Chapter 37

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         My uncle Richie apologized profusely on behalf of his son and my Zia Cecile just continued to cry and pray. "Please, if there is anything I can do to fix the wrongdoing of my son to spare his life," Uncle Richie begged. Nicolas didn't even flinch, and I don't know how he did it. I was crying right along with them which was making me cough. "Gia, relax or you'll end up back in the hospital. Dom get your cousin some water," Nico instructed him. 

When the front door opened we all swiveled in its direction, but the wrong son was home.

Smalls paused in the doorway and looked around at the scene in front of him. "W-what's going on?" he asked. When he noticed the state of me and his mother he rushed over. For the fifth time my story was told and this time by Big Richie as he confessed what his son had done. Nobody could get a hold of Richie the trader. I couldn't stand seeing my family so upset.

        Smalls tried to be a man in front of the Luciano brother's, but I could see the pain in his eyes. He knew what the mob would do to his brother for this. Vincent lingered by the front window peering while Dom and I tried comforting our family. 

They were so conflicted between apologizing to me, telling me how happy they were that I survived tonight, but also pleading for their son who helped do it to me. They were in an impossible situation and I didn't hold it against them to try and save their son. That's what family is supposed to do, even if he failed to do that himself. 

Nico told us we'd be staying here until Richie showed up. He didn't trust my family enough to actually call him up once Richie jr surfaced. He thought they'd help him escape and I knew that's exactly what they'd try to do. That would only get all of them in trouble and I was trying to save them from putting their lives at risk too.

        When my cell phone rang Vincent's head snapped back from the window and watched me as I answered it. He never took his eyes off me, which made me turn away from him to listen to the voice on the other end. Everyone's damn eyes burned into me. Nick came rushing over mouthing questions but I waved him off. 

"Yes, this is her" I answered when an unfamiliar voice asked if I were Giada TerraNova. "Ma'am, we'd like you to come down to the station tonight if you could. Some new details have been uncovered about the fire you were involved in tonight, and we need to speak with you," the officer explained. My mouth gaped open and closed. I felt the same pit in my stomach all over again. 

"Yes, sir, I'll be right over" I agreed.

        When I hung up all eyes were on me. "The police...they want me down at the station" my eyes went directly to Nico for some reason. His jaw tensed and he asked me why. I told him what the officer told me and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'll take her down to the station. You guys stay here and see if Richie shows," Vincent offered. Dom stood up from where he'd been comforting my aunt and came to me. 

"No, I should go with her. You're too well known you shouldn't get her affiliated with you" Dom denied Vincent's offer. Nico told Dom it was fine for him to go with me. I apologized to my aunt and uncle before leaving. 

I felt so much guilt for putting them through this tonight. It wasn't their fault and yet they'd suffer because of this...and lose a child.

        "My stomach has been soured since the second they told me they'd kill Richie. You saw Zia Cecile. She treats him like a son. How could they forgive us after this?" I asked Dom as he drove the blacked out car down to the station. "How could they live with the fact if you'd died tonight?" he pointed out. Nobody would've known he was involved if I died tonight. Nobody would have a clue as to why I was there. 

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