Chapter 24

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         I left Nicolas's bedroom after that spat. I was so done with everyone in this house and I wanted to leave. I texted Dominic to come to my room when he had the chance. He'd been out this morning when I'd gotten home and I needed to talk to him. I'd asked one of the staff to bring breakfast to my room directly, so I hadn't left since. I spent the day locked in my room contemplating my next move. 

Somehow my relationship with Alexei and Mikhail had started to threaten Giuseppe and his crew, so I couldn't go to them without it causing more damage than it was worth. I didn't feel safe in this house either. They were right when they said I didn't belong in all this business.

        I shouldn't have had to see Nick shoot a man to death and I shouldn't have had to see Nick brand a man's hand. A man who is family to me. I wasn't cut out for this life. I understood why they were on lockdown and high alert. Their organization was being threatened. But I'm not their organization. What's keeping me here? 

I could move in with a friend and blend into a normal living and their enemies would be none the wiser. It's not like Giuseppe could keep me here against my will. What would he get out of it? Why should he care? 

Sure, he was doing my dad the favor of letting me stay here to be 'safe', but if I left of my own volition then he could say he'd at least tried.

        I missed my dad. With all this drama I kept thinking 'things would be different if dad was here'. He never involved me in this mess and now I see why. I used to be angry that he lied to me, but I see it now. I see the reason why he wanted to protect me from this. 

Since Dom told me he wouldn't be home until later tonight I made a decision to go visit my dad without telling anybody. I was going to ask Benny to drive me, but then I'd get him in trouble, so instead I called a cab. I walked right out the front door and past the guards acting casual. 

Once I got in the car and we drove off I knew that I was free for now. The cab got pricey with how far we had to drive to get to the prison, but I paid it and hopped out.

        I did what I always do, I showed ID and signed in and left my personal belongings with them. I got searched before I was finally buzzed in. There were a lot of people here today for family visits and I thought that meant I would have to wait a long time, but I was surprised when they called me to come in right away. Perks of dad I am sure. 

He looked the same as he did a few weeks ago when I last saw him. Close shaven face, beige jumpsuit. "Hi pumpkin" he grinned at me, opening his arms out wide for me to run into. We shared a nice long hug, and I hadn't realized how badly I needed that until just then. It made me emotional. 

"What's going on? What's wrong?" he asked me right away, holding me at arms length to look at me.

The guard told us to part ways and sit down so we did, but then he reached over the table and grabbed hold of my hand. It was like the floodgates opened and I told my father almost everything that's happened. I did not tell him that I slept with Nick, but I did tell him that I was subjected to 'the lifestyle' and how it was really bringing me down. 

"You were right to shield me all those years. I get it now. I used to hold it against you but I don't anymore. You were right to believe I couldn't handle it," I told him.

        When he laughed I tipped my head in confusion. "Bambina, you can handle anything. You're my warrior princess. I didn't shield you because I thought you were too fragile. I shielded you because I thought you were above all this. You deserve better," he surprised me by saying. He had me at a loss for words. "Well, what about Mikhail? You wanted me to get with him, didn't you? To marry him?"I asked. He snorted and waved me off. 

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