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Knov and Shoot went on to observe the swamp beasts safely transferred to an observation glass cell fortified with Nen inscriptions  to keep it strong. So far, the beasts seem to be in a state of rest and the black liquid around it have made some dents on the flooring of the cell but went no futher.

"I've been wondering, just how many organizations are out to kill the entire Zoldyck family?"

"If I were to compare it to military power, I'd say half of the country's army, Knov-san. But I also wonder why the family made themselves easy targets by coming to Swardani instead of hosting the wedding in their own estate." Shoot replied while keeping his eyes open for observation on the beast.

"You can blame Killua's mother. Although I cannot blame them if they trusted their monstrous assassin skills to be enough to protect themselves from any danger. Now, they cannot operate the way they used to since they want to handle this as diligently as possible. Especially now, they don't know how many are after them." Knov huffed, "and now, they're trying to protect the bride-to-be. She's a fragile glass to them."

Shoot supressed a mocking snort, "fragile, huh?" his mind remembered all the stubborness his student had done especially the recent one and then remembered the concerning part about her. He looks at the splashes on the floor that shaped itself into the cement and directs his attention to Knov,

"You think Ced is attacking for personal reasons?"

"I don't think he's the type to seek revenge. He made it clear how he can be independent as a Beast Hunter. But to team up with the Zoldyck family's foes? I'm not sure what he could possibly gain from all this."

"There are things we still don't know about." Shoot sighs, "By the way, I haven't spoken to Yura about her behavior yet, I was hoping Killlua addressed it already but I feel that she has something she doesn't intend to share."

Knov glanced at him curiously, "you mean she's holding back evidence?"

A thought just pricked Shoot at the back of his mind when he realized something and his face pulls into a deep frown, "if she's going to have her own investigation and go solo again with what she has, I swear..."

"I hope the wedding preparation will keep her busy enough today."

"I really am impressed with how Killua handles her, I have no idea how he does it."

"Well, it could be love talking. Honestly, I never thought those two would end up where they are now."

"Really? I did."

"How so?"

"Killua is obvious sometimes and Yura is in denial."

Knov laughs softly and Shoot goes back to brooding about Ced then thought of his methods. While Killua needs to watch out for his family's enemies in the underground business, Shoot might have to watch out for Ced who might have found something new to pick on, and Yura is the best target for him. The reason why, he is yet to figure out.

Wedding DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now