I thought they were gone

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The next morning Ranboo woke up before tubbo. He checked his phone to see two text messages from his parents. " I THOUGHT THEY WERE IN JAIL" Ranboo thought to himself he check the messages


Mom : Ranboo we are on our way to get you, you are going with us no matter what

Dad: Sam let us out early because someone has to make sure this town is in order. Oh and we are moving no ands if buts about it

( end of text )

Ranboo began to panic as he packed his stuff because he didn't know what was going to happen. He got his stuff packed and waited for a knock on the front door. He accidentally woke tubbo up " good morning bossman, what's wrong you look upset?" Tubbo said in a tired morning voice, Ranboo began to cry " Sam let them out early.. and they are making me move" Ranboo said as he was bawling his eyes out, Tubbo pulled Ranboo into a hug. Tubbo began to cry too, he didn't want to lose Ranboo. And Ranboo didn't want to lose tubbo, they were both sitting hugging each other crying because they felt as the world was agents them. They heard a knocking at the door and a yell " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE IN JAIL" Tommy yelled as everyone walked to the door even Ranboo and tubbo. " We are here to take our son back, we are moving and nothing is stopping us" Ranboos parents demanded their son back. Suddenly everyone in the room started to cry, techno, Wilbur, Phil, Tommy, and tubbo and Ranboo were already crying. They never would have imagined that they would only be in jail for less then 24 hours. " Ranboo get your stuff we are leaving at this moment" Ranboos mom demanded, Ranboo walked upstairs to get his stuff. He grabbed his stuff and walked back downstairs, Ranboo didn't even have the chance to say goodbye or hug everyone goodbye before his parents grabbed him and dragged him out of the house. Ranboo followed his parents to the car. Just as he put all of his stuff in the trunk and his parents were waiting for him to get in and close the door so they could drive off to their new house. Ranboo slammed the door but didn't get in the car. Ranboo was still crying running back to the porch where tubbo and everyone else was at. Tubbo began to run towards Ranboo. Ranboo stoped and opened his arms open for tubbo, He jumped into Ranboos arms and Ranboo spun around as he caught him. Tubbos legs wrapped around Ranboos waist, both of their heads in each other's shoulders crying. They just sat in the yard like that for a good 10 minutes, both tubbo and Ranboos family watching them not wanting to let each other go. It was very hard for them, suddenly someone ruined the moment by pushing tubbo off of Ranboo. It was Ranboos dad, Ranboos dad grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him away, Ranboos first instinct was to punch his dad. So that's what he did he punched his dad in the face the ran the tubbo to make sure he was okay. Ranboo went to pick tubbo up as Ranboos dad knocked over where he was on ground at least 7 feet away from tubbo. Mister beloved then picked up tubbo by the shirt, and held a gun against tubbos head. " IF YOU DONT GO GET IN THE FUCKING CAR  RANBOO I WILL SHOOT YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!" Mister beloved yelled, by this point there wasn't anything techno or Phil could do to save tubbo. " Ranboo just listen to your dad, so neither one of us gets hurt" tubbo said not to loud because he didn't want to upset Ranboos dad. Ranboo was thinking to himself what he should do. " I have to help tubbo, but how? Well there is a good 2 feet distance between the gun and tubbos head... I got it" Ranboo then pulled something out of his pocket. What was it? Everyone was asking their self's, it was his dads dads watch. " LET HIM GO OR A WILL BREAK IT" Ranboo yelled at his dad, it didn't work he saw his dads finger start to pull the trigger so he ran quick enough and pushed tubbo out of the way. BAM!!
The gun shot tubbo thought he was dead... he opened his eyes to see Ranboos dad running to his car, he got in and drove away. What had happened..... he looked at the ground and saw Ranboo laying on the ground... blood everywhere, by this time philza and everyone else in the house was gathered around Ranboo. Tubbo picked him up and sat him in his lap. " RANBOO ARE YOU OK?!" Tubbo yelled crying.. he hadn't got shot in the head but in the chest..  " RANBOO ANSWER ME" tubbo keep yelling, Ranboo was awake he just was so shocked he couldn't say anything... so he just held tubbos hand. " PHIL CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" Tubbo yelled at Phil while he kept comforting Ranboo, he was losing blood and a lot of it fast. " PHIL HURRY PLEASE" tubbo cried, he didn't want to lose Ranboo... why why did this happen. It felt like the world was actually agents Ranboo and tubbo. " Ranboo please stay with me I can't lose you! Please please stay awake a little bit longer!" Tubbo sobbing, " if I don't make it tubbo- I want you to know that your my every thing, and if I don't make it you made me feel like I was whole, you made me feel like a person, your my home tubbo...." Ranboo barely got it out between losing blood and crying he couldn't get anything out. " NO NO NO IM NOT LOSING YOU!! YOUR CRAZY YOU CAN MAKE IT STAY ALIVE A LITTLE BIT LONGER PLEASE FOR ME!" Tubbo said sobbing, "THEY ARE ALMOST HERE TUBBO" philza yelled across the yard. Tubbo couldn't lose Ranboo so he took off his jacket and raped it around Ranboos torso. It should last him enough time to get him to the hospital. " Ranboo talk to me are you ok" tubbo questioned in a low voice. Ranboo was unconscious he could hear tubbo... he couldn't reply his body had shut down. " RANBOO DONT LEAVE ME COME ON MAN!! RANBOO PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" Tubbo yelled loud enough to make everyone else start crying. the abundance finally got there and picked up Ranboo and put him in the back, tubbo road in the back with him and everyone else piled up in Phil's tiny car. Tubbo sat in the back with Ranboo holding his hand.. very carefully watching the heart monitor making sure Ranboo was still breathing. Tubbo was still crying. They got to the hospital and Ranboo was rushed to a room, Sadly tuboo couldn't follow them into the room so he was waiting in the waiting room. When Phil finally got to the waiting room tubbo ran up to him. Hugged him and started crying even more, it was to much for tubbo to handle, yeah everyone in the waiting room was looking at them but neither Phil or tubbo cared. They sat down and tubbo had finally calmed down. It felt like they were waiting there forever. They all feel asleep in the waiting room. " VISITORS FOR RANBOO BELOVED?" A nurse yelled, everyone looked around knowing who Ranboo was until tubbo Phil Tommy techno and Wilbur got up to go see him. " right this was" the nurse said, they followed the nurse into the room. They walked In and saw Ranboo laying on the bed.

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