Part 37

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Mias POV:
It hit 10:30pm and I was beginning to get anxious. Fezco didn't want to leave my side at all, and in under an hour, Nate Jacobs, the boy who was dead, was going to be sat right in-front of me.

'Ash, please take Fez home. You can come back tomorrow, I want him to get some proper sleep and have a shower.' I begged, beginning to get visibly upset.

'Come on, bro, she's worried about you, and she's the one in the hospital bed.' Ashtray said, putting his hand on his brothers shoulder.

Fez hadn't touched any of his food that he'd gotten from the cafe, and the sandwich sat, untouched, on the desk besides my bed.

'You really want me to go?' He asked, hoarsely.

I wanted to say no, but I knew he needed to leave before Nate arrived. I nodded, squeezing his hand. He stood up, picking up his hoodie and throwing it over his shoulder.

'Hey, leave that.' I said, reaching out for it.

I saw him flash a small smile as he put it over me, flipping the hood up, so that I could barely see. I pulled it back down, smiling at him softly.

'I'll be back tomorrow at 9am, and then we're going home.' He said, firmly.

'No, I've gotta stay another day.' I argued.

'We go home tomorrow. I can't stand seeing you like this. I'm gonna look after you, okay?' He asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked me up and down once more.


'I love you.' He whispered, leaning closer so that only I could hear, giving me a few quick kisses on the lips.

'I love you too.'

I waved goodbye to Ash who was already at the door, and I told him to say hey to Rue for me, who had apparently passed out in the car.


I was beginning to get stressed. He could walk right into this room and shoot me, and I'd deserve it. I hid the biggest secret from his family, let them grieve a body that wasn't even his.

I heard a few taps on the window, and it slid open from the outside, a boy in a tracksuit climbing in, pulling down his hood. It was Nate. His hair had grown lots since being on the run, but other than looking unkept, he was definitely the same person.

'Fuck.' I whispered, watching him hesitantly as he closed the window, and pulled a chair up to my bed, making sure he wasn't too close to startle me.

'You didn't think it was me, huh?' He chuckled, pulling down his hood and brushing the dust off of his shoulders.

I shook my head, observing his every move extremely closely.

'I've got a deal for you, Mia.' He said, extremely calmly, pulling out a phone.

It was cracked, blood in-between the holes of the screen. It was his phone. The one Fezco had smashed when he saw the video of me and Nate.

'Nate, I really don't care what you've got to say.' I muttered, looking up at the ceiling, looking at his face made me nauseous. I still couldn't believe he was alive.

'You're gonna care. Or Fezco is gonna go to prison, just listen to me.' He said, harshly, putting the phone on the bed.

'Don't you wanna go and see Maddy? She's your girlfriend Nate and she's been grieving you. I've not been too bothered.' I replied angrily, pushing the phone onto the floor, breaking it completely into half.

I saw his blood begin to boil, he picked the two pieces of the phone up, putting them into his pocket and standing up, looking directly over me now. He grabbed me by the shoulder, gripping it hard, not breaking his harsh eye contact.

'Tyler is dead, soon the police are gonna realise that wasn't my body. Your plan was floored anyway. I'm alive. he was never gonna get away with it.' Nate scowled, squeezing my shoulder harder, until we both heard it break.

'Nate, please.' I begged, watching as his hand loosened from my shoulder, staring down at it in horror.

The pain was unbearable now, and the realisation that he'd just broken my arm was setting in, tears quietly falling from my face.

'Just tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it.' I cried, pushing him away from me with my feet, unable to move my arm anymore.

'I need you to get into my dads house, and steal the tape he has of Jules.' He said bluntly, barely even caring he'd just hurt me.

'Surely it'd be easier for you to do it. You're dead.' I said, trying to fight back the pain that was taking over.

He shook his head, sitting down and balancing his head on his hands.

'My dad knows somethings up, he's not stupid. You need to do it.' He said, finalising his word.

'Just wait a few weeks for the trial to start, he'll be put into cells and you can get it so much easier.' I said, panicking.

'No, no, I've gotta go and see Jules tomorrow night and I need the tape by then.' He replied. I looked at him in disgust.

'I'm in hospital, Nate, and I'm probably going to have to stay longer now you've broken my shoulder. I can't get it for you, and I'd not even attempt it if I was well enough.' I said bitterly, closing my eyes and trying to ignore him.

He stood up, and I heard him pacing the room, as he knew I was right. I wasn't going to be discharged in time.

'I don't wanna come back, I don't want anyone else to know I'm alive. I wanna start afresh and I'm gonna move to another town, with Jules, if she'll come with me.' He said, reading out his thoughts.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not ever knowing him and Jules had a thing. And then my heart began to sink, thinking about Rue.

'They're gonna know it's you that killed Tyler, Nate. Your fingerprints are gonna be everywhere. Fez is gonna be fine.' I said, almost trying to tell myself it would be okay.

'Yes, I know, I just, I need you do to me this one tiny favour.' He begged.

'Why would I do anything for you, Nate? You tried to ruin my relationship. You beat up Maddy, you spread a video of us I didn't even know you had!' I exclaimed, my voice beginning to get louder now.

He held his finger to his lips, listening as footsteps got closer outside of my door.

'I don't want to fucking know you.' I said, watching as he hurried to the window, opening it, staring at me and waiting for me to say another word.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, and Nate fled from the room, not even having time to close the window before doctors flooded in. Bruising had reached the top of my neck now, he'd broken a pretty tricky bone, and I knew it wouldn't be easy to fix.

'Straight into surgery, broken collar bone, shattered shoulder bone.' I heard my doctor say, leaning over me to mess with my meds, making me feel sleepy.

'Call the police.' A nurse said, walking over to close the window.

'Was someone here, Mia?' My doctor asked, looking over my bruising once more.

I nodded softly, my eyes beginning to close.

'And they did this to you?' He asked once more.

'He did, yes.' I said, falling into a sleep. Ready for surgery.

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