𝐼𝑉. 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛

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Chapter Four
I Am my own person

Chapter Four I Am my own person

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3rd Person POV

they watched them leave the stage and ronnie turned her head to look at nate and jason

"and now we wait for the moment of betrayal" she whispered and nate nodded as they waited

"this is going to bad isn't it?" he said and she nodded

"i know it is" she said and they watched as axel ran onto the stage

and that's how we do things here at camp star! before we go any further, i'd like to make a quick announcement" axel started

"and here we go" ronnie whispered and nate nodded softly

"we're having staffing problems, who knew we'd be so popular? so, i'd just like to put it out there, if there are any camp rock counselors or rock who'd like to make the switch, i'd be more than willing to double the salary" axel said and ronnie scoffed

"i called it" she stated and nate sighed

"no" jason said as they watched staff start to get up and live

"and if there are any camp rock campers who'd like to join us, we'll, i'm sure we can find you a bunk. oh, did i mention our cabins are air conditioned?" axel said and ronnie watched as tess got up and walked away

"TESS" she called after her but she lost her on the crowd

"ron, come with me" mitchie said and she turned to nate

"i'll see you later" she said and he blushed as she grabbed mitchies hand and they started to walk around

"okay i love our camp but this is pretty cool" ronnie exclaimed as they walked into the studio and they looked around

"you are going to keep your promise right ronnie?" mitchie asked and ronnie snapped her head in her direction

"of course i am mitchie, camps are supposed to be fun not killer" she spoke as they held each other's hand

"ronnie why wouldn't you consider coming here?" mitchie asked

"i'm a ploy in my parents game, all i ever do is work and write. i need to take a break, i came to camp for that reason" she said and they walked into another studio

"rockers, boats now" mitchie said and she watched them walk out

"and because of nate" mitchie exclaimed

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