Chapter 26

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         I knew I couldn't tell Dominic about my idea because he would never let me go through with it. I was sick of listening to all these men. I'm no weak woman. I may lead with emotions at times but that's called compassion not incompetence. In fact, I might use my womanhood as a weapon against the very men who look down on me with no respect at all. I was done playing games. 

I stayed vigilant today and watched the in's and out's of all the men in the house and what they were up to. I was waiting for something. And when I saw all the men gather in the foyer in business suits to leave, I knew I had a small window of time to do what I've been planning to do all day. 

I went downstairs to the area of the mansion that I would call the service corner. Employees come in and out of there. They'd take breaks or get supplies from there, and the security room is there. Just a guy in a closet size room with half a dozen monitors that are connected to the many cameras outside the house. I even believe there may be some inside the house too.

        In security is a man named Franklin. I've befriended him since day one so when I knocked on his door he opened it and greeted me with a smile. I knew it was risky but I decided to try. "Hey Franklin, how are you?" I asked the elderly man. "Oh, you know, same old, same old" he shrugged. "How are you honey? What can I do for ya?" he asked. Franklin's skin is paper thin and he has sunspots on the back of his hand. 

"Franklin, I'm going to be very honest with you here, and I would really appreciate it if you'd be discreet about it," I looked into his old hazel eyes and waited. He has an odd ring around them. Cataracts maybe. He nodded for me to continue.

        "I think you know my character by now and know I'm not a malicious person nor am I out for my own gain. That being said, I fear for my family's life and yet...when I've offered my assistance in finding out what's been going on with these attacks lately I was denied simply because I'm a woman. I'm telling you this because I need a favor, and I understand if you say no, but I hope you'll at least consider" I got out through my nervous breaths. 

"Alright, I'm listening" he swiveled slightly in his rolly chair to better see me. He wore a navy blue security uniform that looked loose on him. I wondered if he'd recently lost weight or something.

        "Franklin...I need to get into Mr. Luciano's office and I know you have the keys to every room in this house. Let me explain first. Nicolas and I have a lead on these attacks. The Luciano men have been too busy to go through the personnel files, which I know he has on each of his associates. I just wanna check out the photos of the men and see if I get a hit on any of the descriptions given about the man in question...this could save my family's life Frank, I'm sure you know I was in the car when someone tried shooting my uncle to death. A bullet came this close to my head...I just want to help," I concluded my half speech/ half plea.

        Franklin released a heavy breath which made his lips flap. "Oh boy. I don't know if I could do that for you without either of us getting into some serious trouble. I'm sure your intentions are good but.." he trailed off while seemingly thinking. "You won't be held accountable. If I'm caught I'll tell them I distracted you and stole your keys. Franklin, I really think I can help them solve this before anyone else gets hurt," I told him. He shifted around in his chair and I could tell he was uncomfortable with all this. 

"There's a camera in there," he let me know. I figured as much. "Franklin...I think someone closer to the Luciano family is pulling one over on them. They'll be too stubborn to see it, but I'm looking at the bigger picture here." He scratched his head several times before nodding.

"I trust you. You're a good girl. If I disconnect the camera it'll look like a glitch, but you've only got 10 minutes before it regenerates on a backup server," he informed me. 

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