Chapter 78

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         A call came up to Dom's apartment asking me if I wanted a 'Mr. Nick' to come up. I told her no and that she should tell him to leave. The second call I was getting was from Dom telling me Nick just beat the hell out of two security guards within the building. And then addressed by the police until one recognized him and released him. 

He told me to watch out because the raging bull was lurking and probably about to beat some more people to make his way upstairs.

I gasped even though I shouldn't be surprised. 

Dom was on his way to the building now to smooth things over. I contemplated just going down there now myself, but then Nick will have access to me that I just really don't want him to have right now. He's detained me in an airport before. It's hard to get away from him, but it seems Dominic's building is doing a pretty decent job at it. So I waited.

And then I heard the banging. Son of a bitch...he got up here. I don't even wanna know how. I hope he didn't kill anyone. The psycho. 

        He has the reaper inside him somewhere and that's the scariest part of him. Who knows what it takes to get him out onto the surface. I remember seeing the Reapers' cold empty eyes and it still can give me chills just thinking about how completely devoid of anything he is while drilling knee caps and other horrible things. 

I don't like thinking about that side of Nick.

"Giada open the fucking door" I heard Nick growl out. I walked up to it, but only to listen because I started hearing more voices.

"Nico, what the fuck is going on?" I heard Dominic approaching. 

"I need to get in there. Your cousin thinks I fucking cheated on her because there was a lipstick in the car that didn't belong to her. But I have absolutely no fucking idea where that would've come from. I didn't cheat on her" I heard Nick's still very angry voice, but he did take a second to explain why he was there. He wants Dom to open the door for him. That's why.

He also just exposed our relationship...

        "Uh oh..." I heard the subtle voice of someone else. There was a moment's pause then it almost sounded like Nick yanked someone by the collar. When I looked in the peephole that's exactly what I saw. He had his cousin Marc grabbed by the collar. 

"I'm sorry, Nico! I didn't know she left anything inside the car...I just borrowed it from the compound. I was showing off to some girl. I'm so-" he didn't even get to finish his apology before Nick knocked his fist right into his cousin's face.

I gasped and was already reaching for the handle. 

"My girl hasn't talked to me in two fucking days because of you! So I'm gonna beat you just as long" he growled out. He shoved him into the wall and was ready to hit him again until I swung the door open. 

"NICK" I stopped him in place. I watched his jaw clench and unclench as his eyes stayed pinned to his cousin. Silent promises of trouble is what that looked like.

        When Nick turned around I almost shook my head at the state of him. Disheveled, half unbuttoned dress shirt no longer tucked into his pants. Red knuckles. Wild eyes. He might have also been hit downstairs. I see a mark. Nick licked his teeth. He looks pissed.

"I didn't cheat on you, baby. Ask him" he thumbed behind him at his cousin. He didn't know I overheard everything. "I know. I'm sorry. I should have trusted you, but I just got so mad. I saw the lipstick and thought..." I trailed off when he pulled me against him. 

He huffed out a breath and I could tell he was trying to settle his anger.

"Don't ever fucking do that shit to me again" he refered to his chasing me around and fighting half the building to get to me. I nodded okay and went up on my toes to kiss his lips. I felt bad for doubting him. I was just so mad and honestly heartbroken to think he was sneaking around with some girl.

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