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Cyril continued running as fast as he could. All for him to be able to get out of the venue.

Patrick's voice got louder as he continuously called for Cyril.


Cyril just kept on running.

He ran in the middle of the dance floor, Patrick chased after him.

As he went down the stairs, one of his shoes apparently fell off his feet.

He attempts to come back for it.

However he hears Patrick getting nearer.


He leaves the shoe and continued running away from the hall.

Patrick sees the shoe that Cyril left on the staircase steps.

He picks it up.

Elijah, Esther, Erwin, Melanie, Benjamin and Valerie all chased after him.

"Patrick!" Esther called her son.


"What happened?" Erwin asked.

Patrick couldn't speak much.


He looked at the road and pondered for a moment.

Meanwhile, Cyril has finally got through the exit of the subdivision.

He sees Mario. 

He ran towards him.


"Oh Cyril! Wait... Where's your shoe?"

"I'll explain later, we need to leave now. Please drive!"

"All right all right, hop in!"

Cyril opens the car door immediately.

Mario starts the engine of his taxi and begins driving.

After a few moments, they have finally left the place.

While Mario is driving the car, Cyril looks out at the window, still trying to process all of the fast -paced events that have happened.

Cyril (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now