Is he ok?!

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( Authors note)
This one is a little shorter because I wrote it in kind of a rush so if this part isn't good I apologize it's just a little something for everyone who is reading this :) I will write a longer part tomorrow night :)

( end of note )

They walked in the room to see Ranboo laying in the bed. He wasn't fully awake? He is in a coma, " We don't know how long he will be in a coma for, but it could be a while." The nurse said while looking at the heart monitor, " how long do you think it'll be?" Tubbo asked in a worried voice, worrying that Ranboo might never wake up. " it might be days, weeks, months, even years, see mister beloved is even lucky to be coma, the bullet barley missed his heart. Although it did hit his liver" the nurse said looking at tubbo, " Well what happens if you got shot in the liver?" Tubbo confusingly asked " Your liver breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic. However you can't live without your liver, so we wait to see if and when Ranboo wakes up if it is healed enough where he can live off it, or see if we need to do surgery, either way it could effect how long Ranboo has left to live because a surgery could go two ways, either we try the surgery and it works or we do the surgery and it could cause a blood clot." The nurse explains to everyone, tubbo got teary eyed " so either way the ending of it will all be the same?" Tubbos voice began to crack " unfortunately yes I am very sorry but he could end up living for another 20 years or he could live for another 5 years. I would just make the best time of it while you have him." The nurse said as she started to walk out of the room " I'm very sorry but y'all can stay as long as you want someone can stay with Ranboo if they'd like" the nurse said closing the door. This is really how life turned out, from going to I am about to spend the rest of my life with my favorite person on earth to him may not even waking up. Tubbo thought to himself as he began to cry, Phil walked up to tubbo and gave him a hug just sitting there hoping it would make him feel better just a little bit. After a few minutes tubbo decided to let go, he walked up beside Ranboos bed not saying a word, he just held his hand. He didn't know if it'd be the last time, he just sat in the chair next to Ranboos bed and held his hand hoping he would wake up. After a few minutes of Phil, Wilbur, techno and Tommy visiting they left. They felt it was best to give tubbo some space. It was about 10:40pm when they left, tubbo was still sitting there just looking at Ranboo, then he thought " well if Ranboo can hear me in his sleep I can just talk to him? Right?" Tubbo thought to himself. That's what he did for the next 2 hours tubbo sat beside Ranboos side talking to him hoping that he can hear him. After a while of talking and holding Ranboos hand, tubbo fell asleep. Weeks went on and this is how it was, tubbo would leave for a bit during the day to go hangout with Tommy and some other friends. He would go back to the hospital around 8:15 every night to talk to Ranboo about his day. Tubbo didn't care if Ranboo could hear him or not he would still talk talk and talk for hours about what made him happy, sad , and even mad those days. He just hoped for Ranboo to wake up. About 2 months later, tubbo was out eating lunch with Tommy and , Aimsey . He felt his phone ringing, " Who is it?" Aimsey asked tubbo " it's the hospital.." tubbo said as he answered the phone, Tommy and aimsey sat and waited till the phone call was over. Suddenly a tear fell from tubbos eye...What happened is Ranboo ok? Tubbo got up and ran out of the restaurant. Tommy and Aimsey followed " TUBBO WHATS WRONG? IS RANBOO OKAY?" Tommy yelled while running not to far behind tubbo, Aimsey following behind Tommy. The hospital was about a 10 minute run from the restaurant they were at. They all ran... " Tommy what if Ranboo isn't ok?!" Aimsey said as they were panting and running in a scared voice. " I hope he is ok, It's going to be heartbreaking if he isn't!" Tommy yelled panting, They finally made it to the hospital, They followed tubbo to the elevator. " What's going on tubbo?!" Tommy yelled at tubbo " I-I can't really talk right now without crying, you will see" tubbo said as he walked out of the elevator. Tubbo, tommy and aimsey walked to Ranboos room........ Tubbo opened the door and ran to the bed. Tommy and aimsey walked in to see Ranboo sitting up on his bed smiling. Tubbo hugged Ranboo tighter then ever " YOUR OK" tubbo yelled as he cried into Ranboos shoulder. " I'm okay tubbo, it's ok" Ranboo said as he hugged tubbo back " Please don't ever sacrifice yourself again Ranboo beloved! I mean it!" Tubbo said still crying but this time looking up at Ranboo. " I "won't" I promise you tubbo, you have my word... unless it's a life or death situation" Ranboo said looking into tubbos eyes. " EVEN IF ITS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION!" Tubbo yelled looking at Ranboo " ok I "promise I won't" even if it's a life or death situation" Ranboo promised tubbo "
Ranboo we are just glad your okay mate" Tommy said while looking down at Aimsey then back at Ranboo. " I'm glad I'm okay too" Ranboo said looking at Tommy and aimsey.

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