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Olivia's POV

"I don't know how I can help you." I sighed as I looked over at him. I knew Rafael was under a ton of pressure since his mother wasn't very understanding of his bachelor lifestyle. 

"Olivia, I need to ask you for one more favor..." Rafael trailed off, as he finally turned to look at me. It took me a moment before my eyes went wide and I shook my head.

"No." I spoke, as I stood up quickly.

"Liv, please!" Rafael exclaimed.

"I'm not pretending to be your girlfriend, Rafael! Going as your plus one to your reunion is one thing, but pretending to be your girlfriend in front of your mother... that is a whole different shit show!" I exclaimed.

Rafael frowned as I rushed towards the exit. He jumped up and raced after me, before shoving himself between my body and the door.

"Olivia, I'm begging you... and I'll owe you big time. Please, just put on an act until I can get my mother off of my back... then we can break up and I can pretend to be heartbroken and swear off women." Rafael said with a shaky smile. 

I shook my head again and tried to shove him out of the way, but he was stronger than he looked. He stood his ground and swallowed hard as we locked eyes.

"Please, Liv. I will never ask you to do anything like this again. It'll only be for a few months, and then we can be done. You can go back to dating assholes and I can go back to drinking whiskey at night with no interruptions."


The moment I said yes to Rafael's offer, I felt sick to my stomach. I hated the idea of us faking a relationship just so people wouldn't pity him for being single. It sucked, but he was my best friend and I couldn't just stand there and watch as tears welled in his eyes. As the pressure broke him.

"Thanks for coming over... we need to brainstorm and come up with our story." Rafael spoke as he opened his door after I knocked on it.

"Rafael, I only came over so I don't embarrass myself in front of your mother." I replied with a sigh.

Rafael and I settled down at his counter before sipping wine and talking about our relationship's backstory.

"Do you think your mother would believe that you beat up some guy for me?" I laughed as I walked back over to Rafael and topped off his glass.

"I think I would stand up for you and your honor, and kick ass if need be." Rafael replied, with a weak smile.

"Okay, buddy. Keep thinking that." I smiled as I settled down beside him again. I picked up my pen before scrawling down my idea onto a legal pad.

"What's that?" Rafael questioned.

"My idea. Now, I think we met at work, clearly. But that we worked a hard case together, and we needed each other for support." I replied.

"That sounds more realistic than me kicking some drunk's ass." He spoke.

I smiled and nodded before adding a few some details to make things more official. As Rafael and I finished our wine and talked, I had a few questions to ask.

"So... will I be your girlfriend at your reunion too?" I asked, as I leaned back against the stool and looked over at my friend.

"I didn't ask you to be more than my plus one, Liv. I feel like that would be too much to ask of you." Rafael sighed.

I nodded slowly before reaching out and gently touching his arm.

"But have you thought about all the people you grew up with? The ones that probably still know your mother and see her a few days a week at church." I replied softly.

Rafael bit his lip before groaning and resting his forehead against the counter. This whole thing was exhausting him, and I hated to see him like this. 

"Please be my fake girlfriend on any occasion that requires it." He whispered, and I nodded.

"It would be my honor, Rafa. Just tell me any important date or times that you need me and I'll be there. As your best friend and the most amazing fake girlfriend."


The first occasion came up sooner than I had expected. I woke up early the next morning, slightly hungover because of the night before, and Rafael was standing on the other side of my door.

"What the hell do you want this morning?" I yawned as I rested my head against the door.

"So, my mother asked me to bring my girlfriend to church this morning... so I need you to join me."

I closed my eyes tightly as I restrained from screaming. I know that I never should have said yes. My weekend was going to shit because I had to meet Rafael's mother and spend hours in a church service.

"Olivia." Rafael spoke, since I hadn't answered yet.

"What does one wear to church?" I sighed as I slowly opened my eyes. Rafael smiled from ear to ear before pushing his way into my apartment.

"I will help you pick something out. Something that a Cuban-American catholic mother would love."


Rafael and I held hands as we walked up the sidewalk and towards the entrance of the church. Lucia stood out front with Catalina, and both kept anxiously looking around to see if they could spot Rafael.

"I didn't know your grandmother would be here." I smiled weakly as I turned to look at Rafael. He pulled us to a stop as he frowned.

"I apologize for leaving this out. Abuela loves me and she wants to know who I'm with, just as much as my mother. She's a little easier on me, since I'm her favorite grandchild... but I can't promise that she'll go easy on you." Rafael spoke, and I nodded as I glanced back at his mother and grandmother.

"They are watching us, so we may want to do something." I mumbled through a fake smile.

"Like what?" Rafael asked, and as his mother called his name, I leaned in and quickly pecked his lips.

Fake Love Turned Real [ A Barson Fanfic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora