Late Night Talking

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I've never been a fan of change

"Class, I want you to meet a few friends of mine here to help teach."

Kyler and Tory gave each other a look as they headed up to the front of the room and went into the formation. Everyone went into a respectful kneel with their hands resting on their thighs while looking straight ahead. Something Silvers had started after Kreese's arrest.

No one knew what happened.

With a smirk at the submission, Terry Silvers stood a little taller. "Eyes on." The class looked over at the command and were free to look at the three adults who stood up front. A hand clamped down on the broad chested blond male in a friendly way. "This here is one of my old student and now colleague Mike Barnes."

The man he referred to had a military-style shaved head and seemed to look nearly as venomous as Terry with his small smirk and folded arms. Kyler felt a frown go across his face as he imagined Jade snorting and insulting the man. A ghost of a jab at his ribs and a carefree smirk to follow almost seemed real.

"Aye, bello. Don't he look like he got a big Dick in his ass to compensate for the tiny one up front?"

The snort rang across the room and when heads snapped to find the culprit he was quick to do the same, imitating the search with false anger in his face at the disrespect towards the sensei. In his mind he was kicking himself for allowing himself to be weak.

When no one could find who, Terry's narrowed eyes slowly opened back up to introduce his next sensei. A Korean woman whose eyes were the opposite of the man beside her. Her dark eyes were cold and sent shivers down the spines of the students as she analyzed them all with hands behind her back.

"This is Hyun-Shik. You will refer to her as such and will not shorten or mess up her name in any way. Am I clear?"

"I'm pretty sure this bitch ate too much sour candy as a kid and now her face is stuck looking like that."

"Yes sensei!" The confirmation echoed in the new dojo while Terry's smirk returned to his face. Kyler felt his nails press into his palm as the ghost of a punk seemed to infect his mind with a past that could no longer be in the present.

"Good. Now, let's show our new teachers what we know. Because starting next week, sensei Barnes and sensei Hyun-Shik will be leading this dojo to greatness!"

Tory and Kyler once again exchanged eye contact, both uncomfortable with the realization of new senseis while sensei Silvers left to start up the other two dojos. But both were quick on their feet when called to attention. Neither were willing to rid themselves of the pride of being the highest ranking students.

Tory deflated at the thought. A worm of illness slithering inside her stomach reminding her that her win was fake. Her arms went into a guard before her as her mind flickered to clear moments of loss between her and Sam.

On the other side of town Eli and Demetri sat at a table in the mall food court having come to go to the comic store. Eli missed these moments with his friend as they sat together eating cheap Chinese food and complaining about story lines. These little points in time made him feel more alive.

"Hey, speaking of Kamino and endless oceans..." Demetri said as he finished his soda dramatically. "I've gotta go release my own endless water supply. I'll be right back." Eli's nose wrinkled at the joke and waved his friend away. He just had to make a piss joke.

While alone Eli decided to get a refill on their drinks so that they didn't have to waste anymore time at the food court. He was getting antsy to catch up with the Dungeon Lord comic seeing as he had missed out on it while going on his angsty teen rampage.

"It didn't have to be this way Demetri! You could have join Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy!"

"At least he has a better chance at getting some, shitlip!"

Eli winced and his hand unconsciously snapped up to hide his lip with his drink as the memory washed over him in shame and regret. He stood in the familiar zone for a minute and envisioned one of his biggest regrets.

"Five against four... or should I say two and a half and a Mexican slut."

Why was he so mean?

What was it about Hawk that made Eli the very creature he hated? Was it the anger or the power? Did he go full Anakin Skywalker and turn to the dark side?

But what was his reason?

What was his Padmé and unfair treatment from the Jedi council? Who was his Obi Wan and Luke?

Or was he more like Ben Solo unleashing an anger onto the world after being mistreated? Would that make Jade a Rey? Or a Captain Phasma? Did she even have a character in his story or was she-

A hand landed on his shoulder and he jolted in shock. Panicked Eli turned around and pushed the figure away with a light shove using his shoulder. On edge, he waited for the next move of his attacker.

Only to take a step back at a mohawk.

"Geez, does everyone in California greet people with violence?"

A girl.

Almost as tall as him and slender with a ball piercing on her Cupid's bow and a black ring in the flesh of her brow with blonde roots dyed green. Her eyelids a very bright neon red.

The girl lifted an eyebrow at the boy who showed obvious shock and rolled her eyes. Anger started to bubble in her stomach as she opened her mouth and clapped her hands to startle to boy awake.

"Hey, are you alive?"

"Oi, tweedledee and tweedledumb."

Eli shook his head to wake himself up and started stuttering. "I- Oh I'm so sorry! I was just, I just I'm-"

He was cute. Nerdy yet obviously in shape judging by the muscles and features of his body. His reactions were confident in guarding himself and she let a chuckle out at the stammering.

"Hey, it's fine. I grabbed you. I shouldn't have done it so aggressively." She admitted while scratching the back of her head. "I just thought you seemed far off in thought and wanted to see if you were okay."

Eli swallowed. "Yeah, no. Just some, uh, memories haunting me."

The blonde stared at the brunette to a point where Eli started feeling uncomfortable and shifted in his stance. Her gaze was familiar yet new. After a while she stuck out her right hand and smiled.


Eli felt his heart skip a beat and went to shake the hand only to remember his hands were filled with a cup each. In an awkward manner, he set the cups on the floor and wiped the condensation on his pants before shoving his hand out nervously.


The two shook hands and Grace studied the blue eyes that seemed to match her own. When they let go of their hands Eli's eyes flickered up to the mohawk and she mistook it as a judgement.

"Most people notice my hair first but I promise my personality is bigger and brighter."

And he smiled.

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