Chapter 20

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    No texts, no calls, no uninvited pop-ups. Justin had actually listened to her. But was it really what Violet wanted? He gave her excitement in her boring life. And she wouldn't deny that making out with him was one of the best moments ever . . . even if she was drunk.

“If you're gonna be lazy, please don't do it here,” Tara groaned as she straightened the bed's sheets. “We have things to do and if you're going to do it wrong, get out of here.” Violet sighed while rolling her eyes.

“I'm helping, okay? I just . . . I'm confused.”

Her mom's eyebrows were perched on her face. “And why is that? Is it a boy?” She smirked, fluffing a pillow.

“No,” Violet lied. “Let's just say I got into a fight with a close friend and now we're not talking.”

“Oh? Is it Hilary?” Tara asked, taking a seat on the bed. She was a sucker for gossip. “Not exactly. But they're important to me. I kind of told them not to contact me, but I didn't mean for them to take it seriously.”

“Well,” she thought. “Maybe you should apologize. You've been like this for what? A week?” She asked. “Yes Vi, I've noticed how glum you've been,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Just apologize and see where it goes from there.”

“I don't think that'll work, but I'll try.”

“Great, now get out. You're distracting my cleaning!” Tara hissed, shoving Violet out of the motel room.

For the first time this whole week, Violet let a smile pull onto her face. Just thinking about talking to Justin again made her happy, even if he wasn't good for her. She skipped up the steps that led to her house and rushed to her room. Grabbing her  phone, she searched through recent calls and clicked on Justin's number, but not before frowning at the date of the last call. She had deleted his number when she was pissed at him, but she didn't clear her call history.

After six rings, his phone went to voicemail and Violet felt let down. Knowing Justin, he would answer his phone in a heartbeat. He was just one of those people. And him not answering Violet? She realized Justin actually didn't want to talk to her and she wanted to sit and pout.

But she didn't and instead, she sent a text to him. At least there was a chance he'd open it and see it.

Justin, I'm so sorry. Please call me. -V

She clicked send after reading it over fifty times. What am I doing? She thought.


Violet had resorted to helping out around the house and motel to get Justin off of her mind. But it didn't help that when ever she saw a black truck pass by she secretly hoped it was Justin. And the fact that she checked her phone every five seconds. Still no text or call back and she was worried. Is he dead or is he ignoring me? Did he read it or has he not checked his phone yet? God Justin, you're killing me!

And there it was. Her ringtone. Her hands flew to her back pocket. It was like her phone was the streetlight and she was the moth. She pulled her phone out and there it was. His name. Even his name made butterflies erupt in her stomach. She missed that feeling and that's why she decided to put his name back in her contacts.

“Hello? Justin?” She asked with a shaky voice.

“Hey kitten,” he said. He sounded tired like he'd just woken up, but it was three in the afternoon.

“Did I wake you?” Violet asked sincerely.



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