Chapter 62

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        When I noticed a man sort of lingering around the portion of the cemetery I was in I got a bad feeling about it. As I said, they chose a pretty secluded area for the traitors grave. I know Vin has one around here too, for his mother's sake...though I haven't worked the nerve to face that tombstone yet. I felt this man's eyes on me more than once, so I took it as my cue to leave. I even went as far as to track his frame in my rearview window to be sure he didn't follow me. He didn't. 

I knew the next place I would go. To the gym in Mikhail's apartment building. I will exercise until I sweat, and then I will take a shower to be sure any remnant of Nick is gone before my boyfriend comes home. I have to stomach what I did, and I have to pretend I'm not a piece of shit girlfriend when I have dinner with Mikhail in about an hour. I'll take control of what I can, because the rest of spinning out.

 I'm so damn dizzy I wouldn't know if it was the floor coming out from under me, or if I was falling upward.

        I did everything I said. Gym, shower, dinner with my boyfriend. "You look a little better today," Mikhail's sharp eyes took in the sight of my whole form. I smiled as best I could. "Maybe because I've decided on something," I didn't delve too deep yet. By his brow, I could see I piqued his interest. Mikhail was still in a relaxed version of his suit, buttons half undone, while we ate. He had those sexy tattoos too, but still....never mind. 

Mikhail is handsome, and in his own way he has that same dark aura, but he's been too soft with me. I know when it's me who comes to mind he isn't rough or downright rude. I shouldn't like that, but Nick chaffs me in the right ways sometimes. Either way, I watched his tattooed hand as he put down his glass to wait for what I would say. 

        "You've been asking me a question and I wasn't ready to answer it," I beat around the bush. I was suddenly very nervous and my gut tied up in knots. Mikhail sat upright in his seat, and he couldn't hide the upturning of his lips. "Wait...Gia, are you saying yes?" He was so unsure if this was me turning him down or not. "I'm saying yes," my voice almost didn't let me say the words, but once they were out I couldn't take them back. 

Mikhail hopped from his seat and lifted me up in his arms for a strong hug. He pulled back and captured my lips with his. "Fuck, I was gonna do something nice for you, but you've caught me off guard," he looked around at our casual meal and how this unfolded. "I don't care about that. This feels organic. I like it," I smiled. I don't think I could stomach a huge proposal. This was enough. 

He kissed me again and this time he made sure to deepen it, angling my head and pushing his tongue through my lips. Sometimes when he's deep into an emotion his Russian accent comes out a lot. "Malishka, I'm gonna spoil you rotten," he grinned, sweeping me into his arms and bringing me up to his room. Our room I guess. 

        "What're you doing?" I chuckled. We were in the middle of our meal. "Two things," he said. "Two?" I thought I knew his general idea, but this caught my attention. "One," he said, setting me down and going into his own walk-in closet. When he came back out it was with a black velvet box. The ring. When he popped it open I was greeted by a large marquise cut diamond. On my dainty hand this will look huge. I blinked at it a few times. I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Feeling his stare on the side of my face I cracked a wide smile. "It's beautiful," I held my hand out to him. When he slid the ring on my finger I heard the clinking of a fucking trap door and bounding cuffs. 

        "And two" he said, without me fully hearing him because I was staring at my hand. I was suddenly scooped up again, but this time I was thrown on the bed with a bounce. Mikhail started slowly taking off his suit, cufflink by cuff link, as he watched me on the bed. We stripped then he glanced down at my hand and ordered, "Show me." 

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