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                                When Suleiman followed his favourite and their daughter to her chambers, he played with Mihrisah for a while before she went to take her nap, Suleiman took the opportunity to ask his lover about his mother's unstabl...

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                                When Suleiman followed his favourite and their daughter to her chambers, he played with Mihrisah for a while before she went to take her nap, Suleiman took the opportunity to ask his lover about his mother's unstable behaviour.

"You know I spent the night with Mahidevran," he said awkwardly, Mera looked at him weirdly for a second before replying. "Yes, I know."

"Of course you do, I asked for Alexandra however."

"Suleiman, your mother is the ruler of the harem, if she decided to stop Hurrem from coming to your chambers, then she must have had a reason."

"Hurrem?" Asked the sultan confused.

"I changed her name, she made you smile while you were mourning your dear father, I thought the name fit her." Mera half lied. Suleiman smiled genuinely, falling in love with the woman before him all over again. "You don't have any idea why she did so?"

Mera acted like she hesitated, when Suleiman saw so, he urged her to speak, the sultan cast her eyes down and said."I don't want to start problems in the harem you know that Suleman, But Daye hatun heard Hurrem say she will make you her slave, so she reported it to the valide."

Suleiman scowled then, angry at himself, at his mother, at Hurrem and at his woman. "If so, then why did you not tell me?"

Mera inwardly smiled, this is exactly what she needed to make him feel guilty about not coming to visit them and make him pay more attention to her and her children. "I was planning on telling you yesterday, I even went to your chambers, and they told me you were busy with the divan so I went back to my chambers to await your nightly visit, I didn't think you would go straight to your chambers my love." She told him solemnly.

Suleiman faltered and gulped, he raised his hand and cupped his wife's cheeks, and caressed her softly." I am sorry my moon, for not visiting you yesterday."

Mera returned his smile happily and tried to feed her lover's ego."It is quite alright my love, you are the sultan of the world now, I understand why you don't have as much time for us as before."


Later that night, Mera sultan sat with her daughter and two maids on the cushion on the right of the valide of the Sultan just beside Hatice Sultan and Gulfem hatun, in front of them was a smiling Mahidevran and Gulsah.

Mahidevran have been trying to get a scowl or an angry expression from her rival the whole night. Still, unfortunately, the woman was busy swaying to the rhythm of the song along with her daughter, who was very much enjoying herself.

The valide then spoke up."Gulfem, come sit next to me." she signalled as she patted the spot next to her. Mahidevran scowled, following Gulfem's movement with her eyes, while Mera smiled, amused, sharing a look with Emine.

Mihrisah spoke suddenly." Mama, I'm bored, can I please go play with Murad and Osman?" She signalled to her brothers who were dancing/playing with three jariyes, Mera nodded with a smile and gave her daughter a soft kiss on the cheeks.

Everything was going on smoothly until Daye hatun remarked, "You must be very happy Syltana, all your family is united around you."

The valide nodded with a gentle smile, her eyes scanning the chambers for all of her family members. "Yes, let us ask for my lion Suleiman to come here, so we can all be together."

Daye hatun grimaced and awkwardly said. "Forgive me, Sultana, he is having halvet...with his concubine Alex-Hurrem."

The valide's smile was washed off her face as soon as the maid uttered those words, and Mahidevran's smug smile vanished to give place to an angry scowl and a heartbroken look.

Mera soon found the two women's eyes on her, so she acted as sad as she could, while still maintaining her brave and firm face.

"Who changed her name?" Said the Valide with a hiss.

Mera sultan lifted her head and looked at her mother-in-law bravely."I did sultana, I liked her smile, and besides, if she is to be our padishah's favourite, then she must have a fitting name."

The valide sultan seemed to like her justification, so she nodded absently, Mahidevran however, had another idea altogether. "Is that why your name wasn't changed? Mera Asher!" she huffed."Hypocrites!" she hissed like a snake.

"My name means princess in Hebrew, his majesty saw the name my parents gave me as a befitting name for his SULTAN and main favourite, Mahidevran." The Jewish sultan said with a mocking smile, then she whispered in a yell. "Don't you dare say my name again!"

Mera then excused herself and her children and took them to their beds for sleep, just as she finished, she went to her balcony to think and have some time alone for herself, it was then that she saw Pargali Ibrahim playing his violin, but he wasn't the one that picked her curiosity, it was Hatice Sultan, the woman standing from The valide's balcony, giving heart eyes to the violist, while the man in question was standing facing her, seemingly deep in thoughts.

Ibrahim was not fooling her, nor was the sultan, they both have an affair going on, without the sultan's knowledge, and if it went to the wrong ears, then they were both done for, Mera smirked to herself and went back to her chambers as so the secret couple doesn't catch her staring, she planned to use this new information to herself, sooner or later.

Mera picked the David star she had under her pillow and caressed it, clutching it near her heart and reciting a prayer, she smiled and thanked God. For he was looking out in her and her children's favour.


This was a bit of a filler chapter, but still a very important one, we know why Mera never changed her birth name, something that is very important to any girl that was slaved by the ottomans. Mera Asher is simply Mera Sultan now, and she is very proud of her heritage and background. 

Now, Mera also knows about Hatice/Ibrahim, she doesn't know much so she will most likely send Emine or Sumbul to spy on them. Do you think Hurrem will remain two nights with the sultan as she did in the show or not? Who do you think shall be the first receiver of the emerald ring? And whoever does, do you think they will keep it?

 I would love to read about your guesses, arguments and feedback.

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