The Girl

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This means normal talking or actions
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

No one's pov

Before he lost...... consciousness.

Luna's pov

Crap, crap, crap, crap! Please don't be dead!

Luna held on to her teacher with care, surprising her with how light he was. She even moved him up and down lightly to see his weight.

Oh. Nice.

"SEVERUS", lily's voice shouted.

Luna looked up and saw that lily ran with knuckles bloody and a face full of panic. Luna looked beyond her and saw two of the marauders stricken with fear, to her, their faces looked broken. And a look that said they've seen the devil herself.

"What happened to him!?". Lily's voice bringing back her attention.

"I was ju-"

"Nevermind that. We have to get him to the hospital wing, come on let's go!" Lily was running at full speed, she looked as if she was on a war-path. Luna couldn't help but admire lily even during the situation. She reminded her of a certain gryffindor in her year, with the same fiery red hair and fierceness.

She never loved a girl the way she loved her. But unfortunately they've never talked, never even locked eyes.

The two girls ran and ran until they reached the hospital wing. With lily pushing people out of the way for Luna.

"Madam Pomfrey!", lily called out for the medic nurse.

"Please do not yell Ms. Evans. Now what has happened to Mr. Snape this time".
Madam Pomfrey sounded annoyed by the students presence, clearly used to these two. She looked surprised to see Luna though.

"Please put him down right here while I go get some potions", the medic witch said gesturing to a bed behind her.

It surprised Luna seeing madam Pomfrey look so young. She always had her gray hair in a low bun and was a bit old. But during this time, she had light blond hair and seemed to be in rather good shape.

Luna placed him gently on the bed, being careful not to hurt him. She looked closely this time and took in her teacher's features. He had light circles under his eyes, he seemed to be more paler than usual, and he was incredibly skinny.

What a funny man.

She still held her smile from before. She didn't know what to do now, the only person she could talk to fainted.

What do I do now?

Luna let a sigh out at the thought. She forgot about lily being behind her.

"What did you do to him?". Lily's voice came out as a hiss behind her.


"Then why did he faint?"

"I'm not sure"

"What were you talking about?"

"Nothing in particular"

It was clear lily was getting nowhere with her interrogation with Luna. Luna wasn't giving her an answer and was acting nothing just happened.

"Then what was the last thing you said to him before he fainted?"

"That I'm from the year 1996 and I needed help to return to my time", she said turning her head to lily. Again, luna is acting as if nothing is happening.

Lily's pov


What did she just say?

Lily had a dumbfounded look on her face. She couldn't believed what this girl just said to her, had she finally lost it?

"Professor snape had that same look on his face when I told him". The Ravenclaw girl was pointing at lily's face now, she lightly slapped her hand away.

Lily pinched the bridge of her nose. She really didn't want to believe this, the girl had called severus professor and she didn't seem to be speaking in derision. She let out an exasperated sigh.

I can't believe I'm going to do this for you Sev.

"Alright fine. You need help returning to your time but why would you need Severus? Why not, I don't know, headmaster Dumbledore?". Lily said gesturing to the unconscious body next to them.

"I didn't know headmaster Dumbledore was here but he's never cared for me. So I see no point in going to him when professor snape is right here. Professor snape is the smartest teacher at school and he's never judged me for me". The unknown girl explained to lily.

"I can believe the part that he's incredibly smart but Dumbledore not caring? I'm sorry, but that I don't believe", lily put her hands up in defense when the girl gave her a confused stare.

"Oh no he's definitely never cared", said a voice lifting the curtain shielding the bed.

It was lucius.

Becky with the good hair!

"Glad to see you still eavesdrop Marilyn Monroe wannabe". Lily said to lucius with a teasing smirk. The two students never seemed to get along, more like tolerate each other. But they always called names or teased each other.

"Ha! Jokes on you. I don't even know who that is". He stuck his pointer finger and thumb out holding it underneath his chin.

Lily raised her middle finger at him in response.

Lucius cleared his throat, putting on a cold stare and serious face. Lily doing the same, both stared at the girl in front of them.

"What my ginger-"


"Friend here forgot to ask is......

Author's note
Well that took way too long to write. Sorry it took so long, but high-five to anyone who got the reference in the chapter! If you can, please check out my other stories. Thank you for reading the new chapter, stay safe and have a nice day:)

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