The Insane

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This means normal talking or actions
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

Bellatrix's pov

Bellatrix did the only thing she could at the moment... she let herself fall into the comforting touch, inhaling Luna's calming scent.

She smells wonderful.

It's not every day you hear something so comforting said. And it's not every day you let your feelings take control.

But what could she do for someone crying? Comfort wasn't a quality she was taught, nor was crying. She's never really seen anyone cry.

It was seen as a weakness to cry and have such "childish" qualities. And worse of all, she lost her temper in front of her sisters and friends. Would they be disappointed in her actions?

Bella could feel a wet spot forming from Luna's tears. The girl had her arms wrapped around the slytherins' waist with her face buried in the crook of her neck. Bellatrix quickly stiffened up realizing what position they were in.

But Luna continued crying, keeping to her word that she would cry for the Slytherin.

What the fuck do I do?? Someone help me!! AHHHHHHHHH!!

Regulus quickly muttered his annoyances under his breath and rolled his eyes at Bella's obvious panic. He walked up from behind Luna and used his hands to tell her what to do. Gesturing with his hands, confusing the poor girl even more.

What? What the fuck is that? Do I need to cradle her???

Bellatrix mouthed to the young boy her concerns. He nodded in response and gave her a thumbs up. Thinking that she understood the assignment.

Instead, the Slytherin picked the Ravenclaw by her legs and began to cradle her. As if she was a newborn infant.

Immediately, Luna started to calm down and even began to giggle at Bella's actions. Regulus shook his head with disappointment.

(Like my art teacher disappointed when we can't listen to instructions😮‍💨).

"That's not what I meant Bella!"

"Well sorry, you can't explain things right!". On the other hand, Luna didn't mind this small mistake, she happily enjoyed being carried.

"Sorry love, but this damn toddler needs to learn how to respect his elders!"

"Toddler!?" Regulus shrieked.

But unfortunately, all good dreams need to end, Bellatrix put Luna down and continued her bickering with Reg. The girl walked back to the dorms saying nothing, only having a cheerful look.

Saying nothing and everything at the same time.

"We don't have time for this, let's go, or otherwise we'll be late for breakfast!" Narcissa smacked the back of Bella's head and rushed them all out. Except for Tom, walking out before him and sticking her tongue out at him.

"If your an elder then I guess that makes you a grandma, huh?" Everyone let out a groan, hearing the two still fighting.

"What did you just say!"

"Oh sorry, are your hearing aids not functioning?" Reg retorted back with a smirk.


The Slytherins walked without emotion crossing their faces or even a word coming from them. Not even Lucius bared a whisper when he stepped in a minging substance. But the Ravenclaw skipped and hummed as she went, not bothering to follow her new friends.

In all honesty, Bellatrix felt embarrassed in front of the blond girl, she let her mask fall in front of an outsider. She stared at the blond from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but frown at the way she acted chuffed. Holding the flowers only adding more to her dreamy beauty.

She probably has a normal perfect life, with perfect parents, perfect friends! Now it's all ruined because she got stuck with some rotten apples.

Stuck in her thoughts, Bellatrix hadn't realized Luna moved much closer to her, practically leaning in.

"Are you feeling better now?" Luna asked from beside her, looking straight ahead.

"Huh? Oh that, yes...thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

The rest of the walk between the two went in silence. But the whispers bouncing off the walls echoed in their ears. Students loitering around empty classrooms and corners switched their conversations upon seeing the Slytherins, and the Ravenclaw.

"That's peculiar..."

"It's that girl..."

"Look at her odd look..."

What the hell!? What did that bitch just say!?

Bellatrix gritted her teeth, clenching her fists inside her pockets. The rest of the group heard the gossip but remained unfazed. Their reputation was at stake, being talked about if they reacted, and if word got out to their families. Then punishment would be served.

Luna could see Bella clenching her jaw, all because people were saying things about her. She rested her hand on Bella's arm, "it's okay," she said. Hoping it would calm her down.

"What a walking disaster!", a girl with blond curls said, with obnoxious laughter following her words.

Bella turned her head to the owner of the voice and glared at her with all her might, practically growling at her. The blonde squeaked and jumped back in fear.

"Don't worry about it, people like them are just sick and say nothing but... but rubbish..." Luna's words drifted away, why did it sound so void? So blank without sincerity.

The girl still trailing behind them, talked once more. Signing her contract to her own death.

"Honestly, who does that girl think she is? Thinking she's worthy of even touching one of the sacred 28! My, I wonder what would happen if someone were to write some things about her...?" She giggled with heinous intent.

Fuck being okay.

"Oi, minger!"

The girl stopped mid-way in her shrill laughter, and Bellatrix saw it was Rita Skeeter.

A Ravenclaw girl well known for writing false stories and accusations of students and faculty with nothing good in mind. Her look wasn't any better, boy, if Luna's a disaster, she's a crisis.

"Write about this!"

Bellatrix punched the girl right in her face, blood smearing her knuckles and the girl's face. Bellatrix hissed at the pain in her hand.

Fuck! No one said this shit hurt!

The punch pushed the girl into the wall behind her, her glasses breaking along with her.

"Are- Are you insane?!" The girl screamed furiously, spitting in Bellatrix's face.

"Insane?" Bellatrix couldn't help but chuckle at the word.

"I'll have your head for this you damn witch!"

The Slytherin looked at Skeeter with craze eyes. Giving a small smile. She gulped and backed away in terror, visibly shaking in fear. To say that Bellatrix was one of the most powerful in her year was no exaggeration.

"Me? Insane, Ha!" Her tone held no resentment, but instead, pure amusement.

"Thank you for the compliment. But........"

Author's note
I LIVE!! Surprisingly somehow. Hello bishes, bros, and non- binary hoes! I hope you're doing well and have been well, as you all have noticed I haven't updated in well over month and haven't given thanks to some lovely people. I really sorry about the long wait and I swear I really am trying, but school is too much! Next I'll be working on the next chapter for love letters. I hope you all have a marvelous day or night and take good care of yourselves you beautiful people :) 💛

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