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Olivia's POV

I was so angry at Rafael for how he treated me. I refused to work with him anymore. If he needed the help of a detective, someone else always went instead of me. When he would try to have me go to church with him on Sunday or asked if I wanted to eat dinner with him, I'd either ignore him or tell him no. There isn't a reason I should put up with the way he was treating me.

"Benson!" Cragen called, and I groaned as I looked up from my paperwork and at him.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I need you to go to the courthouse and meet up with Barba. He says that he needs help on one of your previous cases." Cragen spoke.

"I'm not working with him anymore."

"Olivia, it's your old case. Just go." Cragen ordered.

I frowned deeply as I finished signing my name on the paper before shoving it to the side. I looked up and saw Amanda staring at me, and I knew she wanted to ask me a question.

"What, Rollins?" I sighed.

"What happened between you and Barba? You haven't seen or talked to him in a while, but we were never told what happened." She frowned.

I let out a weak sigh before standing and grabbing my jacket.

"He used me, and I'm not allowing it to continue."


I went to the courthouse against my will and found Rafael in a conference room. He was busy reading through a stack of files, and I just watched for a moment. I was wondering if I could turn and walk away without him noticing me at all.

"Please come in, Olivia." Rafael spoke without even looking up. I slowly moved into the room and shut the door behind me.

"What do you need?" I asked as I moved around and sank down across from him.

"Do you remember Arthur Dutton?" Rafael asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Yes, I do. He was given twenty years in prison for kidnapping a student of his. Why are you bringing him up?" I frowned.

"He is trying to get out of prison this year, and I need your help to get his parole turned down. So as of right now, you are not actively investigating with the squad and are helping me instead." Rafael spoke, as he finally looked up from the papers in front of him.

"No." I blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Rafael replied.

"I'm not going to sit here for over a week and help you out. You are a big boy, and you can do this by yourself." I snapped.

"Hey, I'm your boss!" He yelled, as I stood quickly.

"The hell you are! Cragen is my boss!" I yelled back.

I made it to the door and opened it, before feeling as Rafael grabbed my arm. He spun me around, and I wanted to scream as I looked at him.

"Not only do I need help keeping this bastard in jail, I wanted to spend time with you. I wanted to see you because you always manage to disappear when I show up at the station house. My mother keeps asking about you, and all I can tell her is that you are busy working. That you'll come around soon." He frowned as he reached out with his free hand and shut the door.

"I told you to tell her we are done... I'm not doing that fake relationship anymore. It was just another way for you to use me... I deserve better than how you had been treating me. The only time you were aware of my feelings was after church, and you let us leave early because I was overwhelmed. Otherwise, everything was about you. Everything is always about you. So let me go and maybe get transferred, because this is way too hard on me." I whimpered.

Rafael frowned, before hesitantly letting my arm go.

"Liv, I can't get transferred."

"Why not?! Why can't you do something for me?" I cried.

"Because I don't want to be away from you! I can't stand the idea of being in a different part of the city and never laying eyes on you again! Olivia, I'm sorry for being selfish... for not opening up to you! When we were just friends, I didn't have a problem telling you my darkest secrets or talk about my feelings. Then we started our fake relationship and all I could think about is how my feelings now involved you."

"Involved me? Don't make this my fault." I huffed as hot tears slipped down my cheeks.

"I never thought that what we did together would make me start falling for you. Like... I honestly wanted to tell you I wanted to make things real after my reunion. But I was a dick and didn't get to tell you."

"You are falling for me?" I whispered, and Rafael nodded.

"I am. I loved you only as a friend for a while, but I love you as more than a friend now."

I stared at Rafael for a moment before shaking my head.

"Don't lie to me, Rafael Barba. If you actually loved me and had feelings for me... nevermind. I'm not helping you unless Cragen assigns me to this."


I cried a lot that night. I couldn't get my mind off of what Rafael said. At nearly midnight, I left my apartment and rushed over to his. When I arrived, Rafael was running down the stairs of his building and we bumped into each other.

"Olivia!" He exclaimed.

"Where are you going?" I asked quickly.

"I was on my way to your place! I couldn't sleep and all I wanted to do was apologize to you again! I need you to forgive me, Liv. Give me another shot, too." Rafael spoke as he grabbed my wrists and tugged me closer.

"I want to start over, Rafa. I need you in my life, and I pray it will be more than a friend. Please-" I stopped when Rafael wrapped his arms around me before dipping me back a bit. 

He placed his lips firmly against mine and kissed me with as much passion as he could muster.

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