Their gone

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If there are people reading this I hope you are enjoying it I'm trying to write this with being busy all the time so I've been writing at like 3 in the morning so if any of my grammar is wrong I apologize:) but back to the story I hope you have been enjoying this story :) and quick btw if I don't update the next couple parts it's either because of family problems or I have softball tournaments :)

After Ranboo and Phil had got done talking and done with talking to his parents over the phone Ranboo went back to the living room with tubbo and Tommy by this time it's 12 in the afternoon. " RANBOO" Tommy yelled across the room. " WE ARE WATCHING DISNEY MOVIES COME SIT DOWN BIG MAN" Tommy continued to shout, Ranboo walked over and sat on the couch next to tubbo and they began to watch " Encanto". They were all singing along and enjoying the movie... there was a knock on the door. " ILL GET IT" Wilbur yelled across the house, he opened the door to a surprising guest. " Hello mister and misses beloved how may I help you." Wilbur was confused and very concerned, " we know our son is here" the two very tall and scary figures said, " don't lie to us either we aren't going to fall for it" they continued " YO Wilbur who's at the door mate" philza questioned as he walked to the door. " Hello your honor, how can we help you." Phil stated in a confused voice " FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME OUR SON IS HERE WE AREN'T GOING TO ASK AGAIN AND PHILZA MINECRAFT IF YOU DONT TELL US WHERE OUR SON IS, SO HELP YOU." Mister beloved shouted, at this point Ranboo tubbo and Tommy heard who was at the house... Ranboo scared out of his mind not knowing what to do he started to panic. " hey bossman it will be ok I'm sure Phil will handle them, I promise nothing bad will happen" Tubbo tried to comfort Ranboo just hugged tubbo in fear knowing this was probably his last time seeing Tubbo and his family. " RANBOO BELOVED GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE" mister beloved yelled angrily Ranboo didn't know what to do so he got up and walked to the door with tubbo and Tommy following him. When they reached the door with Wilbur and Phil, Ranboo knew he had fucked up. " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RANBOO COMING OVER HERE, YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE OVER HERE THESE PEOPLE ARE BAD PEOPLE." Missed beloved yelled, Ranboo just stood there no answer. " ANSWER YOUR MOTHER" mister beloved yelled, " Im sorry- I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit, seeing things at the house reminded me of Alex and I just wanted to get away from it" Ranboo said in a low tone voice while looking at the ground. " THAT GIVES YOU NO REASON TO COME OVER HERE" miss beloved yelled " well when I need to get away for a bit I come over here because this family makes me happy, they make me feel like I'm at home, they feel like a family I never had." Ranboo said barely looking off the ground " LISTEN I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE BUT TONES OF PEOPLE WOULD LOVE TO BE IN YOUR PLACE." Mister beloved yelled. Ranboo started to tear up tubbo pushed Ranboo and Phil out of the way " LISTEN I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE YELLING AT YOUR KID FOR WANTING TO GET AWAY FROM YOUR SHITTY PARENTING MAYBE IF YOU WOULD LISTEN AND RESPECT YOUR KIDS THEY WOULDN'T RUN AWAY, AND JUST MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION SO MUCH AND BE THERE FOR YOUR KIDS THEY WOULD WANT TO BE HOME". Tubbo lost his shit and yelled, there was fear on Ranboos face as he walked up behind tubbo to make him step back. " So you must be the famous tubbo huh?" Mister beloved said in a snarky voice " Yeah I am what the hell are you gonna do about it." Tubbo replied in a snarky tone right back, Ranboo bent down to tubbos ear " Please stop you are just going to make things worse, I know you are trying to help but please so nobody gets hurt." Ranboo whispered in tubbos ear, Ranboo looked at tubbo and tubbo looked up and they made eye contact. Tubbo saw the fear and tears in Ranboos eyes, so he stood back. Before tubbo could walk back someone grabbed his shoulder... it was mister beloved, " I swear if you are the one putting all of this " GAY" stuff in my sons head I will kill you myself" he looked down at tubbo with a straight scary face. Tubbo was frozen but he replied " WHATS SO WRONG WITH BEING GAY! WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST BE WHO THEY WANT WITHOUT ASS HATS LIKE YOU RUINING EVERYTHING! EVEN IF RANBOO WAS GAY THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!" He yelled he couldn't control his anger " YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL US WHAT RANBOO CAN AND CANT BE WE ARE HIS PARENTS AND WE SAY HE ISN'T GAY EVEN IF HE WANTS TO BE" mister beloved shouted as he raised his arm to hit tubbo, Tubbo flinch expecting to feel a smack across the face but no Ranboo was in front of tubbo with his dads arm in his hand " listen hitting and hurting me is one thing but hitting and hurting people I love with all my heart, Yeah no that's not gonna happen" Ranboo said in a low voice while looking right into the eyes of his parents. At this point Phil had already called 911 and Sam was on his way. " you aren't telling us you're dating that bitch who just insulted us" Ranboos parents said in a annoyed and frustrated voice. " So what if I am, I found someone who makes me happy and someone I want to be around, someone who's family took me in as one of there own and didn't treat me any differently because I am rich or a prince, they took me in because I needed help because I felt like I had no where else to go. They took me in and let me stay here not just because I have known them since I was 10, but because they are all good people, if they hurt someone it's because they hurt someone they love, like tubbo tried to do. They are better then y'all ever were." Ranboo said with a shaky voice looking his parents dead in the eyes, Ranboo felt someone around his waist, he looked down and saw tubbo hugging him.. he hugged him back, they are happy together. Ranboo picked up tubbo and hugged him like when they first started dating, they both started laughing. Ranboos back was faced to his parents while tubbos head was turned to Ranboos parents and tubbo just flipped them off. Cause why the fuck not. About 20 minutes of waiting for Sam to get there while Ranboos parents are sitting by the door waiting for Ranboo to come out. They heard someone behind them " Hello beloveds why are you at Phil's house" Sam asked in a confused voice, " Ranboo decided to run away and come here and Philza made a big deal about it and called you" miss beloved said in a sad acting voice " well I am very sorry but you have to let me ask philza and everyone in the house what happened because that's my job" Sam answered while he walked pass the two and knocked on the door. Tubbo opened the door " hello Sam we've been waiting for you, please come in" tubbo let Sam in the house. As sam walked through the door he saw Phil, Tommy , Ranboo , Wilbur and techno sitting at the table waiting for him " Hello fellas, what seems to be the problem today" Sam says as he walks up to the table and pulls out a chair, and tubbo went and sat beside Ranboo " listen Sam I know you love my family but this has to stop, My parents are tracking my every move they are tracking every single thing I do, and they tried to hurt tubbo then me but Phil stopped them" Ranboo said as he said everything that happened the last 2 hours " does everyone in this room agree that is what happened" ? Sam questioned everyone everyone agrees and Phil and techno even add some stuff they have noticed had happened. Sam called miss and mister beloved in the room " I have gone threw both sides of the story and miss and mister beloved I truly believed that you two were good people but after what happened to Alex then this, you two are under arrest for abuse, and assault. You will both be sentenced 15 years in prison." Sam said as he cuffed the two with hand cuffs and walked them out of the house.

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