The big day

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AUTHORS NOTE ( this is a time skip to wedding day, I'm running out of ideas so there will probably only be a couple more parts to this story)

Roles of the wedding

The two getting married

Ranboos best man

Tubbos best man
• Tommy

Ranboos best men

Tubbos best men

Flower person
• Tommy ( Tommy begged to be the flower person )

Person walking tubbo down the aisle
• Philza

Marriage officiant

Ring bearer
• niki

Attendance of wedding
Basically the rest of the town
( except the parents of the two getting married)

( end of roles )

Outfits the main people wore

• fancy white button up
• blue coat ( buttoned at the bottom)
• blue dress pants
• black belt
• brown dress shoes
• blue tie

•fancy white button up
• gray coat
• gray dress pants
• leather belt
• black dress shoes
• gray tie

• fancy white button up
• blue dress pants
• blue bow tie
• brown dress shoes
• white flower crown

• white button up
• blue bow tie
• blue dress pants
• brown dress shoes

• white button up
• light pink tie
• dark gray dress pants
• black dress shoes
• dark gray coat

• white button up
• gray tie
• dark gray pants
• black dress shoes
• dark gray coat

• white button up
• pink tie
• black dress pants
• black coat
• black dress shoes

Bad boy halo
• white button up
• black coat
• black dress pants
• black shoes

• pretty white dress
• two tiny strains of hair braided and tied back in a fancy bun
• simple makeup
• little white heels

Time skip : 5 months

The day of the wedding

In the Minecraft house hold

Everyone woke up and started to get ready for the wedding. After everyone put on their suits
They all went downstairs. Phil was helping tie everyone's ties while others were putting on shoes or anything else they had to do before they had to leave. " Is everyone ready or almost ready?" Phil said as he finished tying tubbos tie for him, yes all the boys said either tying their shoes or standing there waiting for everyone else. " Ranboo, tubbo do you have everything? Likes rings and speech papers?" Phil said as he was putting on his shoes, " Erm.. NOPE GIVE ME A SECOND!" Ranboo said running upstairs to get his paper so he wouldn't forget what to say. " Okay hurry up mate!" Phil said while everyone was waiting on Ranboo now, " thank god for you Phil, your a real life saver" Ranboo said walking down the stairs. " Your welcome mate, tubbo do you have the rings?" Phil said looking at tubbo " Yep! We're all good to go!" Tubbo said, " alright then, everyone let's head to the car, we have a 45 minute drive ahead of us. Chop, chop" Phil said as he opened the door as everyone exited then closed and locked the door. They all got in the car, " alright! Everyone ready!" Phil said looking in the mirror to the back seats. All of the boys said yes and they drove off. The wedding was starting in 5 hours but they had to get there early to set up. Once they got there they had about 4 and a half hours to set up so that's what the did. They finished setting up and guest started to arrive. " AIMEE!" Ranboo said as he ran up to them, " RAN!" aimsey said while hugging Ranboo. " you look great king!" Aimsey said while looking at Ranboos outfit. " You look good too!" Ranboo said, " AIMSEY!" Tubbo said running up to the two talking, " TUBBOO!" Aimsey said with their arms open, tubbo ran up and gave Aimsey a hug. " THERES THE OTHER SPECIAL MAN!" Aimsey said while hugging tubbo. " You look great king!" Tubbo said while standing next to Ranboo, " YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT!" Aimsey said while standing in-front of the two. " Hey Ranboo! Tubbo! You two need to go get ready it's about to start, You too Aimsey!" Phil said shooing the three to the holding area they were supposed to be in. Soon everyone got to the venue and it began to start. Aimsey and techno walked down the aisle and stood there. Then Wilbur walked down the aisle and stood where he was supposed to. Shortly after that Ranboo walked down the aisle and stood in front of technoblade. Tommy started to walk down the aisle with the flower basket while throwing flowers and throwing flowers at people. He had no reason he just thought it was funny, he even danced a little bit, after he threw all the flowers he sat down the flower basket by the seats and walked and stood in-front Wilbur. The music started playing and phil walked tubbo down the aisle. When they got to the end of the aisle phil gave tubbo a hug and sat down. Badboyhalo walked behind the two, niki walked down the aisle and gave the rings to the two boys and sat down. And it started

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