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        On their way to the hunting lodge, the children had been put to sleep next to Fulane hatun. Mera tried to remain awake but soon found herself using the Sultan's shoulder as a cushion.

When she woke up, the sultan had told her of Ibrahim Pasha's letter, Ahmed Pasha's rebellion in Egypt was finished, and that he was executed. Mera took it as her opportunity to sow some doubt in his mind.

"I remember when Ahmed Pasha was still your father's minister. He was respectful and humble and good at his work. Amazing what greed and power can do to men. He had thought he could control you, but you're stronger than him. I am glad he is done and your realm is peaceful, and I pray none of your pashas, no matter how close to you and your throne they are or grow to be, will learn from this and respect their statues and work." She told him softly, with a small smile on her face and her hand caressing his right arm gently and affectionately.

"Do not worry, my dear. I will take the head of any man who dares to challenge my power, no matter who he is to me." He promised.

Mera could not help but feel anxious at his words. She knew her liver was afraid his sons would dispose of him in the future, just like his father had done to his male relatives, and while Mera was planning on cultivating hid paranoia against Mustafa, Mehmet, and Selim, she could not help but worry, what if she died before her son's ascension to the throne, what if someone made Suleiman kill her sons?

Seeing the sultan still looking at her expectantly, awaiting her reaction to his promise, she quickly schooled her face into a mask of neutrality and approval and smiled at him more broadly this time. "I know, and I trust that you will. May God grace you with a long reign. Inshallah." She added for good measure.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence, seldom anyone spoke, and they could only hear the carriage wheels moving and the occasional voice of the birds singing.

When they arrived at the palace, Mera could not help but smile, her boys did too, as did Mihrisah who went running around the garden after Mera and Suleiman permitted them to, Fulane quickly run to follow them and the two parents could not help but chuckle.

Mera turned to Suleiman and hugged him. "Thank you for bringing us here, Suleiman. I missed this place so very much."

"I enjoy spending time here with you as well."

"It's always so peaceful. There is no one here who would watch us or judge us, no harem plots or protocol and rules to follow. Here we're just Suleiman and Mera, not the sultan of the world and his slave. We're just like a married couple here, who came for a vacation to enjoy themselves with their four children." Mera told him emotionally with teary eyes and a smile.

Through her speech, she could see the sultan being affected by her words as well, and she could not help but smirk when he took her arm in his and walked together inside the palace.

That night, Mera and Suleiman spent it undisturbed in his chambers. The next day, he left with his sons as soon as they had all finished eating breakfast. Mera had remained on the palace ground, and had ordered the aghas to install a table for her by the lake, she'd sit there hidden by the trees' shadows for the day, playing with her daughters, and helping Mihrisah make flower crowns for the rest of the family.

When the princes came back, they had found Mera, Mihrisah, and Mihrimah all sitting on cushions instead of the table, Osman and Murad run to their mother, hugging her and their sisters, and the giggles of Mihrimah could be heard from inside the palace walls.

𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲- [Magnificent Century]Where stories live. Discover now