Chapter 15

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   Of course when Violet saw that text last night, like anyone, she jumped to conclusions. She thought, whoever Kevin is, maybe he killed an animal. Probably not, but that was the most logical, nonterrifying reason she could come up with. This is why you don't snoop!

Violet woke up and quickly jumped out of bed. She'd hoped no one would barge into her room and see her in bed with a boy. She peeked out the window to see only one car in the gravel driveway. Her dad wasn't home because he'd actually had a job other than the motel. All she had to worry about was her mother. She'd always come in and wake her up when Violet slept late.

She walked downstairs to see her mother cooking breakfast. “Wow, you're awake. What a surprise!” Tara laughed. “I'm going to finish cooking and then I'm gonna head down to the motel.”

“Alright . . .” Perfect, Violet thought.

Once Tara finished the scrambling of the eggs and the jellying of the toast, she grabbed her purse and jacket and headed out after saying goodbye. Violet sprinted up the stairs, but stopped once she got to her room. She quickly composed herself because she didn't want to look like an idiot in front of Justin.

She walked in to Justin laying shirtless on her bed and scrolling through his phone. So help me God . . .

“Morning kitten,” he muttered.

“Hi.” Violet was absolutely nervous. She didn't know what his mood was and she didn't know if she could prevent herself from climbing on top of him. Violet stood there debating whether or not to get back in bed.

“I don't bite,” he chuckled.

“Well, I just . . . didn't know--”

“Get your ass over here,” he growled, scooting over. His eyes watched, as she stood there, fumbling with her fingers.

Violet felt exposed, even in her long pajama pants and baggy shirt. But she made her way to Justin and sat down on the bed against the headboard. “My mom's down at the motel and my dad's at work til five-ish. So you don't have to worry about getting caught.”

Justin snickered. “I don't care if I get caught. It's all you, babe.”

“Well if you don't care, why didn't you leave hours ago? Or when they came home last night? Better yet, tell them you came over to sleep with me. Bet you'd care then.” Violet couldn't help but let it all out. She was on edge.

“And there's that mouth . . . Violet, I don't give a shit about what your parents think. I could fuck you with them watching and I'd laugh in their faces.”

Violet went back to hating him. He just ruined her morning, the one where she walked into her room only to see Jesus in human form, sprawled across her bed. Now that was a start to a great day. But Jesus, actually had the personality of Satan. Which was such a shame.

“I hate you.”

“And I love that you hate me. Hate sex is fucking awesome,” he grinned, locking his phone.

“Is that why you're here? Is that why you even hangout with me? Because you want sex?” Violet knew people like Justin were assholes, but she was hanging onto that tiny sliver of hope that grew when he was with Bailey. All sweet and father-like. It was like a glimpse of how she'd imagined her future husband to be like.

Justin furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. He thought for a bit. “I should leave,” he muttered, before sitting up. His back was on full display for Violet, and she felt wrong for staring at him like he was a piece of meat.

“Please don't go,” Violet whispered, pleadingly. Why did I say that?

“I thought you hated me,” he mocked. “But no.”

“No what? No, you're going to leave?”

No, I don't want you for sex. For one, you're underage,” he chuckled. “For two, you're probably a virgin and I don't do that shit. Too many emotions from the receiving side. And lastly, I hit it and quit it. If I did that to you, I wouldn't want to see you again . . . and I don't want that to happen.”

Violet understood. He had strict rules about who he had sex with. So did she, not that she'd had sex with anyone. “I understand.”

“I'm glad you do,” he muttered, stretching his shirt over his head.

“Who's Kevin?” Oh God! Please don't kill me!

Justin froze and glared at her. “Why?” He growled. “Did you--“ He started, motioning toward his phone, but Violet interrupted.

“I didn't go through your phone, I swear!” She admitted, backing away from him. He stepped close enough to where he grabbed her chin with one hand and forced her to look at him. “How the fuck do you know about Kevin?”

“I-I'm sorry. I just--I was laying in bed and I saw your phone light up and it said you got a text from Kevin,” she whispered.

Justin cursed loudly, letting her go. He scared the shit out of her. Her eyes were welling up with tears and she scolded herself for acting like such a baby. “Get out,” she said with a shaky voice. Confidence? Is that you?

What?” Justin sneered.

“I said get out,” she simply said.

Justin ran his fingers through his hair, before sighing angrily. “You're fucked. You don't know what you just got yourself into, kitten.”


The rest of Violet's day didn't go too well after that. Justin stormed out of her house and he took off in his truck without Tara seeing him, which was a good thing. But Violet felt like digging her own grave and burying herself for no one to find. She didn't know what Justin meant when he said that she didn't know what she'd gotten herself into.

Of course she didn't! He never tells her anything about him, he shows up out of the blue, expecting her to welcome him with open arms, (which she has), then he spends the night with her, acting all cute and then turns hostile when she's read a text that could have a million and one meanings.

He was definitely mercurial and she was hoping to get at least a text from him explaining himself. Better yet, a call, but no. He was stubborn, idiotically stubborn. There's a fine line between being a stubborn person and being a stubborn asshole. Justin was ten miles passed the line.

Violet was frustrated for sure. She wanted to throw everything she had out the window, but she didn't. That's called self-control. She had wished she never met him, and even went as far as wishing her parents would catch her sneaking around with a bad boy . . . that may or may not be committing crimes like, I don't know . . . murder? But then, at least she'd be forced to stay away from him.

“Why can't I stop thinking about him?” She whispered, angrily. She stomped out of her room and down the stairs where her dad eyed her weirdly, before muttering, “Teenagers.” And shaking his head.

Violet could care less what he was thinking. All she wanted to do was to wallow in ice cream and watch several episodes--scratch that, seasons--of The Vampire Diaries.

And she wasn't even going through a break up! He caused too much drama in her life in the passed two months she has moved to White Pine Bay. She could tell that things were just going to get more difficult.


Yay, spring break! I'll be uploading a lot. Also, new story cover. Do you guys like it?

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