Chapter 9 - A challenge to be done

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As the day sets, the sound of clanking metal inside the bus along with the cold breeze from the air conditioner, facing the window side of the bus. Kenji rested his head on his hand and thought about his eventful day as he felt a small tinge inside of him. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply thinking what will happen next in their lives. he opened his eyes and looked on beside him where Koichi was staring down the row of seats of the bus. He stretched out his arms outward and grabbed his phone from his pockets.

Koichi: 5:10 huh, we'll be there at 30, Hm? Is something the matter Kenji?

Kenji: No, nothing really.

Koichi: Oh so you're actually thinking of those girls from earlier huh Tsk tsk tsk

A smug face grew from Koichi, Kenji sighed and reached his hand towards Koichi's forehead and flicked it.

Koichi: OW! ... What was that for?

Kenji: I just felt like doing it.

Koichi clicked his tongue and rubbed his forehead and rested along his seat. A smile grew from his face as he remembered the moment from earlier.

Koichi: But I will say this.. that thing you said.. that whole Being weak is fine, that was a bit cheesy don't you think?

Kenji just shrugged it off and a bit curious to what Koichi had to say

Kenji: And what makes you say that?

Koichi: Oh c'mon. "Being weak is fine, But staying weak makes a situation worse" I don't think that's even the right thing to say but eh. Oh and "just remember the friends that support you" bit, You can't lie it was cheesy.

Kenji just shrugged it off and continued to look out the window.

Kenji: Maybe. but at least they didn't press any more questions towards us.

Koichi: Yeah I guess you're right.

As Kenji continued to stare across the horizon. The blue sea came to sight and he spoke with a serious tone in his voice.

Kenji: Also please Koichi when we get home please apologize to Fuji.

No response was heard from him but just a tired and a slight annoyance look came from him.

Kenji: *sigh Koichi.... Fuji apologized already and he felt really bad about it this morning. So please.

Koichi: ..................Fine

Kenji: What was that?

Koichi: Mhmm I said fine alright.

Koichi pouted and a smile grew from Kenji's face and reached his hand on Koichi's head and proceeded to pat it gently.

Koichi: I'm not a child you know.

Kenji: I know, I just felt like doing it.... That's all.


The night was a silent one, a few crickets could be heard once in a while but inside the building, a woman with formal business attire walked along the halls of the building. Her footsteps echoed along the halls as another person called out to her, She looked back and saw a woman with a motherly smile approach her with ease.

???: My my, you seem awfully troubled.

She then proceeded to walk along her beside and checked the time from her watch.

???: *sigh What could he possibly want in this time of hour.

???: If he really called us at this time, then it must be important.
I have already put Alice to sleep back home so let's see what all the commotion is about shall we.

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