The Outsider pt 2.

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This means normal talking or actions
This means thoughts or emphasis on words
Severus's pov

There they were..... the infamous marauders.

Severus was quickly spotted by Peter.

"Guys look there he is!". Pettigrew practically yelled and pointed as if he just Santa.

"Ay snivellus! Quit hiding, we just want to talk", Black spoke in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Anything involving you lot is trouble, so no". Severus tried to slip past them.

"Aww, don't be like that snivy. You're our favorite person to play with". Potter said in the same voice as Black, and swung an arm around his shoulders.

"Yeah snivellus, play with us". Pettigrew repeated.

Standing in the corner was Lupin. He didn't bat an eye at what was happening to Severus and seemed more concentrated with his book. The fact infuriated Severus.

"Like I said, the answer is no". And with that he slipped out of Potter's grasp and into the great hall. But not before casting the Avifors jinx on Pettigrew, and getting to see him turn into a small bird with the rest of the marauders going into a panic. He couldn't help but chuckle at the situation on his way to his table. Most likely startlingly the people he passed.

"SEVERUS!", lucius' whiny voice called out to him.

Severus audibly groaned, "what is it now luci?". He asked with much annoyance.

"I ran out of hair gel again!! Can you make some more for me?", lucius pleaded to Severus, sitting down next to him.

"Go ask Tom, he'll do it for you. And one of these days, those products will finally seep in." He rolled his eyes at lucius's request. For as long as he's known him, he has never seen him without hair gel once.

He's too hot for me talk too I could never talk to that fine piece of man!!

"Really luci! He's too hot for you to talk to? You two literally talk everyday." Severus spoke with much exasperation.

Lucius stood there with a flushed face and mouth agape. He had forgotten Severus being a legilimens and occlumens. That fact made him scared and respect him.

"Did someone say my name?". A soothing voice called.

"Nothing Tom, we were just talking about getting you for breakfast". Lucius said and acted composed, as if he hadn't just simped for the man before him. Making the black haired male next to him smirk to himself.

"What's up gays?!"

Immediately, all three boys instantly knew who it was. As only one person greeted them with that.

Bellatrix Black.

She was followed closely behind by her two sisters and regulus.

"Good morning, how is everyone?". Narcissa's voice asked the three, but her eyes were on a certain blond.

"We're doing really well Cissa". Responded lucius with a light pink dusting his cheeks.

The two smiled at each other before Tom grabbed lucius's arm and said,

"Yes, well, we really need to get to class before we're late. You understand don't you, Narcissia?". Tom was practically staring daggers at her, but hid it well with a smile. Narcissia responded the same way to him.

"Of course Tom, wouldn't want any of you to miss you're studies".

At this point both of them were having a silent conversation with their eyes. They were interrupted by the youngest slytherin of the group.

"You guys are being weird, come on guys let's go". Gesturing for his friends to follow him. Even if regulus was younger than all of them, he was quite mature for his age.

They all followed him out and all went their classes.


It was finally lunchtime and Severus decided to use that time for some reading. The day had passed by with a breeze, with the occasional glares Severus got from the marauders, and squawks from Peter. It took everything the slytherin had to not brust out laughing. This was the only time he could relax and let the worries of the day wash away. He walked outside to a tree near by the black lake, and let out a sigh as he sat down.

This is just what I needed, no class, no drama, and no dumb marauders. And no Ja-

"Oi snivellus!"


Severus' train of thought was cut off by none other than Potter and the rest of the marauders.

"What do you want Potter?". Severus asked coldly as he got from his spot at the tree.

"Oh not much, just to return the favor for turning Peter into a bird". Black responded for him. Just as if on cue Pettigrew let out a squawk.

Severus rolled his eyes. He pulled out his wand.


"EXPELLIARMUS!". Potter shouted at Severus causing his wand to fall out of his hand.

"Not so strong now, huh Snivellus?"

"You damn pr-"


With that, Severus' ankles were locked together and he was dangling in the air. He let out a short scream.

People around had started crowding, they were laughing at him? He couldn't believe his eyes.

How in the world, do people find this funny? I'm literally being tortured!?

"See now snivellus? Maybe this next time you'll think twice and go d-"


That was the sound of Potter's nose breaking, before Severus fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Everyone was wondering what had just hit him. And that's when they saw it.

A bright pink shoe with blood stains was laying across the yard.

And from across the crowd,

Was standing a blond girl, dressed in a Ravenclaw uniform, with another pink shoe.......

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