White Rabbit

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I will get what I want
What I deserve

"Baja la pistola, Graciela."

"My name is Jade, y-you asshole!"

"Ya no te preguntaré de nuevo."

The shock came through immediately as the word hijo left her father's lips and Jade wanted to believe it was a lie. But the sick sincerity made Jade want to vomit as the severity of the situation increased with every passing minute.

Half brother. Medio hermano.

Miguel was her half brother.

And their dad was a fucking asshole.

Before the nausea hit from realizing she kissed and almost fucked her half brother hit, she felt a deep sorrow for Miguel. His dad was a piece of shit and was no better than a drunken Johnny Lawrence on a Friday night bender. She didn't have to see Miguel to know that the horror she felt was matched if not doubled by the teen karate champion.

But then it hit.

The dizziness. Fatigue. The absolute shock of the announcement caused her to fall back into her seat, gun laying on the table but still pointed at her father. Diego mad eye contact with Rico who nodded and they both out their guns away and sat down slowly. With a wave of his hand, Sebastían made his bodyguards out the guns away.

"Ahora." The man cleared his throat as he stared at the younger party with sadistic pleasure. "Miguel. Why don't you go to the bathroom. Rico? Diego? Show him the way."

A pause in the name of loyalty. Split the three up so that Jade was alone with her dad after a bombshell was dropped. Diego glanced at Jade hesitantly who gulped the fear down and nodded in permission.

The three boys left and so did the bodyguards.

It was just her and her father.

"So you want out, eh?"

Jade almost didn't hear the question. She had gotten so used to her father speaking to her in Spanish and she couldn't remember ever hearing him speak a word of English to her or her mother.


God she hated that stutter.

"I'll make you a deal, mija." Seastían poured himself some more wine appearing disinterested with the conversation. As if Jade was nothing more than a pesky fly amongst his table. "You can walk out those doors and I'll cut off all contact with you."

Jade's eyes narrowed feeling the condition coming up. Her fists clenched from their position on top of the table as she glared over in anticipation.

"And Miguel stays with me."

There it was. The heart stopping ultimatum that basically resigned Jade to this life she never wanted.

"Or you stay with me, do what I say, and Miguel goes back to America with your cousins. He stays out of this life while you get deeper."

Sebastían shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "Either choice will not, eh, effect me. No, in fact I am blind to both. I either get a son or a daughter. I have use for both."

She was going to be sick.

Sicker than when she ate LaRusso's sushi. Sicker than all those nights healing from rehab. Sicker than when she had the flu for a week and a half in fourth grade and had to fend for herself.

"Miguel..." Jade squeezed her eyes shut as if she could wish this all away. She thought about Johnny and Carmen, two adults who were waiting for Diaz's return. Her eyes shot open in resolve hardened into steel. "He deserves better than you and thankfully he has a dad that does a damn better job than you."

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