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6 years prior...

You wake up with a start, hearing a loud cracking noise that sounds horribly like a gunshot. You whimper into your bedsheets, hugging your bear beanie baby close to your body, his name being super original, known as the one and only, "bear bear."

You look down at your watch, a 9 year birthday present from your mother, the large pixel numbers on it reading 2:00 A.M. Sighing, you roll over, trying to get comfy in the cold, stiff bed sheets. Although the strange feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach makes it hard to fall back asleep. Groaning, you finally give into the urge to get up and see what that strange noise that so wickedly disturbed your precious sleep was.

Groggily sitting up and placing your feet down onto the ice cold wooden planks that was your floor, you slowly make your way out of the infant sized room and into the living room, which ironically was right across from your room. Not that it could have been anywhere else, given the fact that you lived in a tiny trailer home.

You slowly make your way to the fridge to get some water when you hear something that sounds awfully like someone crying their guts out, repeating the words "I'm sorry," over and over again. You shakily look from around the fridge door, closing it as quietly as you could, and almost scream when you see two figures on the ground, both drenched in blood, one of them being your father, the other your mother.

You cover your mouth and drop the the ground. Only when you collide hard into the island does your father notice your presence. His crazed, bloodshot eyes looking at you as he stroked your mothers hair.

"W-what have you done?? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MAMMA?!!!" You scream in agony, tears now flooding from your eyes, hands entangling themselves into your soft hair.

He doesn't answer, and instead gets up very shakily from his sitting position, shaking his head from side to side, grabbing a glass whisky bottle from the counter, slowly backing away from your mother.

"I-I didn't mean to-" he doesn't get to finish whatever he was going to say though, as you both turn and hear police and ambulance sirens in the distance.

"You bitch. What have you done." He asks, angrily scrambling towards you, glass bottle at the ready to launch towards your head in attempt to knock you unconscious. You close your eyes, grabbing your mothers corpse in your arms, waiting for the impact.


But it didn't come.

What came instead was the creaking sound of the front door opening, accompanied with a deep voice coming from the trailer door.

"This is Jim Hopper, chief of police, come out with your hands up!" You gasp, looking up with your tear soaked face, clutching your mother closer.

What your father does instead is laugh maniacally, clutching his sides as he digs in his belt to grab a pistol, aiming it at the "chief of police," though before he can do anything, you see a bright light of electricity coming from a black taser, the culprit being one of the other officers. Your father immediately stops, falling to the ground and passing out.

"Search the house." You hear the person who called himself Jim Hopper call out to his fellow police officers. It wasn't long before one of them found you hiding behind the island in the kitchen, still holding your mother, covered in blood from head to toe.

"Hey chief?" The tall man called into his walkie-talkie. "We gotta kid here, and what looks to be her mother. I'm going to go ahead and take them outside." You heard something along the lines of copy that, before you were helped to your feet and walked outside, hearing the man call to one of the doctors on site and explaining to them the situation.

You were taken to the Hawkins Hospital and learned in the morning that your mother had passed in the night due to blood loss. They found out who you were a few hours after that and family relations. Y/N Henderson.

You were asked a lot of questions over the course of the next few days, questions such as,
"does your father drink regularly?"
"did he ever physically harm you?"
"has he ever been this violent before?"
etc etc etc... it all became a blur after a while.

You were soon taken in by your mothers sister after that, having to go to many trips to the police station for questioning and court a few weeks after for the trial of your father.

He was proven guilty, and sent to spend 35 years in jail for the murder of your mother. It turned out that the ones who had called the police had been your neighbors. Thankfully, the ambulance and police got there just in time.

You had many trips to therapy for severe anxiety, depression, and moderate PTSD, after being taken in by your Auntie and 6 year old cousin, Dustin Henderson. These ugly mental disorders due to not only the horrific childhood trauma you had received with the tragic death of your mother, but also your fathers habits with alcohol and anger issues being taken out on you as well as your mother before her death.

After being admitted to live with your Auntie, they moved away from their previous house and into Hawkins, not only to get from your Aunties ex husband and start a new life, but also to make you feel more comfortable, not having to stress out about moving and all that. Your Aunt seemed to think that it would be good for you to be somewhere familiar while all the chaos was going on.

As a welcome home gift, your Aunt got you a kitten, which you named Mews. Dustin was distant at first, not only due to the new environment he was now forced into, but also new to the fact that he would now have to live with a new member of the family, two actually if you counted Mews. It was all just happening way too fast for him, you assumed. You totally got where he was coming from and gave him some space, not that you had much of a choice seeing how he never talked to you.

Though everything seemed to get better once you got him a new cap, it was red white and blue and he absolutely adored it. Never seemed to take it off. That was when he finally seemed to warm up to you, finally starting to see you as a sister.

Then his first year at the new "Hawkins Elementary" school started, and for you your fifth grade year at the middle school it offered. This was where you made friends with Nancy Wheeler and Barbara (Barb) Holland. Dustin also seemed to make some new friends as well, they went by the names Lucas, Mike, and Will.

It wasn't long after that they invited you into their party. They must've just recognized your sheer awesomeness along with your mad D&D playing skills and just couldn't help themselves. You obviously accepted.

Nancy was once a part of it as well, until she started freshman year with you. She slowly drifted from the boys, and more towards you and Barb, as well as the more popular crowd.

You were a happy medium between the two. Always happy to watch over and play with the boys, but also being able to still uphold a mature friendship with those more close to your age.

Freshman year passed by as quick as it came, and sure enough you were promoted into you sophomore year of High School. This is where our story truly begins.


hey guys !! i hope you liked the prologue to this story !! if you guys have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to comment :) see you guys in the next chapter !! (also i know that middle school in hawkins probably doesn't start till 6th grade but shhhh nobody has to know that)

word count - 1367

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