I'm so Sick

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Let me live without this empty bliss

Once the dust had settled and the snarky comments fuel by anger calmed to a minimum the five males were able to sit down and talk. It became apparent that no one truly wanted to leave Jade behind - not even Johnny and his uncaring attitude had felt completely comfortable with leaving her - so they put their heads together. After a few days, they had a plan.

Was it a good plan?

Probably not.

But it was a plan.

However, said plan required the father and son to have a Spanish speaker with them at all times so while Johnny was with Rico and Diego, Miguel was stuck with Robby.

Currently the two stayed at the motel at the demand of the adults while the three carried out their side. Which left a fuming Robby and an emotional Miguel to stare at nothing in a room whose atmosphere was thicker than ice.

Miguel was getting to a breaking point. Robby hadn't stopped glaring at him for a painful 15 minutes. He clenched and unclenched his right hand trying to get calm his mind from the rising anger that almost seem to come directly from the dropout. He was so tired of all the fighting and after the month he had, the drama seemed almost welcomed.

To see red instead of blue. Get rid of the feeling of defeat and feel angry. He wanted to be so fucking angry.

"More like your daughter knows your angry side well."

"It would seem she inherited that as well."

"Be lucky your son did not. Don't have a single thing that resembles you besides cheekbones and hair."

It was nice that Jade took up for him so consistently and the more he thought back on their relationship, he found that there had always been some kind of bond there. What was the chance that you just happened to go to the same school with your half-sister?

But, even through think about Jade Miguel couldn't help the anger festering like worker bees in his chest. After all that he had gone through with Jade he gets accused like this? Like he wasn't internally screaming at himself and Jade for leaving him after he had finally found out where he came from? He was tired of staring straight ahead at the TV and pretending that Robby wasn't there. With a jerk of his arm, Miguel turned the TV off and snapped at the kid.

"What's your problem?"

"You." It was spat crudely as if Miguel had murdered his first born child and Robby was here for revenge. The one worded response just made everything worse.

"What the hell did I do to you? Why'd you come if you were just going to act like a bitch the entire time?"

Robby had enough.

The brunette stalked over to Miguel and got into his face with a sneer that made the other teen take a step back. He shoved a finger into the boys chest angrily while he responded with emotion. Robby was tired of people.

"Let's get this straight, Diaz. I'm not here for you. I'm here for her."

Miguel scoffed and shoved the hand away. "Yeah, sure you are."

The dismissive statement fueled the last little bit of energy Robby needed to throw the first swing. In someways, the strike was a relief. Miguel needed the fight to let out everything that had been going on. But in others, he hated fighting like this.

But that's how the adults found the two teens when they came back.

The room was messy from both sides defending and offending the other. Robby had a nosebleed that almost dried onto his lips like a bright red lipstick while Miguel had a forming black eye and a split lip. They traded hits and kicks, letting out the negative energy the best way they knew how.

"Woah woah woah! Guys!"

Robby had just shoved Miguel out of the Motel to fight on the balcony of the entranceway when they came back. Arms wrapped around Miguel, successfully pulling him away but not before he got in a final kick to the stomach as Robby was also pulled away.

"I'll throw you off the balcony again, Diaz!"

"She doesn't fucking deserve you!" Miguel hissed out as he struggled. "Your family's already a fucking mess."

"Yeah, at least my sperm donor isn't a fucking murder!" Robby yelled back through his own jerks. His eyes were deadly as he pierced into Miguel. "At least I was there when no one else was!"

"Robby that's enough." Johnny said firmly as he worked on dragging his son away before any more harsh words could be shared. "Don't let Kreese get in your head."

A scoff left Robby's mouth and he was quick to get out of the hold. He stopped a few paces away from Miguel and clenched his fists. "Were you there when she was alone? When she was a shell? Who cleaned her apartment up while she was at school, kept her fed, listened to her cry when she thought no one could hear her?!" Robby slammed his hands to his chest to show who he was talking about while Miguel only glared.

"Me! I did! I was there when pigeon brain broke her heart, when she got sick after a concert, drank herself to oblivion, and I was the one who drove her to rehab. Me."  Miguel wavered feeling himself unravel at the idea that his rival was a better brother than he was. To be fair, he had only just learned of the relation but to know someone of blood was right there... he wanted family.

Robby didn't relent as he stepped closer to Miguel with a hope that the teen could feel the rage through his near-shaking body. "So don't go acting like big brother now. I was her brother first."

"Robby, come on man. Let's calm-"

"No!" Robby interrupted as he spun around and pointed at Johnny. "You... you don't get to tell me to calm down. You and-and him." He grit his teeth as he thought about all the times he watched his father being more of a dad to Miguel than him and let it fuel the fire more. "You've been a better father to someone who isn't fucking related to you than to your own son. You gave up on me and turned to him. Miguel. The non-fuck up."

Johnny frowned and crossed his arms defensively as he absorbed the words but couldn't understand the emotions. He hadn't realized that Robby was going through this and well, he was a fuck up for a dad, but he didn't think Robby was one.

"Now Robby, you aren't a fuck up."

"Then how come you didn't visit me?!" Robby yelled out angrily as tears entered his eyes. He strained to keep them in and not let a single drop he free. However despite his attempts at hiding his emotion, his voice cracked as he let out the words that plagued him. "When I was getting my face bashed in, why weren't you there to tell me to put my fists up?! Why was it Jade who visited me more than anyone else combined... the girl who knew nothing about me!" It was a boarder line psychotic breakdown as the words flowed like a waterfall and wouldn't - couldn't - stop. Robby continued to let his feelings out like a balloon losing air.

"How come... I always come second to Miguel? Why am I the forgotten thought to everyone in my life?!" His hands wound in his hair and pulled so that he could feel something other than the deep rooted depression of rejection. 

"Fuck. Jade was, no, is the only family that I have where I was number one. No expectations. No-" Robby cut himself off. The last conversation he had with Jade was out of anger and he didn't want that to be his last. He was throwing the anger at himself at everyone around him. "I'm going for a walk."

And the brunette jumped over the second floor railing and stalked off, no longer wanting to be part of any of that.

Miguel and Johnny were left with wide eyes at everything that had just happened. Rico and Diego rolled their eyes and Rico nodded his head to Robby.

"Consegiuré el casco."

"Suena bien."

As soon as Rico left, Diego sighed and clapped his hands at the two white guys. It's about time they get inside and he damn well was going to make them clean the mess up.

"Alright you two. Get inside. We're attracting too much attention."

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