Finally happy

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i know I made a note in the page chapter thing but I put my Twitter account in the description thing. Just in case anyone wanted to know any of my socials ( I'm not good at describing things lmao) OH AND BTW I am making it where Ranboo and tubbo have been dating for about 2 to 3 years because I beginning to run out of ideas before the next big event! Anyways on with the story

While Sam walked out of the house with mister and misses beloved and drove off to the prison, everyone in the house couldn't help but jump and cheer in joy. They are finally gone they wouldn't be bothering Ranboo any more. All though Ranboo started to think to him self " I mean I'm glad they're gone but.. is this what Alex would have done? I mean they have always been bitchy toward me and Alex so Alex would have wanted this, they are gone and never coming back, so I should be happy about this. I get to spend the rest of my life with tubbo and his family" Ranboo was zoned out " Ranboooo" someone was trying to get his attention but he couldn't really hear he was just so shocked and happy but he felt guilty. " RANBOOOOO" Tommy was yelling, Ranboo finally snapped back to reality. "Yeah sorry what happened" Ranboo answered confusingly " we were talking about going out for dinner since you know your free now, nobody's gonna stop or yell at you" Wilbur responded to Ranboo " OH YEAH that would be fun, just let me change before we go I look like a mess" Ranboo said as he got up and walked upstairs to change. Ranboo walked into tubbos room to get a change of clothes then walked into the bathroom. Ranboo began to change as he heard a knock on the door. " Yeah is everything ok?" Ranboo asked while changing shirts, " Um yeah everything is fine, I was just wondering before we go to dinner I wanted to ask if you wanna go out tomorrow?" Tubbo said as he stood outside the door, " Yeah that would be great." Ranboo answered as he opened the door " GREAT, alright let's go downstairs they are waiting for us!" Both tubbo and Ranboo walked back downstairs to meet the rest of the family at the bottom waiting for them. After they got downstairs Ranboo and tubbo followed the rest of the gang. Tubbo and Ranboo were walking behind everyone else down the side walk as they laughed and talked about stuff to do the next day. They were laughing until Ranboo spotted Tommy in the corner of his eye walking by himself. " Hey Tommy are you ok?" Ranboo shouted enough were Tommy would be able to hear him, Tommy turned around to walk with tubbo and Ranboo. " are you alright king you look like your upset" tubbo asked Tommy " YEAH.. I'm ok I was just zoned out thinking about stuff." Tommy answered, they all continued to walk to the restaurant they were going to laughing and talking. Something was off... the three had felt as if they were being watched. " do y'all feel weird too?" Ranboo asked the two," yeah it feels if someone is watching us" Tommy and tubbo both said at the same time. " BAHAHA" Tommy began to laugh at them saying the same thing, They all laughed and caught up with techno, Phil, and Wilbur. " PHILLLLLLL" Tommy wined " ARE WE ALMOST THEREEE" he continued, " Yes mate we are almost there calm down" Phil replying to to Tommy. They continued for about 5 more minutes and walked into Puffys restaurant. They all sat down and ordered a drink, " Ranboo I haven't seen you since your sister died, how are you holding up sweetie" puffy questioned o Ranboo " I'm holding up just fine now, a lot had happened but I'm ok" Ranboo and puffy began a conversation " One last question Ranboo, how are your parents holding up I know they were upset by Alex's death too?" Puffy questioned, " They are just fine, they didn't even care about her dying they just put on their sad faces for the funeral, But as soon as we got home they started pressuring me into being crowned prince." Ranboo replied " I'm sorry to hear that Ranboo if you ever need to talk you know where I live" puffy stated as she gave the boys their drinks, and walked off. " hey Ranboo when are you planning to put the ring on the finger?" Wilbur questioned Ranboo and winked at him to see if he got what he meant " I mean I haven't really thought about it- maybe in the near future?" Ranboo replied " Well come on mate, I mean you and tubbo have known each other since you were 10!! That's 8 years man" Wilbur replied in a slightly loud voice " Well to be honest Wilbur there as been so much going on in life that neither of us as thought about it" tubbo jumped into the conversation " Well to be fair tubbo, Yall have known each other for eight years. Y'all have been dating for 2 and a half years, AND best part Ranboo you basically live with us or you do now at least." Wil said pointing out facts " Well yeah but...." Tubbo tried to think of something " I have nothing-" tubbo said " OMG YES I NEED YALL TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE A CHILD!! WANNA BE A UNCLE!" Tommy yelled " Ok- well first of all, why did this all the sudden become a conversation? Number two, Tommy we are both males there is no way we would be able to have a child" Ranboo said " OK ADOPT DONT SHOP RANBOO! I WANNA BE A UNCLE!" Tommy said " WILBUR LITERALLY HAS A KID TOMMY?!" Tubbo replied to Tommy " WELL YEAH BUT FUNDY IS A LITTLE SHIT! I WANT A COOL STEP CHILD THING!" Tommy yelled back " Hey hey hey, don't bring my kid into this" Wilbur said offended " SAYS THE ONE WHO LITERALLY HAS NO IDEA WHERE THEIR SON IS!" Tommy yelled at Wilbur " AT LEAST IM NOT A LITTLE BITCH!" Wilbur yelled back at Tommy. Tommy and Wilbur argued for at least 10 minutes " Boys boys calm the hell down" philza interrupted their argument " Ugh you win this one Wilbur but next time I'm coming for you" Tommy did the fingers watching Wilbur thing " that's what she said" techno whispered under his breath. They all started to laugh, time went on and they decided to leave, they went up to the counter and payed for their meals. They all began to walk out of the restaurant, Tommy and tubbo talking, Wilbur and techno talking and Ranboo and Phil. " Hey Phil" Ranboo whispered to Phil " what's up mate" he replied " so I was thinking about what Wilbur had said about me asking tubbo to marry me.." Ranboo said nervously " when would be a good time to ask? When do I ask? How do I ask?" Ranboo asked " listen mate, all you have to do is go buy a ring ok, then you pick a date, Let's say you and tubbo went out on a date to his favorite spot it something that's when you would ask him, and how you ask him is for say you go " tubbo _ Minecraft will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me" that's all you have to say, and tubbo can either say yes or no, or he could say he's not ready to take that step. Whatever he says you have to accept it and not try to force him to say yes, cause that won't do y'all's relationship any good." Phil answered " and yes you have my blessing, your a good kid I would love to have you in my family" Phil added. The biggest grin popped up on Ranboos face " Thank you Phil." By this time they have already reached their house and they go inside. They all go to their rooms for the night, Ranboo and tubbo changed and layed down. " hey Ranboo" tubbo said " Yeah tubbo" Ranboo answered " I just wanna let you know when ever you are ready to ask me the question, I am ready to say yes" tubbo said looking at Ranboo smiling " Ok that's good to know, it will be in the near future" Ranboo said as he winked and laughed looking at tubbo. At this point they had both started laughing so hard they both fell asleep.

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