Yushiro x male reader (angst to fluff)

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requested by @Iguromybeloved Slight manga spoilers for the final battle arc, I, personally, haven't read the manga, but I know some spoilers due to Tiktok and everything, so I know some of the characters that end up dying in the manga, if my information isn't correct please forgive me due to my lack of knowledge of the manga, I am just a bored writer who want to make people happy, I'll probably end up making more one shots that aren't requested after this one, its 10 pm rn so it might be short even though I'm not tired and probably sleep until 2 am- so if its a bit short, I apologize.

Black coffee. Black coffee was Y/n's favorite drink. That's really all he would drink, life as a demon slayer was very tiring and the drink kept the man awake. Yushiro would often scold the demon slayer because of how unhealthy it was to just drink black coffee, the demon slayer had been dating the demon for awhile, without the corps knowing in fear of a punishment.

But after the death of his beloved and Lady Tamayo in the final battle with Kibutsuji with many others, all Yushiro drank was black coffee to symbolize and grieve Y/n. With the death of Kibutsuji Muzan, demons perished, nezuko had turned human, leaving Yushiro to be the only existing demon. Through the years, Yushiro survived and thrived, still grieving over Lady Tamayo's and Y/n's death of course. He felt aimless. He spread his knowledge and love through paintings of the two, quickly becoming a famous painter who kept painting mysterious people.

Though, Y/n, as long as many others, had gone through the process of "reincarnation", their souls left to be born into a new body, though, the new life they were born into looked familiar or exactly like they did in their past life, Sams personality, same looks, and same voice. At first you'd start with memory flashes in dreams, full on memories, it'd be small memories until you would be remembering your whole life cycle in your past life, your friends, your family, and maybe even your significant lover if you had one. Y/n figured out and remembered everything quickly, desperate to find his love once more, he hoped that his sweetheart had survived so they could meet once more and continue their love story that had unfortunately cut short. He needed to see Yushiro. And he needed to see him now. The only perks of being reincarnated was that no one would be against the idea of a demon and human because nobody would know and the idea of homosexuality was more accepted and common then it was in the Taisho Era.

Yushiro had occurring nightmares of his beloveds death. He remembered seeing the Kakushi covering his lovers dead body, He had multiple regrets of not saving Y/n, maybe if the idea and possibility of reincarnation was real he'd meet his darling once more, but it was highly unlikely to Yushiro. He often visited the grave, the cemetery grounds of past hashira and demon slayer was very dusty and broken down, it was there and standing since you are not allowed to take down and intrude on cemetery property unless you're visiting some you know who died, every time he visited he'd bring (Fav color) flowers knowing that Y/n had a deep love for the beautiful color, every once and awhile he'd set down a small painting of his lover, though the cemetery guards would throw them out.

Present day, Yushiro had gone out to a big store that specialized with art as he was running out of paint for his paintings of his lover and Lady Tamayo. Some people would notice him, some wouldn't, he was quite glad he wasn't getting swarmed by so many insufferable people, or as people call them, "the paparazzi". Y/n was a worker there, he would walk around the building if people needed help, his kindness and knowledge helped a lot with his job, as he was currently employee of the month. (Your welcome😍😋) As he was walking around he spotted Yushiro, the man looked exactly like his beloved in his past life but ignored it.

"Hello sir!"

"If you're a paparazzi, go away"

Yeesh, Yushiro got a but cold and brutal over the years. Yushiro on the other hand recognized that voice by heart.

"I'm not a paparazzi, sir. I'm an employee here, My name is Y-"


"...wait... YUSHIRO?!"

"Y/n!?!! Is that really you?"

"yes! Yes! God yes! Its me!" Y/n crashed into Yushiro diving into a crushing hug, Y/n felt tears fall down his face as he sobbed into Yushiro's shoulder, Yushiro felt tears forming, threatening to spill. Y/n let go of Yushiro in the hug and repeatedly kissed Yushiro's lips. Yushiro was crying as well, not as much as Y/n though.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you! I'm so so so sorry for making you fend for yourself! I didn't even know if you survived after I did or not! I'm so sorry for making you wait! I'm a horrible horrible boyfriend! I understand if you found someone else! I just missed you so much!"

"Its okay Y/n, I still haven't gotten over your death, this is like a dream to me. This is almost too real. I should've saved you, but I didn't- I'm the horrible boyfriend here!-" more tears were spilling from the two males eyes.

"no you're not! I promise to never leave you ever again! If I die again, I'll search for you again! Or or- you could- make me a demon if that works-"

"Shh it's okay, as long as you're here now, its all that matters...."

"Oh how much I missed you Yushiro...."

"I love you so much Y/n"

"I love you more!"

The two kissed each other, other people stared but they didn't say anything, they just let the two lovers be and act who they are, I mean you never see this every day, so its best to just let the two lovebirds do whatever.


Y/n had ended up asking his boss if he could clock out early because something important happened and his boss allowed him to do so, Y/n ended up taking Yushiro to his house to cuddle as he lives alone.

Aaaaa! I finally finished this oneshot! Sorry if it's a bit short, and that it took so long to write, the last story I made, made me a bit tired so I apologize. How was it? Bring it back is literally playing on my playlist rn 💀. Also your requests are making me have a male reader/ Y/n brain rot and that's ok! I really like your requests! Soooo don't be afraid! I'm still waiting for advice on how to make the reader Genderfluid for DakiUmeSan's request! Sorry!

Kny characters x reader one shots (mainly male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant