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Months passed, and the air in the capital seemed to get happier with each day, as the victories of Suleiman would reach them.

Mera's kids continued to grow, as did Hurrem Hatun's belly, signalling the health of her child, something that Mera was not happy about at the least. Yet, she had done all that she could do without directly dangering herself and her kids. All she could do now is pray for forgiveness from her God.

The night of her lover's arrival, she could seldom sleep, so tired and anxious she was, when the dawn broke, she stopped tossing around her bed and got up to read some holy Jewish scriptures she was sent from the synagogue.

A few hours later, Fulane and Emine joined her, the latter went to the harem to gossip and listen while Fulane joined Mera to wake the children. They were excited too, for they were seeing their father again for the first time in half a year.

Osman and Murad quickly run off to the balcony in the hope of seeing their father coming their way, but all that was in their view is the other side of the palace, big long walls and the garden, Mihrisha however, although the youngest, she was the calmest and had decided instead that she should be the prettiest sultana in attendance today at her father's welcoming. She decided to wear her new pink dress with matching jewels.

Once everyone was ready, they went down to the Valide's chambers where they had breakfast together. Mahidevran was also in attendance and unfortunately, Mera was in no mood to play her games that day, so she ignored most of her remarks, she was just thankful she didn't have to deal with a very pregnant Hurrem that morning as well.

Once the sultan entered the chamber, everyone bowed. Though Mustafa, acting like the spoiled child he was, run towards his father, ignoring all sorts of traditions, while Mera's younger kids stood obediently near their mother. When Mera looked at the Valide's way in hope to see her at least throwing a scolding look towards Mahidevran, which she would have done if Mera's kids misbehaved or acted like children, she was not surprised but rather disappointed to see that she was smiling broadly at the father and son duo.

Suleiman quickly kissed him and moved to his mother and sister, who kissed him and sent prayers his way. When it was Mera's turn, she smiled broadly at him and kissed his hand softly, almost seductively, and when she saw the twinkle in his eye, she knew that her plan was working. She squeezed his hand softly and wished him well. "Congratulations on your victory, my Suleiman. The children and I are most proud of you."

Suleiman thanked her and squeezed back, and then kneeled down to kiss and hug his kids, Osman, Murad and lastly Mihrisah, whom he picked up and started smothering her face with kisses and tickling her. Mihrisah's giggles sounded in the room, making everyone smile, except Mahidevran and her son of course, who wore matching bitter scowls on their faces, Mera almost wished someone could paint them at this moment so that she could come back to it whenever she was feeling down and laugh at them.

Suleiman did not put his little sultana down and instead moved along the way with her in his arms, Mahidevran put her hands forward to take his and kiss them but he passed her silently, completely ignoring her. Mera fought hard to keep her smile off her face, and she heard one of her boys snort before Mihrisah shut them up. Turned out her day was full of surprises, and not all bad ones. Though Mera still sent a smug look to Mahidevran, as if telling her 'Who is laughing at the other one now?'

That night was spent as a small family dinner between Mera, Suleiman and their kids, when the shehzades and their sister were sent to their chambers to sleep, Mera and Suleiman moved to the bed, where she had told him of what happened in the harem while he was away, the things she could not send in a letter in fear someone else could read it, though Suleiman seemed more interested in Mera's breasts than in any other gossip or intrigues. The sultana was also all the more happy- to oblige him, in hopes he forgets about his red-haired concubine, it'd be for the best. If Mera had her way, then the woman will be gone soon and the more he distances himself now, the less he'd hurt later.

Short chapter I know, I apologize for it! 

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Short chapter I know, I apologize for it

So I finally posted this chapter! I've been pushing it away for days now...

My exams will be soon so I'll update again in late May! and After that, I'll hopefully be free from any uni-related stuff till next year and I would update more frequently then!

Have a nice day/night wherever you are and tell me what you think of this chapter and where the story is going.

𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲- [Magnificent Century]Where stories live. Discover now