Part 15

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Mias POV:
Rue settled down in her room and promised me she'd stay the night, not go wondering around in the streets to meet Jules. I got into my bed and plugged my phone in, waiting for Fez to call me, but he never did.

Me: Fez where are you, I'm tired
Me: Fezco?
Me: Goodnight.

I sighed, switching off my phone and trying to close my eyes. It was 1am so he'd not be at the shop anymore, I had no idea where he could be. Maybe he was with that Lexi girl. My blood began to boil even thinking about it so I pushed the idea from my head, when I got a text.

Fez: your homegirls here, bringing her home now.

'Fuck you rue.' I whispered, jumping from my bed and checking her bed, to see it was infact empty.

I turned on the hallway light and sat waiting until I heard a car pull up. I unlocked the door and looked at Rue, dressed as a detective with a blunt in her mouth.

'What the fuck is going on with you?' I laughed, taking it from her mouth and putting it in my own.

'She wants me to point a gun at Nate to freak him out a lil.' Fez said, wrapping his arm around me.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

'I'm piecing it all together slowly. I'm getting there.' She whispered, throwing her sunglasses onto the sofa and closing the door to her room.

'To what?' I asked Fez, sitting down on the sofa and breathing in the smoke, sighing from how calm it made me feel.

'The whole Jules Nate Maddy situation. The police found out about him strangling her and he's made Jules testify against some random motherfucker they've never met.' He replied, taking it from my mouth and getting up to throw it out of the window.

I was still high from earlier and so the one I had just taken refilled me with the energy and calmness I needed.

Fez sat down besides me and tried to look away. I'd just been in bed, and was wearing nothing but a thong and a hoodie.

'Uh, it's late, stay over tonight?' I asked him.

'Only if you're sure.'

'Yeah, you can stay in the spare room.' I whispered quietly.

I saw him go to argue but stopped himself, standing up and heading to the stairs.

'Goodnight princess.'

I opened my mouth to beg him to stay, tell him I couldn't sleep without him, but I didn't say anything. I sighed, and got up to lock the door, throwing the keys on the table by the door and heading to my room. I was wide awake, not able to sleep. I sat on my phone for a while before checking the time. 3am. I got up from my bed and snuck into Fez's room. I tried not to wake him up but clearly his job as a drug dealer made him prone to even quiet noises. He switched the lamp on and pointed a gun at me, calming when he realised it was me.

'Fuck don't shoot me.' I said sarcastically, sliding in besides him.

'Shit I'm sorry ma, you just never know what could happen in the night.' He apologised, his muscles relaxing as he felt my arms snake around to his front.

I rested my head against his back and kissed his shoulder, and he begged me to let him turn around.

'I want to see you.'

'No I'm comfy like this.' I whispered.

'Fuck stop tripping and let me fucking see your manic ass.' He groaned, as I pulled my arms apart and let him turn over, pulling me ontop of him.

'I missed sleeping with you.' I whispered.

'Me too.' He replied, kissing my neck and pulling me even closer.

'This is so hard. I want to leave you and let you get on with your work, figure shit out before I come back into your life, but I can't leave you.' I fumbled quickly.

'Take your time baby, I understand.' He whispered.

'You're only saying that because you're laying in my bed right now.' I joked.

'Hey, you're laying in MY bed.' He replied, kissing my lips quickly.

'I'm still yours okay?' I yawned.


'And you can tell your fucking friend that I'm not going anywhere.' I added.

'I think you made that clear.' He chuckled, stroking my hair until I fell deeply asleep.

I woke up in the morning and Fez was gone. I frowned, reading a handwritten note he'd left on the side of my bed.

Goodmorning lovely, I left before you wake up because I know you need space and time, and I wanna give you as much of that as possible so we can get back to normal. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see your fine ass tonight, I'll pick you up at 6pm. I love you playboy <3

I smiled, tucking it up and sliding it into my bedside table.

'Rue!!' I shouted, not wanting to move. She skidded into my room still dressed in her stupid outfit and looked me up and down.

'You look like shit bro.'

'And you look fucking crazy.' I laughed.

'I need your help on this shit.' She said, sitting on the edge of my bed holding a folder, photos of Maddy and Jules, and Nate.

'Rue, I love you, but can't you let the police do their job?' I asked her.

'No because some random boy is gonna go to jail for something Nate did! He's crazy his whole family is crazy!' She exclaimed.

'I mean, me and Fez did see them kinda arguing, when we made out behind the pretzel van the other day.' I shrugged.

'Firstly ew, secondly, what do you mean by kinda argue?' She asked me slowly.

'Like he did kinda grab her.' I replied.

She jumped from my bed and ran back to where she was situated on the dining room table, not saying another word. I rolled my eyes and text Cassie, asking if she wanted to go shopping with me to buy an outfit for the party.

'Rue rue I'm going out with cas to buy a dress, I won't be long. Wanna come?' I shouted.

'Busy.' She replied.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door, locking it. Rue had a spare key but I liked to make sure she was safe and not going to do some crazy shit.

'What's up with her?' Cassie asked.
'She's doing some detective thing at the moment she's having a phase.' I shrugged, getting into the passenger seat of cassies car.

'Because of Nate?' She asked me.

I nodded.

'She's probably onto something.' Cassie replied, shrugging and heading towards town.

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