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Olivia's POV

I went to work after dropping my daughters off at school. The whole drive from the elementary school to my precinct, I had hot tears on my cheeks. I had expected to be more sad about today, but I was just pissed off. 

"Do you think she'll come in today?" Amanda questioned as she and Alex stood near my desk. I stopped outside of the doors and eavesdropped as I wiped tears from my cheeks.

"She didn't take the day off, so I don't know. She has been so busy lately that I don't even know if she and Rafael remember what today is." Alex frowned. 

I even hated the fact now that my friends remembered the anniversary of my child's death, but I hadn't.

"Should I call her-" Amanda started, as she pulled her phone out. I walked in and smiled weakly at her.

"I'm here. No need to call me."

"Liv! How are you?" Alex asked nervously, as she stepped closer to me. Her arms wrapped around me in a forceful hug, and I sighed softly.

"I'm fine."

"Do you remember what today is?" Amanda breathed, as I struggled to get out of Alex's grip.

"I do, Amanda. So please, can I just go about my day?" I grumbled. Alex leaned back and looked at me as her blue eyes searched my face.

"No, we are going to go out for lunch today. You need-"

"What I need is space from your tight hug, Alex. Did you forget that I'm pregnant? This tightness is pissing off my daughter." I huffed.

Alex hesitantly stepped away from me before reaching out and gently tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"I love you, Liv. I'm sorry about-"

"Please, just leave. I'll see you at lunch." I frowned before turning and walking away.


My morning was rough, and everyone kept asking how I was. All I wanted was for everyone to just drop it. I understand everyone cares about me and wanted to make sure that this incredibly hard day didn't kill me, but I felt like I was being suffocated. That all the questions about how I was doing were kinda pounding the idea that I'm a mother to a dead child into my head.

"Order anything you want." Alex smiled softly, as she and Amanda sat across from me. I didn't respond as I looked over the menu and sighed weakly.

"Do you want that really good salad? You-" Amanda started, but I stopped her.

"Girls, I love you both so much. I have never really had friends that are girls, because I'm in a male-dominated field... but you two don't have to try to stay all cheery and light. Rafael and I had forgotten about today because we have two little girls at home, and they take up all of our time. I don't want to ignore my pain and anger, and I don't want everyone else to try to ignore it, either." I frowned.

They looked down at the menus for several long moments until Alex finally looked at me.

"I wanted to personally kill the man that hurt you and your little boy... my nephew. I know that Javier's death should affect me as much as it does, but-"

"This is what I want, Alex! You two and all the others watched as I grew my son and fell in love with him. Everyone may be upset about this, because we are a family. My son would have been the nephew to so many different people, and he was going to be your godson. I would feel a hell of a lot better if everyone stopped trying to bottle everything up and hide it, and if we just showed it and let our anger bubble over for a day until next year, where we can do it all again."

Alex and Amanda stood before walking around the table and hugging me. This time, however, I didn't feel as suffocated. I felt the love my friends had for me, and for the family I was building.

"Now we should talk about my god-daughter!" Alex laughed, as she sat down in her chair again and wiped tears from her cheeks.

"I'd like that. She makes me incredibly happy."


Rafael's POV

After work and once the girls were out of school, my wife and I took our daughters to my mother's apartment. We had these plans for a while, but didn't realize what these plans had been about since we all had forgotten.

"There are my girls!" My mother exclaimed, as she opened the door and quickly wrapped her arms around my daughters. Annie and Morgan hugged her tightly and started to talk about school the moment the embrace broke.

I helped Olivia in and helped her keep her balance as we slipped our shoes off. Once we moved into the living room, my mother had passed the girls off to Abuela and was ready to see us.

"Hello, my loves. How are you two doing?" She asked softly.

"We have been better. Today kinda snuck up on us." I frowned as I wrapped my arm around Olivia's waist.

"Liv? How are you doing, baby?" My mother questioned. Olivia took a slow breath before smiling.

"I had a rough start, but everything got easier as the day went on. It helped that Alex and Amanda took me out for lunch and we got to talk about this little girl." My wife smiled as she gently caressed her belly.

We hadn't really had time to discuss our days yet, so I hadn't known that my wife's day turned out pretty well.

"Next year will be easier for everyone." My mother spoke before leading us to the dining room.

I grabbed my wife's arm and stopped her before looking her over.

"Everything really got better, right? You aren't just being brave?"

"No, everything turned out good. I made sure to tell everyone that I don't want to pretend like this whole thing didn't happen, and that we all need to be honest to whatever we feel. I also think that I'm actually ready."

"Ready for what?" I mused.

"Our daughter will be here in like six weeks. We have did some planning, but I think it's time we come up with her name. She's not gonna leave us like Javi did." Olivia smiled before leaning in and pressing a deep kiss against my lips.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! If you'd like, please drop some names below to help me decide! I am edging towards using Catalina or Lucia as middle names, but I may be willing to change my mind. :D

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