Chapter 3

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        We were told we could settle into our rooms and that I'd meet the rest of the family in the morning. Dominic knew everybody already. I was the outsider here. The room given to me was on the third floor. There was a small sitting area just after you landed off the stairs and then a vast hall to follow. I didn't know what was behind the doors of the other rooms aside from Dom's new room just down the hall. 

My room was spacious and painted a dusted pink color I thought was pretty. The floors were hardwood and the area rug was a stark white along with my bedding. The love seat to the left of my room was a light gray color. I had a walk in closet, so I had no dresser in my room. Just my large bed whose headboard was pushed against the right wall, and a nightstand with a designer lamp. 

The same wall that the sofa and closet door were on, there was another door which led to my own personal bathroom. The bathroom was made up of clean colors like the white ceramic and light gray towels, along with the glassed shower. A very nice one.

Everything looked elegant. I had spotlight lighting on the ceiling of the room which was bright. I didn't want the 'bright' right now though. I was mentally and physically exhausted. 

We had been shot at tonight. A bullet was so close to lodging into my head when I'd bent down for cover. I was told to vacate my home and forced into the Luciano household where scary people lurk the halls. I have to be on edge and respectful here. I won't be comfortable and I can't be myself. I hate that, but I know how this worked. I knew I could never disrespect Mr. Luciano and his family, or else I'd be in trouble, and so would my uncle and father who he'd also hold accountable. 

Although the bed I was given was like laying on a cloud I had heavy thoughts weighing on my mind as I tried to fall asleep. Eventually the panic quieted and I drifted off.


        There was a knock at my door to inform me that breakfast was available and to head toward the right after the stairs. I quickly showered, although I didn't do my hair. I just kept my thick head of hair in the soft waves they'd already been set in yesterday. I wear a middle part and I just fussed with either side to make sure its dark locks fell into their right places. I wore a pair of belted high rise fabric shorts with its matching top, and platform sandals that strapped around my ankles. 

I have a naturally contoured face, and since my eyes are big and the color is a translucent blue I always got away with only using mascara to keep a clean face. I like a clean face.

         When I stepped out of my room I was going to walk down to Dom's so we could go find breakfast together, but his door was already opened and the light was off. I felt nervous just wandering the house alone, but I saw no other option and decided to follow the instructions given to me. The faceless staff member said 'to the right.

        There was an expansive dining room that I passed before I got to the kitchen I was looking for. "Good morning, Miss TerraNova," a woman bowed her head down to greet me. "Oh you can just call me Gia," I told her. She smiled politely. "Breakfast is being served in the dining room. I'm afraid you just missed Mr. TerraNova and Mr. Luciano," she informed me. I nodded and walked back to the dining room I had passed. 

I realized there was a table alongside the long wall and it was filled with a buffet of breakfast options. She asked how I liked my coffee and brought it to me as I sat at the large and empty dining table to eat alone.

        After breakfast I decided to walk the hall just after the kitchen to see the rest of the house. I found a more lived-in living room towards the back of the home, a locked door which I was told was Giuseppe''s office, and other doors I had yet to venture. Before I could, one swung open and I paused. 

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