Chapter 23

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    Justin had arrived at Tyler's parents' house. His car was in the driveway, just as Justin expected. Knocking on their door, Tyler answered it with an expression that held no emotion. If he didn't bring Justin in for a man hug, he would have thought he was dead. “It's all my fault,” he mumbled while Justin patted his back.

Although, Tyler could have avoided this, Kevin taking Dana wasn't his fault. “Is that my Justin?” Tyler's mother spoke, wiping her tear-filled eyes.

Once he pulled away, Justin brought her in for a hug. “I hope you're doing okay, Mrs. Shaw,” he rasped into her ear.

“You're such a sweetheart, I'm glad you came,” she smiled, but it was quickly placed with a look of sadness and Justin couldn't help but feel guilty, like this was his fault. But surely it wasn't.

“Dana is gonna be okay,” he reassured her and she cupped his cheeks once more and kissed his forehead.

“Mr. Shaw,” he said, nodding his head to the old man.

And then his eyes landed on ones that held dispair but also lust. Hailey. He rolled his eyes when she smirked at him and turned to Tyler wondering why she was here. Hailey was an old friend who had dated Tyler for a few years . . . until he found out that Justin had slept with her willingly and more than once. Tyler was pissed for a few days, but his respect for Justin never died down.

Guess you could say he believed in the saying bros before hoes.

“Hey Justin,” she said in a seductive voice for only him to hear. Tyler was too busy comforting his crying parents anyway. “Why the fuck are you here?” He hissed quietly as he took a seat next to her.

“I'm here for support . . . for Tyler. And if you ever need some, just say when,” she winked. All three of them had been good friends before the drama, so Justin understood why she would be here, he just didn't like the idea of it.

“I won't,” he snapped.

“Why so hostile?” She grinned. “Is a certain little someone not happy?” She mocked, eyeing the zipper of his pants.

Now Justin became defensive, Hailey knew just how to get him riled up. “You know for a damn fact that I'm not little.”

“Oh yeah? Why don't you remind me?”

Justin placed his hand on her bare thigh and leaned into her ear. “Why don't you go fuck yourself, Hailey?” He did not want to deal with her shit. Everytime he saw her, her intentions were the same and she was just waiting for the day Justin would give up trying to push her away.

“You'd like that, huh? Watching me touch myself--“

“Enough!” He hissed, making Tyler glare at him from across the room. “I'll be outside,” he growled, stomping towards the door. He was definitely turned on and he needed to leave the situation.

Hailey stood up fixing her oversized sweater. “Stay,” Tyler sternly said, but she didn't listen. She made her way out to the porch where Justin was.

“If you're here to piss me off some more, I suggest you don't, unless you want me to strangle you.”


If anyone could fit Justin's personality better than he did, it would definitely be Hailey. Too bad they'd never work.

“I'm not really into the choking thing, but I can handle being bent over this balcony if you can,” she winked, nudging his arm.

“I'm not really feeling it,” he smiled, playing along. “Besides, I'm all out of condoms.”

“I miss this,” she whispered, crossing her arms. Justin looked down at her and furrowed his eyebrows. “Us playing around, when things weren't fucked up.”

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