Chapter 45

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        I spent the morning packing my things. I oddly feel like I've been living in this house for much longer than a month and some change. I guess it's because so much has happened between the first day I rolled my suitcases in here, and now as I'm being kicked out. 

I wanted to leave anyway, when I was afraid people in this house were shady, but there are a few things I am sad to leave behind. The staff of the house are all amazing people who I spent time connecting with when I was here on lockdown. And if I'm being honest, Nick. 

I liked living across the hall from him when he wasn't pissing me off. The night's we shared were good ones most times. I don't think we'd have a reason to see each other anymore. It's not like he's going to ask to hang out. That isn't who he is.

        This dust pink colored room has seen me through a lot of hard times. Everything from my fear on the night my uncle's car was shot at...I ended up here, following hard leads until I almost died in a fire because of a cousin who betrayed me. Then the grieving of that same cousin who ended up dead there instead of me. 

I looked at this room one last time before allowing the men from outside to come to carry my bags and art supplies out. I put the log book and the lighter in the bag I was carrying right now on my person. Then I went downstairs to start saying my goodbye.

         Wherever Giuseppe was it was not here, which I was grateful for. I went to the kitchen staff first. Everyone already knew there had been an incident this morning because this household runs like CNN, and news is always being reported live. 

They were all sad to see me go, which was a nice feeling. At least I had made an impact somewhere. 

They each hugged me and told me things like, "If it's ever in your power to come visit us again don't be shy to", or "Paint us a picture to hang in the staff room to remember you by", and even a few "thank you for treating us as if we were apart of the household and not working for those that do,'' which was when I got slightly teary eyed. 

I'm an emotional little butterfly. I can't help it. I told them to tell the night crew I said the same to them since it'll be impossible to see them and say a proper goodbye. 

After I went and found Gladys, the woman who often did my laundry or other tasks throughout the week. She hugged me tighter than a snake's coil.

Reya wasn't here today, but it was probably for the best. Even though the blonde was a nice girl I couldn't hide the resentment I felt in knowing she's hooking up with Nick too. It isn't her fault, but I still felt that foolish feeling. 

        Last from inside the house was Franklin. He held my hand in his and gave me a little speech.

 "Gia, you were like a bright light in an otherwise dull space. You're a good girl and I hope you don't get offended by my next statement, but I hope you stay away from your family's business and follow a different path for yourself. You're a brilliant girl and you'll go far. Take it from this old geezer who knows a thing or two about life. You'll be saving yourself. Take care my darling," he placed a thin lipped kiss to the back of my hand before patting it. 

I couldn't help pulling him in for a hug and telling him to stay safe and enjoy his grandbabies whom he adores.

        Outside I said goodbye to only a few security men who I'd any sort of relationship with. Most of them stood like statued guards, but a few were more talkative and kind. It was good to see Benny here to come get me. He would be coming with me back home. The only person I had not seen was Nick. Well, any of the Luciano family members actually. 

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