Chapter 14

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    Violet ordered the pizzas and they came a half an hour later. After they ate, she brought Bailey to the couch and watched some TV. She'd gotten a couple texts from Justin around seven-thirty, reminding her to meet him in her driveway. She didn't know if she should text back telling him she was busy, but why? She wouldn't even give him the time of day . . . Or maybe she would, but that's beside the point.

“Who is Jus . . . tin?” Bailey asked, sounding out his name. She'd resorted to keep playing on Violet's phone and Violet was just waiting for her to ask. “Is he your friend?”

“Um, not really,” Violet spoke, trying to figure what to even call him. “Oh, is he your boyfriend?” She giggled.

Violet laughed too. “No, of course not. He's more like . . . an enemy.”

“An enemy?” Bailey asked in disbelief. “That's funny!”

Violet nodded, turning her head to the TV. Bailey did live up to what her mom had said. She was very smart and probably one of the smartest five year olds she knew, not that she knew many five year olds.

There was a knock at the door and Bailey's head snapped towards it. “Did you order more pizza?” She asked confused. And Violet laughed at the five year old's logic.

“No, I didn't. I think that might be our parents, but my mom has a key. I'll be back,” Violet said, pushing off the couch. She walked to the door and opened it, but no one was there. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. This is the part in every scary movie where the character steps onto the porch looking for someone and they get killed. Violet knew better than to be that person. “This better not be one of your pranks, Max,” she muttered before shutting the door . . . and locking it.

She started to walk away, but there was another knock. “Knock it off, Max!” She shouted. She whipped open the door and again, no one was there. “Jesus Chri--“

Justin jumped out, scaring Violet and Bailey who suddenly appeared by her side. Justin laughed his ass off, but quickly recomposed hisself when he noticed Violet shutting the door.

“Kitten, wait!” He shouted, shoving his shoe in the door.

“Please Justin, not right now,” she whispered pleadingly. Justin's eyes fell to Bailey and he crouched down with a grin on his face.

“Hey cutie,” he smiled. “I'm Justin, what's your name?” Bailey looked up at Violet and giggled. “So this is Justin!”

Violet weakly smiled and nodded. “My name is Bailey.”

“Well, Bailey is a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl, huh?” He asked, picking her up. “Are you Violet's sister?”

“No, she's not. She's my neighbor,” Violet smiled, feeling a little uneasy about Justin near Bailey. She shut the front door and stood near them.

“Bailey, why don't you play games on my phone and watch some TV, I'm gonna talk to Justin, okay?” Violet suggested. Bailey nodded, while Justin put her down and she ran to the couch.

Violet stood and smirked at Justin. “Never knew you were so good with kids.”

“I'm good at a lot of things . . . But I see why it's eight-thirty and I didn't see you in your driveway.”

“Bailey's part of the reason,” she shrugged. “But remember the part where I said I don't want anything to do with you?”

“I don't really . . . do the whole rule thing. How do you expect me to when you don't even text me back? Or call me.”

Violet sighed. “Didn't know it was that important.”

“I'm sorry, ya know.”

“Oh? You are?”

“Yeah, I got you into a lot of shit, gave you a lot of shit--“

“Treated me like shit,” Violet mumbled.

“I was getting there,” Justin muttered. “So sorry. Now forgive me because I don't do this pussy 'pologizing shit.”

“Fine. But--“

“No buts . . . So where's your parents?”

She rolled her eyes. “Out with Bailey's parents. Max is actually upstairs playing video games with their older son.”

“Perfect. We can get a quickie done in the bathroom, let's go,” he grinned.

Violet inwardly groaned. “There are innocent ears around here,” she hissed.


“Mysteriously”, Justin, Violet, and Bailey all fell asleep in Violet's bed with the TV still on. Luckily, Max found them before their parents got home and woke Violet up.

“You are an idiot,” Max mumbled.

“I didn't even know I fell asleep! Where's Tyler?”

“Bathroom. Get him out of here,” he said, referring to Justin.

“I will. Are mom and dad home?”

“Just pulled up. Hurry.” Violet took her brother for granted. He could be the best person in the world.

Violet turned to Bailey, picking her sleeping body up and carried her downstairs, but she definitely made sure to close her bedroom door.

Her parents and Bailey's walked through the door right on time.

Tyler and Bailey left with their parents and Violet asked hers about how their night went. They seemed to enjoy the Dean family and decided there would be more dinners in the future. But they said they were tired and headed bed, as did Violet.

She hurried to her room and saw Justin still there, so she locked her door and turned off the light.

“I'm not leaving,” he mumbled.

Violet pulled her hair out of the ponytail it was in and sighed. “I figured . . . But thanks, for being so nice with Bailey. It was very sweet.”

Justin turned toward her. “She's a cutie.”

Violet couldn't get over his sleepy voice. And his messy hair.

“You should probably sleep.”

Violet shrugged.

“C'mere. I promise I won't try anything,” he said, lifting the blanket up. Violet reluctantly climbed in and stared at the ceiling. Justin inhaled the scent coming from her hair and felt goosebumps raising on his arms.

“I'm not a hundred percent dick,” he muttered. Violet giggled. “I have a one hundred percent dick, but I'm actually not-so-bad of a guy . . . when I want to be.”

“I noticed.” Violet was wondering where this conversation would lead to. She never imagined Justin being so open . . . so unintimidating.

“Fuck, I'm tired,” he yawned. “Night, kitten.”

“Night,” she whispered. But she wasn't sleeping anytime soon. All she could focus on, was his hot breath hitting her back. He'd kept his promise about not trying anything, but deep down, Violet wished he had pulled her closer to him.

She wasn't much of a snooper (unless it was her brother), but during the time she brought Bailey down, Justin plugged his phone on the desk next to her bed, and she happened to catch a glimpse of a text he'd just received:

The job is done. He's dead  -Kevin


Sadly, this is the last chapter for the weekend because I have school tomorrow. But my spring break starts Friday and I will update a lot. :)

(and if ur looking for grade A, top of the line jb fanfics, check out two of my favorite authors jestina1771 and anirusso).

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