Chapter Eight : The Battle of Starcourt

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You were too stunned to speak, seeing that... thing move again in El's leg and her screams of agony. Jonathan realizes your state of mind, and takes things into his own hands. The kids were screaming over each other, incoherent nonsense flowing out of their mouths as they communicated the urgency of the situation to each other, trying to assess the situation.

"Keep her talking, keep her awake, ok???!" Jonathan yells to you before taking off. You nod, going over to her head. "Hey, sweetie. I need you to stay awake, alright? I'm right here, everything is going to be okay. Let's get her on this side!" You tell the others, moving her onto her back and around with the help of the others.

"Easy, easy easy." Steve says, helping as well. You stroke her hair as she sobs in pain. "You know, it's not actually that bad... There was a... The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something it was insane-"

"Robin." Steve says from the side of you, the whole group looking to her in disgust of the vivid memory described in graphic detail. "Yeah??"

"Not helping."

"I'm sorry!" She says apologetically, just as Jonathan came back, knife in his hand. You finally got at what he was trying to do. "Anyone have a belt???" You ask the group. They look to you in a confused manner. "A belt! I need a belt!"

"I have one." Will says, immediately taking it off and handing it to you upon seeing your urgency. You race to her leg. "El, this might hurt a bit." You say, tying the belt around her leg just three inches above the wound tightly, as to cut off circulation. This regrettably wouldn't work as well as a tourniquet would, but you had to work with what you had.

"All right, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay???" Jonathan says calmly. "Okay!" She sobs out. "I need you to stay real still." He says, putting on surgical gloves before handing a wooden spoon to her. "Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?"

"Jesus Christ..." Dustin says as El puts the spoon into her mouth. You prop her leg up as to not lose too much blood, hoping that Nancy had a fist aid kit with bandages in her car to pack the wound with once you were done. "Holy shit holy shit..." Dustin says from the other side Max.

Jonathan puts the serialized knife up to the wound and the thing that was moving inside of it, hesitating slightly. "Do it." Mike says from El's head, holding her gently in his arms. "Okay." Is all he says, Dustin murmuring uncomfortable from the side.

He slides the knife into her leg, Eleven screaming in agony as the weapon slits open the wound. He drops the knife down to the side of him, sticking his hand into the wound as she screeches even louder than before. He shoves his hand around forcefully, trying to pry the creature out of her leg.

"Jonathan!" You say, seeing Eleven being on the brink of passing out due to the pain. "Stop talking!" He says in concentration, still digging around. This was far enough, and everyone knew it. "God dammit, stop!" Nancy yells from the side of him just as El spits out the spoon from her mouth.

"Stop! Stop it!" She screams. Only then did Jonathan stop, pulling his hand out as she winces in pain. "I can do it..." She cries out. "I can do it..." She says again, this time a bit more forcefully.  She whimpers in pain as she sits up with the help of the other boys. She sits there panting for a few seconds before putting her hand out to her leg.

You can see the thing move around due to the force her mind was doing to it, El yelping in pain. She throws her head back, a bloodcurdling scream coming from her mouth. The glass window that showed the attractions of the gap shattered, covering you all in glass. You all duck from the stray pieces, just as El pulls out some slug like life form out of her leg, holding it up to her face with fury present in her eyes, before chucking it across the hall, all while screaming her head off.

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