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Mera had made sure her relationship with the sultan would not change after her change in status. While she was a free woman now, she planned on exploiting her newfound freedom. She still made sure to share meals with Suleiman and sometimes just sit with him in his rooms.

As the revolt against the sultan happened while they were in Edirne, she could not announce the big news, nor start her charity work. Not only would that outshine the valide, but Hatice Sultan had also miscarried, and the palace walls seemed to share her sadness at her misfortune.

As soon as their boat had reached the docks of Istanbul, Suleiman had made sure to send her and her children to safety and then went to deal with the infidels. It turned out, the foreign minister was the master behind the attack, and with him and Mustafa Agha gone, Mera had two empty spots she could fill with good men. Men who will advocate for her sons against Ibrahim Pasha and the others who supported Mustafa's rise to the throne.

Mustafa Agha had tried to reach out to Mera once, but Rustem had had it on good valuable sources that the man was shady and did not pay his debts in time to the Jewish merchants he dealt with. That alone proved what type of man he was in Mera's eyes.

Seeing how his life turned out to be, she was glad not to have agreed to meet him. She also she'd need to be more careful, men who did not rise to the divan by her hand would always not be as loyal as ones who owed her their power and status.

When Suleiman came back to the palace after the executions he ordered, she had swiftly joined him at the terrace, assuring him that he did what he thought was right and that she knew their family would never be subjected to such shame and cruelty again.

When Suleiman told her what the revolt was about, she could not help but internally sympathize with their plight. Dismissing Ibrahim Pasha and going on a war campaign? That would be wonderful for her plans. Not only would she have another new spot she could fill on the council, and have both Suleiman's ears, but with him gone, she'd be able to move around the capital freely, and no other concubine, like Hurrem, would be able to follow suit and try to be like her, and if not for the Valide, she'd be the highest-ranking woman in the harem, and with her now busy with Hatice, it would be too perfect to be true.

Remembering her previous discussion with Hurrem, Mera pursued her lips and addressed the sultan who was deep in thought. "I know I ought not to trouble you with baseless harem matters now, so I will just ask about what you're going to do about the painter."

Suleiman turned and questioned. "What painter? Leo?"

Mera shrugged. "I do not remember his name, only that he's from Hurrem's homeland as well, I heard Emine say they're even from the same village, but you know how much she loved gossip, so I doubt it to be true. However, I do know for a fact that he saved Hatice's life, if not for him, her unborn child would not have been the only thing we lost last night. Allah forbid! He must be rewarded, it would, like the execution of the traitors, serve as a reminder of what loyal servants to the Ottomans get for such service." She told him with her best conjured heartfelt voice.

Suleiman nodded at her and smiled when she took his hand in hers. "You are right. As always. I do not know what I'd do without you."

Mera smiled wholeheartedly then, and patted his hand before bowing and leaving, saying she'd need to go hack before Mihrimah woke up from her nap.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that Ibrahim would get back from Cairo, and Hatice finally seemed to smile again.

Mera did not pay it any mind but when her darling Mihrisah pointed out that Nigar Kalfa was acting funny towards Ibrahin pasha to Emine. The two women knew something was amiss, with Mera sending both Emine and Sumbul to investigate discreetly, whatever information they gathered, they would store it for later. For Ibrahim's time had not come yet, and she needed Hatice to be on her best behavior for now.

When her spies told her that Ibrahim planned on appointing Celalzade Mustafa Çelebi to the position of foreign minister, she quickly went into action and had one of her men to the position. When she was pregnant with Mihrimah, Mehmet Pasha had been sent to serve as the governor of Bursa, and he had been doing wonderful. Mera had proposed he'd enter the divan for such good service. Mehmet's original name was David, which she addressed him as in her letters, in turn, he'd address her as "Gebirah" which meant "great lady" and "queen mother" in Hebrew. That way, no one would know about them being in contact, which seemed to be working, as none was the wiser that Mehmet Pasha was a Jewish man working undercover in the sultan's government to serve his queen's interest.

After her trip to Edirne, Mera had been feeling quite bored and suffocated in the harem, and with Ibrahim's return, she had a reason to celebrate, so after getting Suleiman's approval, she had sent Sumbul to the kitchen to get ready for the feast.

After sherbet was handed to the concubines along with some Turkish delights, she rose from her cushions and addressed them with a smile. "Ibrahim Pasha's safe return to his wife and the sultan is not the only cause we have for celebration! A few weeks past, and Sultan Suleiman deemed it fit to make me a free woman, and thus I am now able to start doing charity work. I would like you ladies to join me if willing, it is of course optional, and Emine Hatun will be the one accepting your donations and help, starting tomorrow. But for now, drink, dance, and enjoy your evening!"

The concubines started murmuring to each other, Mera could see one of Mahidevran's concubines at the door and knew news of her changed status would soon reach the two Kadins along with Suleiman's mother.

When Mera sat back down, she shared a smile with Emine before pulling Mihrisah and Mihrimah to her lap and whispering to their ears. "I am making this harem great so that one day this harem would be mine and then it would be yours."


Hello! Finally, I'm free to update again, I would love to read your feedback about this chapter and thoughts about what will happen!

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