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             The ride back to the palace was silent. Mostly because the sultan had chosen to ride his horse instead of sitting with his freed-but-not-so-freed concubine and their children.

The royal princes and princesses were either sad to go home so soon and so sat sulking gloomily or were just tired and slept through most of the way.

Thankfully, they had just missed a rebellion happening in the forest. They would hear news of it once they'd reached their home and Mera was ordered to safety along with her kids. Unfortunately, the valide, Hurrem, and Mahidevran had decided to visit the pregnant Hatice that day and were unsafe.

Suleiman had taken some of his trusted men with him and rode hastily to his sister's manse. They'd all survive thanks to the Crimean painter Leo. Though, unfortunately, her unborn child hadn't. Mera never knew herself to be this cruel, but she hoped the loss of a child would sour the marriage and make Hatice divorce Ibrahim Pasha.

The Serbian Sultan realized her prayers would be in vain as the sultana's coping and grieving mechanisms were obsessing over the said man. But while it would not serve her now, it might in the future.

Though this whole situation made her very uncomfortable and awkward, she did not know how to proceed, should she tell the valide that her charity plans were approved? That she was a free woman now? Because Suleiman had changed his mind, and whatever plan he had, seemed to be on hold while his family was grieving.

Suleiman had decided to reward the painter and promoted him to be his "royal artist" and would be responsible for decorating some halls in the palace and making portraits of him and his family.

When Mera heard of Sumbul's gossip, she had decided to suggest to Suleiman that the painter redecorates her quarters and his, for such talent found by Ibrahim Pasha's hand, could be trusted with such responsibility. The hunkarim had relented and Mera had decided to invite Hurrem for tea while Leo was there, taking measurements of the walls of her chambers.

They both had the color drain from their faces when they saw each other, and as much as they tried to act as if they didn't know each other, it was quite obvious to anyone who bothered enough to pay attention.

Hurrem looked as if she had swallowed a sour lemon and had glared at Mera the whole time while they were having tea. Mihrisah as young as she was, was growing up to be a very cunning woman and had asked the red-haired concubine. "Hatun, why do you keep on looking at the painter  worriedly and then glare back at my mother? Is something amiss?"

"No of course not, my young sultana. I am just merely curious as to why I was invited to tea by your mother, considering The current circumstances..." Hurrem replied a bit too quickly, although she was answering Mihrisah, she was looking at her mother dead in the eye.

Mera merely chuckled and patted Hurtem's thighs fakely. "I merely wanted to spend time with you and ask how you were after what happened last week. Horrible really, I'm glad Mister Leo was there to save you. I hear you two hail from the same land. Amazing how one"# past always finds a way to catch them, don't you think my dear?"

If Hurrem was pale before, she looked as white as sheet paper at that moment, as if she'd faint soon. Yet somehow, she managed to keep her composure, Mera would never admit it but she was impressed at how the redhead handled such encounters sometimes, she was learning.

The two concubines chuckled fakely at one another as if Mera had just stated a funny joke. But the message was transmitted nonetheless, and it was clear as day.

Mera knew Hurrem would realize. And she'd tell Suleiman, who'll kill me and Leo both.

"Excuse me, sultana, I must go check on my son Shehzade Selim, I would see you later. Thank you for the invitation." Hurrem had bowed before she left.

Mera smiled fakely and sent her off. Hurrem's reaction was all the proof she needed but she'd have to use more tangible and Concrete to hold over the woman and use against her when the time was right soon. Thankfully, Emine hatun was not a slow woman, and she had managed to get her a love letter in Russian from Leo to Hurrem. She had sent it to Rustem and asked him to seek a professional who would replicate the letters trice, she'd keep one with her and the other two in her safe house.

Mera would taunt Hurrem over it, make her do some bidding she'd not bother dirty her hands with or damage her relationship with Suleiman over it, and when the time comes, she will send it to the sultan, and he'd act accordingly, though this was mostly a safe measure in Mera's part, in case Hurrem grew more powerful then she'd have her be.

Mera had no idea, but in just a few weeks, she'd be the first royal consort by marriage in the Ottoman dynasty.


Hello! I am back with another update again, the last was 12 days ago and I do apologize for that. Things have been hectic, my results were out and I had to travel back to my university over some papers. All in all, I'm finally university free this summer.

I hope you enjoyed this update and yor feedback is always appreciated!

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