And so it Went

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The children lost their minds
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

They say that the best artists are the depressed ones.

Teachers would list off Edgar Allen Poe, Van Gogh, Mark Rothko, Michelangelo as examples with their art work and poems to show the beauty they created from their darkness. Jade would list off musicians such as Kurt Cobain, Syd Barrett, Sinéad O'Connor... it seemed every band that she listened to was at least 50% fucked in the head.

Maybe that's why she listened. Their lyrics and chords spoke in an almost sacred language to a part of her that made her feel understood. Comforted. Less lonely. Sane.

When writing music there's a spot in the brain that tingles so sweetly that Jade thought it better than sex. Or maybe performing it live with the band was the peak, but then she would think about her recent sex life and realize that hate sex was better than anything... which led to more song writing. Which made her desire for more and-

She missed it.

The writing music part.

(All of it)

Jade examined herself in the mirror of the motel bathroom with weary eyes and tried to build herself up before the inevitable break down hit her. Just a few more days. In and out. She can-


She had forgotten about Miguel's phone in her jacket and carefully pulled it out from on top of the counter to see what was going on. Her eyebrows furrowed at the confusing notification and called Miguel over for clarification.

When the owner of the phone examined the notification he felt his eyes widen and let out a concerned stream of oh shit oh shit oh fuck while digging into his settings. Jade was going to kill him.

"What the fuck's going on?" Jade didn't like being left in the dark and she really didn't like the teen panicking like that. "Miguel?!"

"...My mom and I have an-an app that allows us to ping and track each other... for emergencies." Miguel hesitated with every word and tried to gage what the emotionless Jade was thinking. "I-I promise I had no idea! I forgot and-"

Jade snatched the device as they were interrupted by a loud 80's rock song blaring through the house. The punk read the contact Sensei and felt her eyes narrowed. She let it go to voicemail and looked at Miguel.

"How accurate is it?"

" can tell your addresses."

"Mother fucker!" Jade swore running a hand through her hair. She pointed at the phone and demanded more information. "So you're telling me your family has a clear address for this motel?"

The wince was all she needed to answer the phone at it's next ring.

"Miguel! You better not fucking hang up or I swear to your mom I'm going to kick your ass-"

"This isn't Miguel." Jade interrupted the attractive older male with an eye roll. There was a silence across the line.

" this that Mexican bitch who ruined everything?"

Another eye roll.

"It's the Mexican bitch with a gun to your kid's head."

Miguel looked at Jade with wide eyes and mouthed a what the fuck that was dutifully ignored.

"Real funny, kid. Put Miguel on the phone. I've learned a lot over the past year and I have rights to hit girls now."

It was Jade's turn to look at Miguel and mouth a what the fuck to which the other teen could only shrug sheepishly. When Johnny didn't get a reply he didn't miss a heart beat.

"It's called feminism. 2nd Ammendement. Or something."

"I'm..." Jade shook here head in an attempt to forget what just happened and motioned for Miguel to grab her the gun on the bathroom counter and to sit on the toilet. "Alright, DILF. Listen up. This is the sound of a gun." Jade motioned for Miguel to cock the gun back to emphasize the position. Miguel rolled his eyes and did so. "It's against your son's head."

There was a silence, then talking that she couldn't hear, followed by a n argument for the phone.

"Just give me the- Hello? Jade?"

Jade froze at the voice, her eyes staring at the shower but unseeing. She wasn't expecting the voice.

"Jade? Listen, whatever's going on we can help you. Is it... is it money? Family?" Daniel LaRusso tried to reason over the phone, his heart going out to the punk despite the circumstance. He dodged a grab from a pissed off Johnny and closed his eyes. "Listen, Jade I-I know I wasn't the best of mentors... and I'm sorry-"

"Sorry?" Jade snorted feeling a snap in her head and a heat like a volcano begging to burst rising her body. "You have the fuckin' idea to say sorry, now?!"

"Jade, please just listen to me-"

"No." Jade spat out so venomously that even Miguel flinched at the malice. "You had so much fuckin' time to say sorry... to-to see that I wasn't okay! But instead you focused on Robby. Everyone loves Robby, but Jade?" The punk looked in the mirror to glare into green eyes with hate. "That bitch, she's second. Always second."

"Now you know that isn't true Jade! You were one of my first students and I would do anything-"

"Anything? Bullshit." Jade chuckled sarcastically. "It's too late for apologizing and bartering."

Jade could hear a distant angry voice belonging to Johnny shout out and LaRusso trying to calm everyone down. The punk filled up a sink with water and rolled her eyes at the chaos.

"If you wanna see Miguel alive, don't find us."

Johnny finally got a hold of the phone and started threatening Jade. "Oh, I'm gonna find you. And when I do, I'm-"

Jade wasted no time in throwing the phone underwater with a roll of her eyes. Miguel only sighed and slumped his shoulders.

"Did you really have to-"

"Do you really think that's a good question to ask?"


Jade nodded and looked at her watch. "I'm... going to take a shower and then go to sleep."

Miguel's head snapped up in confusion. "You're not gonna tel your cousins?"

And she hesitated. Logically, she should have already been over there and trying to find a new location but... there was an emotional reasoning that this could heavily affect the mood between everyone that was so hazardous as it was.

"We'll be moving soon anyways. It's fine."

Neither teen believed her, but went along with it anyways.

After all, what could a gringo do to them?

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