Chapter 38

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         News of what happened with the fire was kept under wraps. The Luciano men didn't want their guys, goons, henchmen, and my family members like my Zio Tony or my own father to find out. They wanted the man that was responsible to think I was dead, and they didn't want the chaos of people asking questions once they heard it was me in the fire. They needed a little time before news got out. 

My dad was going to lose his shit and I knew I'd have to go see him in person when he was being told so he'd see I was just fine. He's stuck in a cage, he's restless enough without worrying about me almost dying. Or being in more danger he can't help save me from.

        Everyone was buzzing around today, but I retreated to the garden to find some quiet. My throat was sore, my head hurt, my foot made me limp, and my leg burned. I just wanted to be left alone. I needed time to process everything. I felt traumatized, but I was trying not to show it. Nick was in that fire too, and yet he was going on in life. He was fixated on finding Richie dead or alive. I guess running to save someone from a fire and being the actual person locked inside a burning building is a little different.

        I was thankful when I was able to spend almost the entire day alone. I sat in the garden at the gazebo for a while and listened to the birds. I watered the flowers and veggies. I even stuck my feet in the pool and got some sun today. The staff was great to me and just left breakfast and lunch on the terrace. I was aware that chlorine was bad for a burn. It's why I could only stick y feet in. But pain blends together with other pain. 

When I took a shower to wash the day off, it was both refreshing and painful. I redressed my burn and checked on my stitches and everything seemed fine. 

As fine as things could be the day after almost dying.

        I was in the kitchen picking at some fruit left on the counter when I heard someone come in and stop. I glanced over my shoulder to see Vincent in some workout clothes. "Hey, how ya holding up?" he asked. I gave him a tight smile and told him I was fine. "I wanted to ask you...why do you think they tried killing you?" he asked, sliding beside me to grab a piece of melon. I looked up at him but his eyes were fixed down at the fruit. 

"I was trying to find answers and I guess I spooked him" I shrugged, not wanting to talk about this. Vincent leaned on the counter still beside me and studied me for a second. "Did you figure anything out?" he continued. 

"Nope. It led to a dead end" I lied. Nobody knows I have the lighter or that I saw it in the first place. I thought further about the lighter today and I shouldn't disqualify the staff that have access to that room either. Everybody is a suspect until otherwise proven. 

"That's too bad" he sucked his teeth. I don't know how Vincent always made everything he said sound disingenuous, but he had a knack for it. "We will figure this all out. I think you should stay out of it now. We want you safe," he nudged me. I sighed.

        "What exactly have you done to try and resolve this? I see you guys flooding in and out of here, but I don't know a single thing you guys do and I've heard no updates," I called him out. He let his mask slip for a moment and I saw anger harden his usually grinning face. His eyes were always cold like his fathers, but they took on a new level of frost. 

"We do a lot. I'm already working on my contacts. I'm close to getting a name and once I do it'll be a piece of cake to track him," he surprised me by saying. Maybe he was asking around the race track because that was going to be my next move before all this. Someone would know something and we'd get a name.

        My face softened and I grabbed his arm. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood. I'm glad you're so close. It's a relief to hear," I thanked him. He put his big hand over mine and smirked. "You haven't spent much time with me, since Nico's been taking up most of your time, but I'm competent at my job, Miss TerraNova," he told me in a tone that seemed teasing, but felt passive aggressive. 

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