Part 42

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Mias POV:
'Hello to the Mr and Mrs!' I heard Ashtray shout, slamming the front door extra loud.

Fez kissed me once more on the lips, putting back on his tshirt and helping me get dressed.

'Shall we change your dressing?' He asked softly, lifting my tshirt up to reveal my bullet wound.

'It's gonna hurt.' I whispered, realising we'd not changed it since it happened.

He rolled his eyes, taking my hand and walking with me back to the living room. Ashtray smiled a genuine smile, looking at Rue and then back to me and Fezco.

'Oh stop it.' I responded, shaking my head softly at him as I laid down on the sofa besides him.

He took the pillow from behind me and plumped it up for me, tucking it back behind my head. I pulled my tshirt up a little so that my dressing was revealing, closing my eyes as I felt Fezco's cold hands on my body. He slowly pulled the dressing from my skin and let out a short blow of air.

'Hey Ash, gonna need your medical expertise here.' Fezco muttered, getting up and walking to the kitchen for the medical kit.

I opened my eyes, looking down at my wound and regretting it instantly, starting to feel nauseous.

'It's not infected, is it?' I asked, letting Rue take my hand as she sat on the floor at my feet.

'Now would be a really good time for a blunt, don't you think?' Ashtray smiled sarcastically at me, lighting one up and putting it in my mouth.

I looked at Fez and he nodded slowly, allowing me to take a toke from it.

'You know I'd be hypocritical if I hated you smoking, besides. You're gonna need it.' Fez said, walking towards me with a large pair of tweezers and a needle.

I held my hand out stopping him from moving any closer, fear laced in my eyes.

'What's happened?' I panicked, not liking the look of where things were going.

'Don't worry, doctors just seem to be shit at their jobs. There's just a little bit of a bullet left in there, but once he's got it you'll be fine.' Fez said softly, squeezing my hand and passing the tweezers to ashtray.

I shook my head vigorously, taking the tweezers from ashtray and starting at them both in fear.

'You're not gonna let your 14 year old brother operate on me.' I said bluntly, as if that really was my fate.

Ash smiled at me sarcastically, putting a second blunt in my mouth so that I now held two in between my teeth, and taking the tweezers back.

'Happy honeymoon.' He replied, diving into my stomach almost bare handed.

I screamed, grabbing my boyfriends arm, tears uncontrollably falling from my eyes.

'You're okay, I promise you'll be okay.' Fez said, trying his best to calm me down.

I heard the bullet drop onto the table, and small pricks pierced the side of my body as he began to stitch me back up again.

'Where's Rue?' I asked, my eyes squeezed closed but realising I'd not heard her in a while.

'Throwing up.' Ash replied, still concentrating hard on what he was doing.

'I'm happy she's able to escape this monstrosity.' I said, gritting my teeth hard, taking the blunt into my hand and squeezing it, almost breaking it.

'You're done!' Ash exclaimed, clapping his hands in excitement and cleaning around my wound carefully, before dressing it again.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Fezco who'd turned green. I tried my hardest to laugh, but the pain was too much.

You're like an addiction//Fezco(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now