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After the two got done un packing it was around 5pm so they were ready for dinner. They decided to go to the store for stuff to make pasta. The head to the store which is about 35 minutes away from their house. They walked down the sidewalk talking and laughing like they normally do. They got to the store and walked in. They walked to the pasta section and grabbed what they needed. " excuse me" a random old lady tried to get their attention, " Oh hello do you need help?" Ranboo asked looking at the lady with a smile. " No! I just had a question!" The old lady looked at the boys, tubbo knew she was about to say something about Ranboo " being crowned king" or something but he stayed quiet. " sure! What's up?" Ranboo asked looking confused, " Well I am very into laws and the royal family. And I know you are the crowned prince, so why are you here being stupid with some random poor person when you should be in the castle with your family!" The Karen complained " I'm sorry to make you upset, but I have no reason to be prince when that family is full of pricks and, this isn't just some random poor person! He's my husband, so I would gladly thank you if you left us alone, please and thank you" Ranboo said grabbing the pasta while him and tubbo walked away. The Karen followed them to check out and began talking to them again, " Being gay is not okay! Especially when you are crown prince! You need to find a wife and dumb this piece of shit you call your husband!" The Karen went on, " Hi Ranboo, Hi tubbo!" Niki said from behind the counter, " Hi niki!" Tubbo said waving at her, " DONT IGNORE ME!" The Karen pulled Ranboos arm, " What the hell is your problem! Get out of my store" niki said pointing to the door, " NO! THEY NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS NOT OKAY!" The Karen continued, " Okay lady, we can do what the hell we want to, we are both adults and are old enough to make our own decisions. Now if you don't get out of our faces in the next 5 seconds I will make sure you won't live to see tomorrow." Tubbo said stepping face to face with the woman, " You people need to learn to respect your elders!" The Karen stepped closer, " Okay we're leaving!" Ranboo said as he payed, grabbed the stuff, and grabbed tubbos wrist so they could leave. " No let him finish what he started!" The Karen followed them, " mam if you follow us anymore I will call the police on you, oh and you said I'm crowned prince soo I know the police officers so I wouldn't fuck with me. Okay, thank you" Ranboo said walking out of the store while tubbo followed, the lady didn't say another word and tubbo and Ranboo went home to cook. By this time it was about 6:30 when they got home, Ranboo started to cook when they got inside. Ranboo cooked for about an hour before he was finished. He put the pasta on the table and grabbed two plates, he called tubbo in for the living room and they both sat down and began to eat. " Umm.... So Ranboo I was thinking about the whole adoption thing... and I think that we should adopt! What I mean is that we should go to the adoption place tomorrow!" Tubbo said looking up from his plate, " Yay!! We should go tomorrow! We just need to go over some stuff after dinner" Ranboo said looking at tubbo . " Okay" tubbo said with a mouth full of pasta, they laughed and continued to eat. Once they got done eating they put the dishes in the dishwasher and went into the living room. They both sat down on the couch and looked at each other. " what did you wanna talk about?" Tubbo looked confused, " Okay, you have to promise me a lot of things if we are going to adopt tomorrow, no.1 you have to promise me that if I do pass before the kid is over 18 you will take care of them like you would if I was here. No.2 you have to promise that even when they turn 18 you will still take care and cherish them like I am here. No.3 promise me that you will help around like cooking cleaning and teaching them stuff. No.4 promise me that you will NOT fall into drugs when and if I pass before you do." Ranboo said in a serious tone, " I promise you everything. And why the hell wouldn't I help out?! Their going to be my kid too this is a package deal! I will love that kid until the day I die!" Tubbo said looking serious, they both sat there for a little while until they put on a Disney movie and fell asleep. The next morning they got up and Ranboo made breakfast while tubbo was still asleep. When Ranboo was almost done tubbo came up behind Ranboo and put his head on his back. " good morning bee!" Ranboo said turning around and hugging tubbo, " good morning" Tubbo sleepy said, " your not a morning person anymore?!" Ranboo said looking down at tubbo. " not since it was 7 in the fucking morning" a tired tubbo said, " well you didn't have to get up just yet" Ranboo said Turing back around so the pancakes didn't burn. " I know, but you were being loud so I'm up now" Tubbo yawned, " I made you coffee it's over there if you want some" Ranboo said pointing to the counter. Tubbo walked over to the counter, pulled a cup out of the cabinet and poured a cup of coffee. Ranboo finished up the breakfast and put plates on the table. He put the pancakes and eggs on the table and went to go get orange juice from the fridge. He got the orange juice and sat down and started eating, Tubbo was already eating. " so when are we going to the adoption place?" Tubbo said with a mouth full of eggs, " I guess we can after we get done eating, we can get dressed and go" Ranboo said as he took a sip of orange juice. " okay" tubbo said drinking his coffee, they finished eating and cleaned up again. They went upstairs to their room to pick out nice clothes and get changed. They picked out their clothes and got changed, once they were both ready they put their shoes on and headed out the door. The adoption center was about a 30 minute walk, they walked there and walked to the front desk. " Hello boys!" Captain puffy said looking at Ranboo and tubbo, " Hi puffy!" Tubbo smiled, " you two are finally deciding to adopt?!" Puffy smiled and began to grab the clipboard with the adoption slips, " yep!" Ranboo smiled looking at puffy, " that's great!Are you looking for a specific type of kid? Are you looking for a boy, girl?" Puffy said while walking them to the back with the kids, " We were looking at kids on the website and we wanna talk to Michael or max if they are still here!" Tubbo said following puffy, " sadly, max isn't here anymore, but Michael is!" Puffy opened the door to Michaels room. " Hi aunti puffy!!" Michael came running up to puffy, " Hi buddy! Your getting adopted today!" Puffy said picking up Michael and walking over to the two boys. " Are you my new parents!" Michael looked at tubbo and Ranboo, " We are! Are you excited?" Ranboo said reaching out his arms to pick up Michael, " IM SUPER EXIDED!" Micheal jumped into Ranboos arms, " How old are you big man!" Tubbo said reaching out for Michael, " IM THIS 5 MANY YEARS OLD!" Micheal jumped into tubbos arms, " If you two want to follow me to the front desk we can fill out the paper works" puffy said walking out of the room. Tubbo and Ranboo followed puffy out to the front desk, " WAIT! WE CANT FORGET BENSON!" Michael said pointing to the stuffed duck on the ground, tubbo put Michael down so he could go grab benson. Michael jumped back into tubbos arms with benson in his hand, " Okay we are good now!" Michael smiled, tubbo laughed then meet up with Ranboo and puffy in the front office. They finished up the paper works, " what do I call y'all? Who's who?" Michael said confused, " I'm boo and he's bee okay?" Ranboo pointed to himself then tubbo, " OKAY!" Michael smiled, puffy laughed then sent them on their way home. They walked home and showed Michael his room and showed him some toys. They sat in Michaels room and played with him, tubbo texted Phil and told them to come " hang out" because they didn't know they had adopted Michael. They heard the door bell rang and tubbo went to answer it. He opened the door to see Phil, tommy, Wilbur, and techno. " Hey guys!" Tubbo said letting them in, " the house looks good!" Tommy said sitting on the couch, so did Will, Phil and techno. " RANBOO PHIL IS HERE!" Tubbo yelled to Ranboo upstairs, Ranboo came downstairs with Michael in his arms. " Hey guys!" Ranboo said walking down the stairs, they all looked over to see Ranboo holding a child in his arms. " AWE ITS A BABY!" Tommy got up and ran to Ranboo, " WHEN DID YOU TWO ADOPT THIS LITTLE CUTIE!" Tommy said looking at Michael. " just today! Would you like to say hello Michael?" Tubbo said picking up Michael, " Hi! I'm Michael and I'm this many years old!" Michael held up 5 fingers, " hi Michael! I'm uncle Tommy!" Tommy reached out to pick up Michael, " Hi uncle mommy!" Michael smiled at Tommy.
Tommy: no it's Tommy
Michael: hi mommy!
Tommy: No! T-T-T-Tommy!
Michael: Ok Mommy!
Tommy: repeat after me
Michael: repeat after me
Tommy: uncle
Michael: uncle
Tommy: Tom-
Michael: Tom-
Tommy: -my
Michael: -my
Tommy: ok together now!
Michael: Ok!
Tommy : Uncle Tommy!
Michael: Uncle Mommy!
Tommy: you know what we will work on that!
Michael: Okay uncle mommy!
Everyone laughed and Tommy carried Michael to Phil. Ranboo and tubbo walked over there and sat on the other couch. " So you didn't tell me you were adopting?!" Phil said while Tommy played on the floor with Michael, after hours of them meeting Michael and hanging out they went home. " are you ready for bed Michael?" Ranboo said picking up a tired Michael. He shook his head and they took him to his room. They put him in bed and he fell asleep. They turned on his night light and turned off the head light. Once they got done they went upstairs and changed. They laid down in bed once they got done changing. " you think Michael likes it here?" Tubbo asked pulling the blanket over him, " most definitely" Ranboo smiled while falling asleep. " goodnight boo" Tubbo yawned, " goodnight bee" Ranboo was half asleep. Soon they both feel asleep.

Authors note again!
I am going to make one or two more parts! So this story will be done by the end of this week. A warning the next to parts might not be the happiest. <3 love y'all hope your doing well get some sleep drink water. Hope your enjoying the story

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