respond, smirking down at her. She smiles slightly back. Mike gets up and walks over to the two of you.

"This is for privacy. Get it?" He asks, pointing to the bathroom door, to which you sigh. He's hopeless. He starts to close the door as soon as she steps inside, which she grabs onto immediately, eyes pleading him not to.

"You don't want it closed?"

"No," the kid responds, Mike just seems to gawk at her first words. "So you can speak?"

"Of course she can speak, dipshit," you say, annoyed. "Do you want me in there to help you, sweetie?" You ask to the girl, who nods her head. When she does so, you make your way into the tiny bathroom with her, and crack the door so she felt more comfortable. You help with her shirt first, looking away for the sake of her privacy, and then proceed to help with her pants, as messing with the button and zipper is hard work!

"All done! Now, let's get you back out there hun," smiling at her, you hold your hand out, to which she takes immediately. "Whatcha dinguses talking about?" They all jump at your voice being right behind them. "Nothing." Lucas says, eying the girl with suspicion in his eyes. "Ooookay then... Mike I'm assuming that she's staying at your house, am I right?" He nods his head slowly.

"Well then. Seems you guys are settled, so with that I bid you all farewell, me and Dustin prolly have to be heading back home." You say, bowing to them, Dustin scoffing at you. The girl grabbing your wrist gently before you can turn around to walk out.

"Hey, don't sweat it, sweet pea. I'll be back here tomorrow, for now just get some sleep, yeah?" You ask, to which she nods. Satisfied with the response, you pat her head gently and head out of the basement quietly, assuming Dustin and Lucas were following you.

Fly Me To The Moon (steve harrington x reader) (Under Hiatus, to be updated soonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang